الاجهزة الامنية توقف "شبكة سداسية" تضم 3 مواطنين عرب و3 لبنانيين بينهم المولوي

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كشفت معلومات صحفية أن الاشخاص الستة الذين أوقفتهم الاجهزة الامنية ينتمون الى تنظيم القاعدة، وبينهم أردنياً وقطرياً وفلسطينياً وثلاثة لبنانيين بينهم شادي المولوي.

ونقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية" معلومات مفادها أن "الشبكة السداسية التي أوقفت لها امتداداتها الى خارج الاراضي اللبنانية، وقد وسعت نشاطاتها لتطاول، بالإضافة الى الأراضي السورية، دولاً عربية وأوروبية أخرى.

والتي شددت المعلومات أنه لن يتم الكشف عنها قبل ان تكتمل عمليات التوقيف الجارية في هذه البلدان.

وتتابع "الجمهورية"، ان الامن العام قد أوقف أحد اللبنانيين الثلاثة المنتمين الى الشبكة، قبل يومين في طرابلس ويُدعى حمزة محمود طربيه،وهو من الذين قادوا إلى المولوي ودوره في الشبكة.

وأشارت الصحيفة وفق المعلومات أن باقي أفراد الشبكة من الرعايا العرب، وهم قطري، يُدعى عبد العزيز عطيّة، وفلسطيني وأردني وقد تمّ توقيفهم جميعاً في مناسبات ومواقع عدّة من لبنان.

وأكدت مصادر "الجمهورية" أنها المرة الأولى في لبنان يتم خلالها توقيف شبكة بكامل أعضائها اللبنانيين والأجانب.

وكانت صحيفة "الحياة قد كشفت الاثنين، ان الأمن العام أوقف مواطناً أردنياً، يُدعى عبدالملك محمد يوسف عثمان عبدالسلام، كان في طريقه الى المطار، اعترف أثناء التحقيق معه بأنه من عناصر تنظيم "القاعدة" ويعمل في المجال اللوجيستي.

وخلال التحقيقات مع الاردني، كشف إنه يتلقى أموالاً من أشخاص في قطر والسعودية والكويت والإمارات، وأورد في هذا السياق اسم شيخ قطري من آل كما تبين أنه يجري اتصالات بجهات في أفغانستان.

وكان مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية صقر صقر قد ادعى الاثنين على ستة موقوفين بينهم شادي مولوي، وذلك بجرم "الانتماء الى تنظيم ارهابي مسلح بقصد ارتكاب الجنايات في لبنان والخارج والنيل من سلطة الدولة وهيبتها".

وفي وقت لاحق أصدر قاضي التحقيق العسكري مذكرة توقيف وجاهية في حق شادي مولوي، فيما ترك حمزة محمود طربيه بسند اقامة، كما ترك القطري عبد العزيز عطية بسند اقامة ومنعه من السفر، على أن يتابع اليوم استجواب الموقوفين الثلاثة الآخرين.

يُشار الى أن توقيف المولوي تم السبت في مكتب للخدمات الاجتماعية التابع لوزير المال محمد الصفدي على أيدي الامن العام، ما ادى الى اندلاع الاشتباكات في طرابلس، احتجاجاً على طريقة توقيفه.

بدورها لفتت مصادر أمنية رفيعة المستوى لصحيفة "السفير" الى أن مبادرة الامن العام الى توقيف المولوي، تم بناء على معطيات جدية وأدلة أثبتها الموقوف نفسه في اعترافه السريع بكل ما ووجه به.

كما قالت أن المولوي اعترف بضلوعه ببعض الامور التي أصبحت كل تفاصيلها في عهدة القضاء الذي سيقول كلمته في هذا المجال، ولم تستبعد مصادر الصحيفة، أبدا ان تكون هناك أسماء لأشخاص مرتبطين بهذا الملف، ولا يزالون متوارين عن الأنظار.

وأشارت المصادر الى أن جهة أمنية أوروبية كانت شريكة في تقديم المعلومات حول نشاط المولوي الارهابي في الخارج.

وأدت الاشتباكات الى مقتل 6 أشخاص وجرح أكثر من 70 شخصاً، والتي تركزت بين منطقتي جبل محسن ذات الغالبية العلوية المؤيدة للنظام السوري وباب التبانة ذات الغالبية السنية المؤيدة لحركة الاحتجاج السورية.

التعليقات 24
Thumb cedar 09:55 ,2012 أيار 15

SO the fighting in tripoli is over this terrorist network being sprung?

Thumb shab 10:05 ,2012 أيار 15

filth in north and south

Missing reformist 10:33 ,2012 أيار 15

Ufff guys I am impressed by your insights. M14 was outraged by how this terrorist was approached and arrested. Bass 7ottkoun 3ala msabbet w insults. We cannot expect more from hariri's mwazzafeen :)

Missing reformist 10:57 ,2012 أيار 15

hahahaha no worries 3am ba3mil ktir. Advice : watch your language just because when you use your emotions it means you are hurt, for what I say is so true :)

Missing reformist 10:35 ,2012 أيار 15

Walla bravo la hal government! We finally have some people working for this country. Bass law ma M14 ma bi tayso 3ala kell chi bass ghiratan men el injezet.
Meanwhile harirzzzz is fixing his financial issues between Oger and all other companies he has (until when?)....
Of course kamena yo'borne kasar ejro bel ski w 3am yet3allam social networking talking diet coke and cars...

Missing reformist 10:59 ,2012 أيار 15

chou ma'hour hahaha :) We support the goverment's actions that we are leading. Before it was not in our hands. It was with hareerz focusing on solidere's spending.
How can someone so rich go bankrupt. Enno he loves girls, alcohol and partying we all know that (you want names?) but to reach a point where he is bankrupt??? Even after taking billings men el khazeene?!!! Akid slash it's above your understanding, you don't seem educated enough. It's fine you will remain mwazzaf... Is he still paying your salary btw?

