خطف شاب في بعلبك "لربع ساعة"

Read this story in English W460

اطلق سراح شاب لبناني بعد وقت قصير من خطفه في منطقة بعلبك البقاعية، من قبل عدد من المسلحين، في حين لم يتم التأكد عما اذا كان قد دفع فدية مالية.

فقد أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، الاربعاء ان المواطن برنار سيرج سلامة البالغ من العمر 18 عاماً كان قد خطف من امام منزله على يد عدد من المسلحين في حي المسيحيين في بعلبك.

الا انه تم الافراج عنه بعد لمدة ربع ساعة في بلدة عين بوضاي البقاعية.

ولم تشير المعلومات عما اذا كان قد دفع فدية مالية من قبل ذويه للافراج عنه.


التعليقات 13
Thumb ex-fpm 08:49 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

The kidnappers and outlaws are known by name, place of birth, and current address. Yet, no one seems to get arrested. Army intelligence negotiates with these terrorists as if they are a state on their own.

Thumb _mowaten_ 09:45 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

wow you seem to be very informed, please provide us with the "name, place of birth, and current address" of the kidnappers then.

Thumb EagleDawn 09:58 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

you can get this information from your nearest party of terror office. They have a complete database of all their members, online and offline.

Missing greatpierro 10:10 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

what is known though in Btedei is that the Jaafar savages have killed three members of a family and that no one has ever dared arresting them

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:05 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

lol @ you yapping trolls, the only thing that is known is that you are as laughable and bland as your random accusations

Default-user-icon flamethrower.common.sense (ضيف) 11:34 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

well said flame.sense

Thumb EagleDawn 15:42 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

9 minutes ago Lebanese Army: Several servicemen were injured in clashes with gunmen in Hermel's Bowaida, they were caught with 500g of hashish in their possession.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 10:01 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

ashraf el ness in action doing what they do best

Missing humble 10:12 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

Followers keep on defending those who are destroying Lebanon....keep in giving them your legitimate voices...
remember only that by doing this you are supporting traitors

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:06 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

is there anyone accused for anyone to be defending anyone?

Default-user-icon jaaar ibn iblees (ضيف) 11:34 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

is this a new attempt at sounding intelligent?

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:22 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

hi puppy troll, i see you're still clinging to my leg. what's that? an attempt to seem relevant?

Thumb zahle1 14:46 ,2014 كانون الأول 17

The dynamic that everyone in here ignores; in the past 25 years have Christians in Lebanon or anywhere in the Middle East have kidnapped Muslims and held them for ransom. This happens multiple times a year in Lebanon. Does anyone see this or am I wrong about this as fact?