Raad: Lebanon Can Only Be Governed by All of its Factions

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad hailed on Monday the formation of a new government, while warning against attempts to exploit political rivalries in Lebanon to create Sunni-Shiite strife.

He said: “Lebanon can only be governed by all of its factions.”

“The other camp sought to form a neutral or de facto cabinet because it did not want to participate in rule with Hizbullah,” he continued.

“They are now however part of an all-embracing political government after their calls for a neutral and de facto cabinet failed,” he said.

Moreover, Raad added: “We want to protect the resistance and the people's interests.”

“We want to preserve the country's sovereignty, independence, strength, and deterrent power,” continued the MP.

Furthermore, he remarked that “all corruption in the Arab world stems from the American-Israeli axis.”

“Takfiris and terrorists are pawns of this axis … We have been burdened by people who cannot cut off their ties with this axis,” he lamented.

“We must adapt to this reality in order to achieve the dreams of freedom and dignity. The new government meets several of the principles that we aspire for,” Raad noted.

“We will continue to challenge the other camp until is wakes up from its slumber,” he said.

A new government was formed on Saturday after a nearly 11-month deadlock.

Comments 51
Thumb FlameCatcher 17 February 2014, 14:44

Raad : the only way to handicap Lebanon is to let it be "governed by all its faction". This is how you get NOTHING done !

If you want to bring change to the country :

1- Come up with a political program beyond your Takfiri / Israel BS
2- Give all the means to the majority to achieve their program

Otherwise, you stay in a stagnating situation. A situation that Hezbollah thrives on !

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 15:34

call the takfiri and israeli threats "BS" discredits you from any rational debate. for HA and any real patriot in this country, preserving ourselves from the threats of occupation/colonization or religious fanaticism and head-chopping fever is primordial.
failing to recognize this as a serious matter (like you just did to the image of most m14 leaders) means you cannot be counted on for a national defense strategy.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 15:37

PS: 55.5% of lebanese voted for m8 at the last elections, but you ignore that fact. you say you prefer to take parliamentary majority? but then when parliamentary majority shifts to m8 (when they unseated saad from his throne for instance) you also chose to ignore it.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17 February 2014, 16:21

@Mowaten :

1. Your unconditional defense of Hezbollah and their fairy tales discredits you from any debates. You cannot fight fanatics with an army of other fanatics. Again, as long as Hezbollah does not represent Lebanese, they are not fighting for Lebanon but only themselves.

Takfiris and Israeli threats are just "threats" used by Nasrallah to justify their wars.

2. M14 has won the elections in 2009. How can you deny that and claim the opposite ??? Not only do you cheat people by lying about Hezbollah's motives. You cheat them of historical facts too ? Fact is, Lebanese voted 57 M8 MPs and 69 M14 MPs. So stop basing your numbers on a "tampered" wikipedia page that shows the same numbers but inverts the percentages...

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:35

hahahahah FC, that's the new excuse? that the wikipedia page was "tampered" with?
boy oh boy, m8 are so good they must have also hacked the CIA!!!

"election results: percent of vote by group - March 8 Coalition 54.7%, March 14 Coalition 45.3%; seats by group - March 14 Coalition 71; March 8 Coalition 57"


you're a waste of time dude, all fabrications and denial and more fabrications to refuse basic FACTS.

Thumb geha 17 February 2014, 16:36

I am pretty sure that FC is not waiting for mowaten's opinion to know that hiss comment is discredited for this or that :) as coming from a totally discredited Iranian extremist terrorist, that judgment means nothing :)

Thumb FlameCatcher 17 February 2014, 16:39

Ya Mowaten : how can M14 have more seats than M8 if M8 is the majority ?

You said it : M14 has 71 seats but 45% and M8 has 57 seats but 55 %??? how does this work, please explain ... !

Thumb ice-man 17 February 2014, 16:56

It was Southern's 3rd wedding.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:59

FlameCatcher: that is what we've been trying to explain to you for the last years! the parliamentary elections rely on disproportionate electoral zones. the electoral law can be "tweaked" to influence the results, for instance giving one area more MPs than it should given the number of residents, because they know this area will vote for them.
that figure of 55% voting for m8 is an undeniable fact, check it and cross check it with as many sources as you want.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17 February 2014, 17:09

@Mowaten: this is based on an electoral law that was agreed upon by all parties. You can cut up Lebanon in different ways and get different results. Fact is, there are more M14 MPs than M8 and this majority was never respected.

Unfortunately, all our political system is messed up. M14 / M8 should not exist. Neither should any of the policial parties.

Politics and parties based on SECTS should be banned.

Politicians who participated in Lebanon's civil war should also be banned.