Missing reformist 14:54 ,2012 أيار 15

Something you will never understand slash ;) won't waste time with someone using as a defense 'I am now with your mum' hahaha :)
fi a minimum level I never go below...
I am for fights of ideas I find this challenging and kind of brings things forward but such low insults non merci lol ;) We definitely are different you and me but you are no different from milichyet el m7achicheen :) you proved it sorry! And believe me many of them were with me at school...

Default-user-icon Commercial Cleaning Company (ضيف) 10:46 ,2012 أيار 15

well, great achievement now we can get them all out from here.

Thumb kesrweneh 11:34 ,2012 أيار 15

why arrest the small fish, go for the big whale and arrest Harriri and Siniora, this is the 2nd time they burn Tripoli for their political aims

Missing allouchi 14:38 ,2012 أيار 15

kes, go back to your cage

Missing reformist 11:55 ,2012 أيار 15

soon kersweneh once we get data points. We respect the justice and follow the process. bass ta ykhallouna nechtighil :)

Default-user-icon Mount Lebanon (ضيف) 12:23 ,2012 أيار 15

Dawlat libnan al Saghir is a dream but man, is it a good one. Screw the iranian shia gangs in the south and bekaa and the saudi sunni terrorists in the north. Long live mount lebanon, the true lebanon that represents the cedars and the flag. Down with its filthy surroundings.

Default-user-icon clean the south and the north simultaneously (ضيف) 14:05 ,2012 أيار 15

so what is the difference between this cell and hizbullah? one is helping the Sunnis and the other the Shiites...
i guess hizbullah is a larger network with much larger influence over politics, arms, drugs, money laundering...........
the more power you have, the less chance of being labeled a terrorist group...at least that's the situation in our so called democratic country...

Missing allouchi 14:39 ,2012 أيار 15

Hizballa is the biggest terrorist org. in the whole world.

Missing reformist 14:52 ,2012 أيار 15

Allouchito you are losing credibility. Not one single person even in M14 would call then terrorists... You are crossing the red line but again you are free :)

Missing reformist 16:57 ,2012 أيار 15

Slash fesh khel'ak add ma baddak, only then you can make sense. Sebb, allil e7tiram kello hayda doesn't even affect me haha :)
Am having fun and expecting clear facts from you without the frustration part... Just facts bala emotions ;)

Thumb Bandoul 16:05 ,2012 أيار 15

The Party of God aka the "Party of Murdering Thugs" aka the "Party of Intimidation and Terror" and all of their misguided ideological and hateful supporters are terrorists not worthy of the honor of being Lebanese. But back to the point: All and any Islamists, Sunni or Shia, are terrorist scum and we want to them out of Lebanon.

Missing reformist 17:00 ,2012 أيار 15

Bravo bandoul bhannik! I see consistency in M14 supporters. Calling a third of your population terrorists is a bit mmm absurd? let's burn them and the issue will be closed! chou ra'yak?
Lek not even European countries call them terrorists ma 3ada of course the US&Co, which makes sense :)
Open your eyes ya 3alam!

Missing peace 22:31 ,2012 أيار 15

you re right bandoul even if some deny the truth! what difference is there between salafis and hezb? none!

salafis are financed by saudis and hezb by iran = two extremist religious countries!
the hezbi flag brandishes a kalashnikov and a coran
they both have welfare programs to make people support them by buying them!
it makes them the same except one is sunni the other chia!

aounists for decades called them terrorists, funny now they changed and call them resistance! hahaha!

Missing peace 22:38 ,2012 أيار 15

but hezbis are smarter and insidious: first nasrallah started by forbidding all the chias claiming a pure lebanese chiism to take responsabilities in the party and put them aside just to obey iran. they built up welfare programs like any extremist party does to buy people s confidence. they paid women to wear like ninjas. they built up a secret police just like extremist countries. they make others do the dirty work to keep their name clean. they put aside any other party in the south who were resisting to claim being the sole indispensable party!
they cleverly made up their way to the gvt and indirectly, as usual, are governing evrything..they threaten the country with their arms...
it has lots of similarities with the ascent of hitler by the way....!

and it is not a terrorist party? LOL...

Thumb beiruti 23:24 ,2012 أيار 15

If there is good faith probable cause of this person having commited a crime, regardless of the means by which he was apprehended, I have no problem with his apprehension. Sometimes trickery is called for to get a person who may well have committed a criminal offense.
Have no doubt, I do not think much of this M8 Hezbollah hide bound government of Najib Mikati, but when they get it right, I'll be the first to give them credit for carrying out the duties of their offices.

Thumb beiruti 23:24 ,2012 أيار 15

If there is good faith probable cause of this person having commited a crime, regardless of the means by which he was apprehended, I have no problem with his apprehension. Sometimes trickery is called for to get a person who may well have committed a criminal offense.
Have no doubt, I do not think much of this M8 Hezbollah hide bound government of Najib Mikati, but when they get it right, I'll be the first to give them credit for carrying out the duties of their offices.

Missing peace 00:04 ,2012 أيار 16

if this guy is an outlaw or a terrorist as they say no pb in his arrest but the big problem which creates tensions and strife in the country is that when the army wants they can find an outlaw but when he belongs to hezb or amal, pffftt they cannot!

the double standards of M8 are the cause of the divide in this country!

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 23:52 ,2012 أيار 15

Good riddance.But hopefully they will continue working and not only targeting one sect.
Remember the country is full of filthy hizbollah s terrorists.
By the way ,have they managed to catch Samer hanna s killer?