جرافة اسرائيلية تخطت السياج التقني وجنود اسرائيليون "يستفزون المارة"
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"تخطت جرافة عسكرية اسرائيلية السياج التقني على الحدود"، بحسب ما أفادت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام.
وأشارت الوكالة، الثلاثاء، الى أن "جرافة عسكرية معادية تخطت السياج التقني في منطقة الجدار قبالة بلدة رميش بحماية قوة مشاة معادية لتنفيذ عمليات تجريف قرب الخط الازرق".
ولفتت الوكالة الى انتشار عدد من الجنود الاسرائيليين، بالقرب من السياج الحدودي الشائك في بلدة كفركلا.
وأشارت الى أنهم يعمدون الى استفزاز المارة، من خلال توجيه البنادق وعدسات التصوير في اتجاههم.
ومنذ اسبوعين إجتازت قوة اسرائيلية مؤللة قوامها 3 دبابات ميركافا الشريط الشائك وعبرت الى تخوم الخط التقني في وادي قطمون مقابل بلدة رميش، وقامت بتسير دورية في المكان.
يذكر ان القوات الاسرائيلية كانت قد عملت على جرف طريقة ترابية في المكان المذكور بين الشريط الشائك الاسرائيلي والخط التقني، وقامت بصيانة جهاز وكاميرا مراقبة كانت قد نصبتها عند الشريط الشائك للمراقبة.
وكانت القوات الإسرائيلية أدخلت كلبا بوليسيا إلى منطقة متنازع عليها مع لبنان حيث قامت بعملية مسح، وذلك بعد يوم من إطلاق الصواريخ على إسرائيل.

Maybe reparing the fence or checking that everything is ok. These patrols are more frequents since Hizbullah triggered the stupidest war of 2006. But they don't kill anyone not destroy anything, so as a Lebanese I just don't care and even pass them my shalom.
I wished the Lebanese army was as much as caring on the deadly Syrian border.

always here and systematically defending israelis. you are a paid shill no doubt.

I don't defend Israelis. I defend Lebanese interest, which is living in peace with Israel and getting rid of illegal weapons on its soil. If Lebanese interests goes against Iranian imperialist schemes, that's your problem, not mine.
I want Lebanese children to have future, to be able to enjoy medical care and affordable quality education rather than spoiling resources on hatred and useless wars.

iranians did not invade lebanon, occupy it, massacre its population, try to steal its land, waters and natural resources.
israel did.
so if you really cared about lebanon and its future, you'd be much more worried about israelis and their schemes.

The LAF is both on the Syrian border and on the southern one. Both are the same battlefield takfiris or israelis same thing. Israel triggered the war in 2006 and Hezbollah finished it by winning.

ha..ha..ha.... israel triggered the war? lol... so it was israel that kidnapped its own soldiers in a cross border raid?

Cross border raid? They were inside lebanese territory. I guess you heard otherwise in the Israeli newspaper or American for that matter

where is the Hizbullah rockets that should blow up these Mirkavas ??

They know they shouldn't overstay their welcome or dozens of resistance fighters will swarm them. On the other hand the cannibal terrorist entering from the north are stupid zombies wearing suicide vests. They should be shot on the spot without hesitation.

looool the guy who has a mouth like a sewer wants to give lessons on proper language now.

lebpatriot seems that your god blessed fighters are all in Syria and there is none to protect you in your southern world ey?? the only time Hizbullah made a performance was in 2006 and they did it by surprize as they themselves didnt know it was gooing to develop this way. It seems it was devastating enough to them that they dont hit back at any Israeli aggression anymore :)