In the meantime, you have to play by the book and respect that M14 won the elections whether or not we agree on the "disection" of Lebanon's electoral districts or not.

If you do not respect the outcome of the elections, than you cannot claim to be democratic at all !

Thumb ex-fpm 17 February 2014, 17:17

Spot on eagle!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 17:18

FC: i was ahead of you by about an hour. refer to my second comment:

"55.5% of lebanese voted for m8 at the last elections, but you ignore that fact. you say you prefer to take parliamentary majority? but then when parliamentary majority shifts to m8 (when they unseated saad from his throne for instance) you also chose to ignore it."

and i realize i just spent one hour only to have you admit a simple fact, that m8 got 55% of the people's votes.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 17:19

Get the figures for the turnout by region. Then maybe I'll consider giving your scribblings even the slightest attention.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 19:02

eagledawn: i did your homework for you, and turns out you were wrong.
baalbeck had a turnout of 49%, bint jbeil 42%, tyre 48%, nabatiyeh the highest with 56%.
while akkar had a turnout of 53%, saida 67%, tripoli 45%, zahle 58%.
seems like figures are higher in mustaqbal areas, despite your propaganda lies.

Thumb ex-fpm 17 February 2014, 14:45

I said it before: Unfortunately, HA views Sovereignty as area and sect specific. Raad is talking to his intended audience and not to the rest of the Lebanese people.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 15:32

well obviously he cant be talking to you since you wont listen.
but you dont need to, you can make up fictitious speeches and views and attribute them to HA.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 15:30

lies, as usual. the m8 parliamentary majority unseated saad from its throne, and the parliament chose miqati in his stead.
he repeatedly offered to all m14 parties to join the cabinet, but they refused.
your daily propaganda cannot change facts anonyme, and i wanted to say i loved your excuse yesterday, that google gives "too many results" for you to be able to find sources to back any of your daily rantings.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:04

lol, you attribute false quotes to people, and then say "everybody knows" or "they will surface one day". how easy is it to say anything about anyone, and then answer as you just did? it is dishonest and cheap. either back your claims or back off.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:56

anonyme, i didnt ask you about that. why jump to change the subject???
"PS: As i said - every reader here knows what Hezbollah & your M8 used to say after each M14 figure gets assassinated - and Lebanese TV media must have them in their archive - so don't worry they will surface."
show me those.

Thumb leSayyed 17 February 2014, 15:35

Hahaha, that nutty Thunder!!! After his incoherent scary speech of yesterday the one that brought back memories of our mid eighties to early 2000s kidnap foreigners, bomb infidel embassies, throw acid on scantily clad women, blow up liquor stores dogma, reminded everyone of our real Islamic revolution in Lebanon philosophy, who we are, what we want and terrified everyone including now more confused Aounist and various M8 secular sheeple, I called Hajj Momo and screamed at him "SNAP OUT OF IT YOU'RE SCARING THE CHILDREN, you need to keep a lid on it, you almost single handedly destroyed our ten years con game that fooled almost everyone" he quickly tuned down his rhetoric and here we are, is this better? I can't decide.

Thumb hakwaji 17 February 2014, 15:59

Raad: Lebanon Can Only Be Governed by All of its Factions

..... but only one faction (sect) can carry arms!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:18

carry as many arms as you want, just dont shoot them in the back is all they ask.

Thumb geha 17 February 2014, 16:42

mowaten, you mean like hizbushaitan used to shoot the real resistance in the back in south Lebanon?

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:52

anonyme: all you accusations here are false.
for the 2005 to 2008: all words, no proof = propaganda.

may 2008: protesters were met with bullets when they arrived to mazraa, did you forget that? after the protesters were replaced by fighters, they caught hundreds of fighters on the other side, meaning m14 had put together a militia to fight HA. failing and losing in a few hours doesnt change the fact that m14 started it.

salman hashem: you bring him up everyday, he must be your favorite person in the whole wide world, right after oqab sakr. i also correct you claims everyday, but you seem to forget each time! short term memory loss?
salman was killed by embassy guards, not by HA, and only after his friend pulled out a gun and opened fire in front of the embassy.

