Aoun:Those Worried Over Their Foreign Interests Let Them Leave the Government

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Change and Reform Bloc MP Michel Aoun on Friday renewed his refusal to fund the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, asking all those who fear their foreign interests to "leave the government."

During the Free Patriotic Movement's dinner ceremony in Jbeil district, Aoun said that "we refuse and will keep on refusing what the STL demands from Lebanon since it is not right to always submit to foreign interests," adding that "they cannot impose on Lebanon what they want and I am ready again to risk myself rather than risking Lebanon."

Aoun continued: "Those who fear for their financial situation and foreign interests let them leave the governance to the poor because they fear nothing."

He threatened to demand the PM to give back the money which he falsely paid in case the STL was funded, adding that "we will not be terrified by all the games being played."

"Our priorities are to give the Lebanese people Electricity 24 hours a day, and it is our duty to make irrigation and water projects," Aoun concluded.

In an interview to OTV earlier Friday Aoun said that his ministers' position today in not attending the cabinet session did not come as a response to PM Najib Miati's latest position, but he added that he refused Miqati's "either you give me what I want or I resign" method.

Prime Minister Najib Miqati had said Thursday that his resignation would protect Lebanon in case the government decided not to fund the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

Aoun had added: "We are ready for all possibilities," noting that "is it normal that everyone threatens us and we give concessions?"

"They say that we have ten ministers, but who have we appointed? No one," Aoun had said in reference to the administrative appointments.

He refused to set a date for resignation, pointing out that at his speech later tonight he will talk about "new things which the Lebanese people have not heard yet, and we will see what is right in the court's legitimacy and its work."

Comments 7
Thumb geha 25 November 2011, 21:33

he is afraid Miqati would resign before him, so he would steal the spotlight :)

Default-user-icon still crazy after all these years (Guest) 25 November 2011, 21:35

he refused Miqati's "either you give me what I want or I resign" method.

but my cowardly general wasn't that the method your employer Hassin used to topple the previous government? ... hint false witnesses

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (Guest) 26 November 2011, 00:06

I really now see how annoying he was that Syria wanted to kick him out of Lebanon no matter what back in the 80s. I think that would be the ONLY thing I would agree with the syrians about. This guy is simply obnoxious! My goodness how the hell did his mom have him for 9 month? I can't even stand listening to him for 1 minute. Seriously how do his party members tolerate him?

Missing hajijas 26 November 2011, 01:21

Aoun just wants to create a hype and want to feel important. When I read something he wrote I consider it part of my charity act by listening to old grumpy people so they live their 5 minutes of fame.
To go back to the situation on hand, the reason why Hizbullah doesn<t want this gov to fall is bcs it is a major part of it and it is tolerated and accepted by this gov. Another important reason is that the Syrian regime can always count on Mr Mansour to bark a vote against any intervention. But at the end of the line, the government will fall.. Welcome to anarchy, we don't get mad, WE GET EVEN !!

Missing lebanesy 26 November 2011, 02:04

This comedian just wants to steal the lights...
The gov will collapse but it's a matter of who will resign first
At the end of the day, us Lebanese are the losers as we have not had any decent gov for a while.
Be a man and resign you coward. After that you can run for presidency in Syria or Iran and have Hassan as your PM.
Bon voyage

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 26 November 2011, 03:28

Is it Tuesday already? I wonder if Aoun has been invited to Tehran or Syria lately to fill his pockets? Aren't those foreign interests? Oh wait, when ASSad falls Aoun will be out of money and finished in politics.

Missing hmorsel 26 November 2011, 21:02

how about you Mr Aoun, how worried about Syria and Iran are you