FPM supporters protest against Syrian refugees, EU donation

  • W460
  • W460

Supporters of the Free Patriotic Movement have protested in front of the U.N headquarters against Syrian refugees and the deal between the European Union and the Lebanese government.

Protesters held up a mockup of a bank cheque with Arabic words that read: "Pay to the order of the Lebanese State the sum of one billion Euro", during the protest Thursday.

The European Union had announced last week an aid package for Lebanon of 1 billion euros — about $1.06 billion — much of which will go to boost border control to halt the flow of asylum seekers and migrants from the small, crisis-wracked country across the Mediterranean Sea to Cyprus and Italy.

Comments 1
Thumb gebran_sons 10 May 2024, 13:20

What a farce. FPM killed a nation and is walks in its funeral. Is there still brain damaged Lebanese that believe FPM? Refugee crisis could not happen without Aoun/Bassil selling Lebanon’s sovereignty and independence to the Basij for 30 pieces of silver allowing Hizb to swallow a nation while FPM got presidency, crony appointments & kickbacks, worst form of corruption. FPM & Hizb ran governments and allowed porous borders thus are responsible for refugees invading Lebanon with no check or plan. FPM and Duo ministries got millions for refugees as a bribe to close eyes while Turkey got billions. Turkey fully controlled every refugee & camp ground. Using refugees as mercenaries and forced labor dismantling cruise ships and working in dirty jobs. Bou Habib, Bou Saab & Berri should have got billions for Lebanon treasury to manage refugee crisis, instead they used refugees as a cash cow to divert millions to their cronies while destroying a nation. Political mafia at its best!