Thumb ice-man 17 February 2014, 17:02

@mowaten: you know how much respect and affection I have for you, right? your plenty of posts might give the impression you are a hired gun whose sole purpose is to defend the glorious fake resistance. I know this is not true, but others who do not know you might get this false impression. Please, take note my dearest friend.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 17:39


Qui a tiré ?
Aucune information officielle n’a été fournie sur l’identité du tireur ni même sur le parti dont il relève. Deux versions sont véhiculées : selon la première version, transmise par les médias du 14 Mars, ce sont des éléments du Hezbollah, plus précisément les « chemises noires », qui auraient tiré directement sur le jeune chiite de l’Option libanaise, après que l’un des manifestants eut brandi son revolver et tiré dans l’air en réaction aux attaques subies. Selon la version rapportée par l’Option libanaise, c’est l’un des gardiens de l’ambassade qui aurait tiré en direction des manifestants lorsque l’échauffourée a éclaté, blessant Hachem Salman au ventre.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 17:39

reuters is lying when they say "witnesses and officials said". there was no official statement on that.

l'orient le jour gives the two versions that were given that day, one by m14 medias, and the other by the "lebanese option".
according to the first one, hezbollah men shot at him after his friend took out a gun and opened fire.
according to the second, he was shot by embassy guards.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 19:05

no extrapolation whatsover, they recited both m14's version and lebanese option's version, both are anti-HA, and both had reporters on the scene.

that you take a foreign news agency as reference for something that happened in lebanon, and chose it over both your own m14 media AND the party that hashem belonged to, goes a long way in showing how desperate you are.

Missing peace 17 February 2014, 16:03

“Lebanon can only be governed by all of its factions.” = best way to stall a country...

“We want to protect the resistance and the people's interests.” not people's interest but hezbi interests, stop that hypocrisy!

“all corruption in the Arab world stems from the American-Israeli axis.” sure! that is why syria installed the greatest corruption system in Lebanon! are they working for USA and israel? LOL

“Takfiris and terrorists are pawns of this axis … We have been burdened by people who cannot cut off their ties with this axis,” and you are iranians pawns and islamist extremisits same as takfiris, shia style!

“We will continue to challenge the other camp until is wakes up from its slumber,” waw! and we will challenge you till you stop working for foreign interests!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:07

i'm not for the current political framework, but as long as the speaker is supposed to be shia, how could it be okab? he knows himself that he doesnt represent shias, and admitted it long ago:

"Some commentators said that you made it to the parliament due to Sunni and Christian votes. Do you agree?

Sakr: Yes, it’s true… Elections in every district involve people from different sects. I was supported by Sunni and Christian voters because the general Shia sentiment, both in Amal and Hezbollah, is opposed to me… I didn’t garner votes because of my sect but because of my political stances and performance. "

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:08

also, he is now on the run, since he was caught "sending milk and blankets" to jihadis in syria.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:15

walla "image control agents - Mowaten & FT", that's flattering, but i am more in the pest control business.
what is yours anonyme? you're so worried we defend HA against your lies, are you the "image slander agent"? Are we hampering your business?

why would it be fair for you to spread defamation, but unfair for us to point out lies?

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:47

lol you are so pathetic i dont even hate you, just feel sorry for you peace.

Missing peace 17 February 2014, 16:51

be sorry all you want i do not care about your insignifiacant opinion only blinded by your hatred... you are pathetic and a pure hezbi product with no brains, just rabid barking....

your posts here only prove me right in your desperate attempts to justify hezbi antipatriotic positions... good soldier you are... but a pathetic lebanese...

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:18

akh peace, those last days there was an improvement in your speeches, you were mentioning "history books" and all. but is see the small progress was quickly followed by regression.
here's a free tip: calling people names, especially when they are making factual points, is a dead giveaway that you have nothing to say!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 20:39

i did hear some growling, but i didnt pay attention to it FT :)

Thumb geha 17 February 2014, 16:41

mowaten and ft's role is to twist reality :)
is there a single soul in Lebanon who forgot what aoun said about Hariri? "ONE WAY TICKET"
Hariri left Lebanon because he was under threat (and still is)
thus the two idiots mowaten and ft would like us to agree with them that m14 "refused" to join the mikati cabinet for their pleasure and not because of hizbushaitan threats!

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:41

no it's you dodging the facts, it's not necessarily about representing the "majority" or else we'd have an election for PM and speaker in the respective sects to see who has the majority.
the problem with oqad is that he doesnt represent ANY shias. he's a self-admitted fabrication, elected by mustaqbal voters.
on the other hand nobody can say that about miqati.

Thumb geha 17 February 2014, 16:48

we do not need to prove anything idiot mowaten aka Iranian extremist terrorist.
just remind you of the now broken finger of your nasrallah threatening us during his speeches.
I say broken for the time being, as it seems your Iranian hardliner masters seem to be threatening to take over again by force in iran.

so we need to wait and see to confirm if that finger is now broken or not.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 February 2014, 16:55

lol, i know you think you dont need to prove anything, but the truth is, you CANNOT prove anything, because you're full of it. fabrications, rumors, lies, fictional scenarios... that's all that ever comes out from you.
stick to coffee-cup readinds geha.

