Report: Miqati Confirms to Hariri STL Funding

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Prime Minister Najib Miqati confirmed to his predecessor PM Saad Hariri that he supports the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, An Nahar newspaper reported on Thursday.

“I announced it from day one, and I insist on my position,” Miqati informed Hariri on different occasions by sending him messages via different mediators, the daily said.

Miqati’s sources stressed that he will not be an “obstacle” facing the STL, which is set to try ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s suspected assassins.

They told As Safir daily that “amending the (STL’s) protocol can’t be achieved without carrying Lebanon’s commitments” towards the tribunal first.

The sources warned of abandoning the country’s international commitments, saying that if Lebanon “didn’t fund (the tribunal), Lebanon and the resistance will have to bear serious repercussions.”

“Miqati has the ability to convince those who oppose the funding by committing to it,” they told the newspaper.

However, a high-ranking parliamentary source from the March-14 led opposition told al-Mustaqbal newspaper that Miqati “will have to abide by Hizbullah’s will.”

Miqati had continuously voiced his commitment to the funding of the STL. He received at the end of September a message from U.N. chief Ban Ki-Moon requesting Lebanon to pay its $33 million dues.

However, Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah ruled out on Monday that his party will support the funding of the court, stating that if the cabinet failed to reach consensus on the matter, then it should be submitted to vote at the parliament.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 27 October 2011, 14:49

he supports funding .. but he will not.. he "cannot"....... and will not resign

Missing allouchi 27 October 2011, 15:11

Miqati speaks with a forked tongue. He knows what the vast majority of the Sunnis and patriotic Lebanese want the STL funded but he will use Hizb and aoun as an excuse for not doing it and why not saying it in public? I do hope that he does fund the STL though; the STL is for all Lebanese martyrs and for justice.

Missing peace 27 October 2011, 17:34

my opinion is that they will find a low excuse once more to fund the STL because they know if not the gvt will be in a bad position. hezb needs this gvt to cover its terrorists action and be free to do what they want knowing the gvt will as usual close thier eyes... chaos will not benefit them!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 27 October 2011, 18:45

a date to remember:
11/11/2011 the day that the STL will begin its OPEN sessions on tv.
the "saints" will be absent ,the new secret proofs will be impossible to deny, and the side hiding the "saints" will be criminally charged under the UN chpter 7.
11 11 2011.
now is the dangerous time.