Russia Reiterates Support to STL, Lashes Out on ‘Politicizing’ Tribunal

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Russian ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin stressed on Thursday that his country’s stance on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri “hasn’t changed.”

“We participated in funding it, but we are against politicizing (the tribunal),” he told An Nahar newspaper.

Concerning the visit of a Hizbullah delegation to Russia, Zasypkin said that the Russian parliament had invited the delegation long time ago.

“We consider it as an important event in the relations between Lebanon and Russia. The delegation is discussing critical political issues in the Middle East,” the ambassador stated.

The delegation is set to hold talks with Russian deputy foreign minister Mikhail Bogdanov on Thursday as part of its three-day visit.

“The Hizbullah delegation will discuss with Russian officials the Lebanese local situation, including the developments concerning the Special Tribunal for Lebanon,” As Safir newspaper reported.

The STL had issued arrest warrants against four Hizbullah members; however, the party has announced that it will not cooperate with the tribunal, describing it as an American-Israeli product aimed at destroying it.

“The delegation will also tackle the situation in the region, and the stances on the (crisis) in Syria,” sources told the Russian state RIA Novosti news agency.

The party’s parliamentary bloc leader Mohammed Raad headed the delegation, accompanied by Hizbullah MPs Hassan Fadlallah and Nawwar Sahili.

The delegation is due to visit the council of Muslims in European Russia and the Foreign Ministry, and will also give lectures at Moscow universities.

The group on Wednesday met Constantin Kosachyov, the head of the Russian parliament's lower house's international affairs committee, which invited the group.

Kosachyov voiced support for Lebanon’s stability and sovereignty, noting that his country wants to “listen to Hizbullah’s vision on the situation in Lebanon and the whole region.”

"We exchanged opinions on the situation in Lebanon, (and) the Arab world, discussed the attempts by the U.S. and the NATO bloc to destabilize the situation in the Middle East," Novosti quoted Raad as saying.

He said the visit aimed to show "the intention to deepen the prospects of cooperation and coordination between Russia and Lebanon."

Al-Liwaa newspaper reported on Thursday that the party’s first official visit to the country is linked to Russia’s stance at the U.N. Security Council on the Syrian crisis.

On October 4, Russia and China vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution, drawn up by European nations, threatening action if Syria's leader does not end a deadly crackdown on pro-democracy protests.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon 442 (Guest) 20 October 2011, 09:20

howmany presidant lebanon has?

Thumb thepatriot 20 October 2011, 10:10

Those two iranians on the picture forgot their ties...

Thumb jabalamel 20 October 2011, 10:12

while ignoring halucinations from last 2 posts, one would wander, from all that is said, all that an nahar can put in it's title is STL. if you read the article more carefully, you would see total support for our glorious resistance.

Default-user-icon rami kremesti (Guest) 20 October 2011, 11:41

jabal amel no need for resistance any more the Israelis pulled out of Lebanon a long time ago now it is time to direct our energy as Lebanese to building up lebanon: to develop tourism, industry, education, the environment (raw sewage is still dumped in the sea in Beirut this is a shame), jobs for young graduates, security, etc etc.

Thumb thepatriot 20 October 2011, 13:22

you speak a language our dear friend ahbal does not comprehend...

Missing peace 20 October 2011, 17:38

mowaten you probably forgot that the hezb promised to disarm the day lebanon would be freed... now they promise to disarm only when palestine is freed they also promised that they would never shoot at lebanese, remember may 2008?
which clearly shows that the hezb does not care about lebanon and never keeps its promises;

so the promises of your inglorious bastards is void , nil and BS... only its followers believe in their lies!
they have read mein kampf it seems in which the other dictator said that make a lie noone will believe you, make a big lie and millions will follow you... seems you are in that case!

anyway, this visit to moscow also shows that the hezb is afraid of the STL because otherwise if they were sure to be innocent they would have no fear and would present their evidence !!! but the inglorious bastards have nothing to proove that israel did everything as they claim only words...

Thumb geha 20 October 2011, 19:28

let us be honest: the only reason hizbushaitan has weapons is to impose its hegemony on Lebanon on behalf of the syro/iranians.
this is demonstrated through the no action on the border since the 1701.
so please, stop the BS and be honest.
now for the murderous invasion of Beirut, it showed who thr=e traitors to this country are: hizbushaitan and their folloers, who murdered peacefull people in their homes, stole from people, shot indiscriminately on a funeral,....
stop trying to change history, all Lebanese know exactly what happened at the hands of these mafiosos.