Missing lebcan 17 February 2014, 18:28

Radar: (...all corruption in the Arab world stems from the American-Israeli axis....) And Iranian, Syrian , Russian axis too... Or no! is that wrong? could Russia be an angel like Syria and Iran...

Missing lebcan 17 February 2014, 18:29

Raad not Radar... Spell check sorry...

Thumb lebanesenationalist 17 February 2014, 20:33

It is the state and army's job to combat takfiris and terrorists, first and foremost by securing the borders. And don't tell me it can't be done, Lebanon is a small country. It would look something like this:

1- Secure the borders, limiting crossings to a certain amount.
2- Surround the camps in Lebanon and disarm all armed factions (which most Lebanese agreed on anyway).
3- Continue ongoing anti terrorism efforts in the country through the ISF, army and intelligence.

If these things are done I guarantee you that the takfiri threat in Lebanon will be reduced by 90%, far more than by Hezbollah's adventures in Syria. But the Hezb will never accept, because the Takfiris are only one reason ( a convenient one) for their activities.

Missing people-power 17 February 2014, 21:06

I'd like to clear up a bit of propaganda being spread by Momo and Fifi regarding the popular vote and vote percentage in Lebanon. Momo like's to quote the CIA for it's data showing the % of voters that voted for M8.

Some things Momo doesn't understand:

1. Lebanon is a Parliamentary Democratic Republic, with a framework of confessionalism, sometimes called a consociationalism. Total vote count and percentage is irrelevant in this system.

2. Total representation in Parliament is what matters in complicated Lebanese government, as agreed in Taef accord.

3. The Taef Agreement settled the hostilities from the Civil War, it may not be perfect, but it's better than civil war.

4. If you want to change Taef, you will need to control 2/3 of the Parliament (good luck).

5. In the US, Al Gore beat George Bush in 2004 on the total vote count and percentage, but lost on the electoral votes.

Missing people-power 17 February 2014, 21:18

Here is the bottom line:

1. Parliament seats total 128
2. Christian Parliament Seats 64
3. Sunni Parliament Seats 27
4. Shia Parliament seats 27
5. Druze Parliament seats 8
6. Alawite Parliament seats 2

Here's the problem for the Party of Iran:

1. The Shia and Sunni Parliament seats cancel each other out (27 versus 27)
2. The Druze who won Parliament seats ran on the M14 ticket in the last election, running against M8 candidates.
3. M14 devastated M8 in Christian seats in Parliament: 37 MP's for M14, versus 27 MP's for M8.

This is the reason the Iranian propagandists are against the Taef. The majority of Druze voted for candidates aligned with M14, and the majority Christian representation is with M14.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18 February 2014, 11:38

thanks for the help pe-po, i hope flamecatcher is reading because i had the hardest time explaining to him the most basic facts.

now i hope you understand faster than him, those two simple points:

-"Total vote count and percentage is irrelevant" > only when considering MP distribution. when you pretend to speak for the "majority of people" as m14ers & fans often do, you better have a majority of the people's vote.

-when a system like this is tweaked into obtaining false results, allowing for instance m14 to take the majority of christian seats, with the minority of christian votes, there is a problem. and it needs to be said. "that's how the system is" is neither an excuse nor a satisfactory justification. and it is not due to the taef accord, but to the electoral law, which is set before each elections.

Missing people-power 17 February 2014, 21:22

Hence, the "resistance axis" uses their militia to assassinate their political opponents, and then sides with a (false) Christian leader who will sell out his sect for corrupt seats in the Cabinet, so he can steal money and turn a blind eye to the assassinations, simply because the ones being assassinated are his political opponents.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18 February 2014, 11:39

slander and empty accusations. not worth further answer.

Missing people-power 17 February 2014, 21:29

Also forgot to mention that total vote count and total vote percentage of M8 versus M14 is affected by areas that have low voter turnout %, when the outcome is already known, especially in Sunni areas. Momo will quote voter turnout % in a few limited areas, but not all, and unless you look at all areas, and look at the big picture, selecting only a few is disingenuous.

Another factor not considered is the expat vote, which has a high percentage of Christian voters, and is under-represented in Parliament.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18 February 2014, 11:46

i listed turnouts in all major areas that i considered representative of the mustaqbal/hezbollah dichotomy (baalbeck, bint jbeil, tyre, nabatiyeh, akkar, saida, tripoli, zahle) in answer to eagldawn who was claiming that "shias vote out of religious duty" contrarily to sunnis(seems like his comment has been censored since).
the figures i provided prove him wrong.

if you want to disprove me (which should be your first step before calling me a liar as you did) then the least to you could is list the areas you think are relevant and that i did not list. you seem to be very comfortable with theory, but reality is another thing.

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