وزيرا الصناعة والزراعة وصلا دمشق.. وفنيانوس يتوجه اليوم: سأحضر معي صور الاسد!

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وصل الى دمشق أمس الاربعاء وزيرا الصناعة حسين الحاج حسن والزراعة غازي زعيتر مع وفد من القطاع الخاص للمشاركة في افتتاح معرض دمشق الدولي،الذي تنطلق فعالياته اليوم برعاية الرئيس السوري بشّار الأسد.

وأعلن وزير الاشغال العامة والنقل يوسف فنيانوس اعتزامه التوجه اليوم الخميس الى دمشق للغاية نفسها.

وأفادت قناة الـ LBCI أن قبيل بدء الجلسة الوز​ارية اليوم الاربعاء ، سأل وزير الاعلام ملحم الرياشي وزير الاشغال يوسف فنيانوس: ماذا ستحضر معك من الشام؟ فردّ فنيانوس: صور الرئيس بشار الأسد.

اضاف الرياشي متسائلا: ولمن ستعطيهم؟

فكان الجواب من فنيانوس: للرئيس سعد الحريري.

واللافت في الامر ان الوزراء الثلاثة ووفقا لصحيفة "النهار" أصروا على اعتبار زياراتهم بصفتهم الوزارية الرسمية، في حين ان رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري أكد مجدداً قبيل دخوله أمس مبنى مجلس النواب ان "الوزراء لا يتوجهون الى سوريا بصفة رسمية".

التعليقات 14
Thumb ex-fpm 10:39 ,2017 آب 17

I am sure these 'patriotic' iranian ministers will address with their masters in syria the following pressing issues:

1) The missing Lebanese in Syrian regime jails
2) Demanding that Ali Mamlouk and the syrian intelligence officers indicted by the Lebanese judiciary in the twin bombings in Tripoli be handed over to the Lebanese authorities
3) The arrest and hand over of the criminal Rifaat Ali Eid

Thumb barrymore 16:22 ,2017 آب 17

What I heard is they were going to lodge a formal complaint with the syrian regime regarding sending Michel Smaha with a car full of explosives.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 10:57 ,2017 آب 17

Lebanese Ministers in Syria 'In Their Personal Capacity'

great, next we will have Lebanese Ministers in Raqqa 'In Their Personal Capacity'.

Missing incorruptible 12:54 ,2017 آب 17

No one wants to visit the losing side.

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 15:16 ,2017 آب 17

lulz @ the Christian from Metn:)

Thumb ashtah 15:48 ,2017 آب 17

Lebanon played Iran in the quarter finals of the FIBA basketball games yesterday and Lebanon lost. So, I take it you will never visit with the Lebanese side anymore. I bet you were rooting for Iran, anyway.

Thumb justin 19:38 ,2017 آب 17


Thumb galaxy 12:34 ,2017 آب 17

You don't go in your capacity as a minister and say it is 'personal capacity'. The title of minister was given to you by the Lebanese government and not by iran, syria or hezbollah. You can go to Syria as a member of the terrorist iranian militia of hezbollah but not as a minister in the Lebanese government.

Thumb barrymore 16:23 ,2017 آب 17

I hope the Lebanese security agencies will search their cars when they re-enter Lebanon. They could be transporting explosives the Smaha way.

Thumb shab 18:00 ,2017 آب 17


Thumb justin 19:41 ,2017 آب 17

"Your a troll trying to divide a nation on the right track." coming from someone who also said " the Lebanese army aka Hezbollah".


Thumb gigahabiib 19:52 ,2017 آب 17

Boyfriend The Mystic I think you are right! Industry Minister Hajj Hussein Hajj Hassan does look much more like Milhouse Van Houten from the Simpsons. His plastic surgery was a complete success. The only thing he needs to do is stain his hair blue before he goes to the upcoming Dahieh Comic-Con. You claim that he's going there with Hajj Mohammad Raad who will be dressed as Comic Book Guy. They'll win first prize this time I'm sure!

Missing humble 20:18 ,2017 آب 17

Shu hal bahdaleh....

Missing humble 20:19 ,2017 آب 17

He is not a Banana but an Orangina...