Shelling Kills 13 Children in Damascus

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Shelling of a rebel-held area in the northeast of the Syrian capital killed 13 children Wednesday, a monitor said revising an earlier toll, with activists saying a school had been hit.

"The number of children... killed by mortar fire on areas of Qabun district has risen to 13," said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, adding: "The toll might rise because several others were critically injured."

Activists blamed forces loyal to President Bashar Assad for the killings, which they described as a "massacre of children".

The Syrian Revolution General Commission, a network of activists across the war-torn country, said the shelling hit a school, and an activist group in the neighborhood shared a grisly video of the aftermath.

The footage posted on the group's Facebook page showed the bodies of at least nine children lying on a white tiled floor, some of them surrounded by smears of blood.

Rebels and the army reached a truce in Qabun earlier this year, but activists say there have been frequent violations.

Nearly 190,000 people have been killed in Syria since an uprising against Assad's rule erupted in March 2011.

Comments 6
Thumb EagleDawn 05 November 2014, 14:39

Kobane Kobane save Kobane and the rest is not important. Collateral damage

Missing 05 November 2014, 23:48

And people wonder why Arab Sunnis are disillusioned. No matter how many of them are killed the Assad regime, sectarian Shia militia or ISIL, no one cares.

Thumb megahabib 06 November 2014, 12:24

So when did Sunnis lament the weekly massacres of Shias in Iraq?

Thumb kanaandian 06 November 2014, 00:20

probably opposition rebels bombing other opposition rebels, after all, school in their culture is not really acceptable. boko haram?

Missing 06 November 2014, 02:11

Kannadian - You are a sick man and thoroughly brainwashed.

Thumb _mowaten_ 06 November 2014, 11:38

no he's probably right. there was a truce in qabun, which was not to the taste of the extremists in the opposition. this is a good way for them to re-ignite the situation. they dont care about civilians or life in general, they just do whatever it takes to get their petro-checks.