Report: 20 Fighters from the North Traveled Lately to Syria Via Turkey
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Around 20 Lebanese fighters from the city of Tripoli and other areas in the North have lately traveled to Syria to join the extremist Islamic State group, highly-informed security officials said.
The officials, who were not identified, told As Safir daily that the fighters headed to Syria via Turkey in the past weeks.
The majority of the young men, whose ages range between 19 and 22, are students and traveled to Turkey under the excuse of going there for tourism, the officials said.
They ruled out the presence of extremist officials in Tripoli for the mobilization of men to fight alongside the IS, saying their recruitment is taking place via the internet.
But As Safir stressed that the latest investigations carried out by security forces indicate that an IS official based in Tripoli is contacting the men and securing their transfer to Syria via Turkey.
The newspaper quoted the father of one of the fighters as saying that his son told him he was heading to Beirut to spend a few days in the capital.
But he lost contact with the young men, who later telephoned his father saying he was now “at the (battle) front in (the Kurdish border town of) Kobane along with jihadists.”
A security official told the Associated Press last month that the IS and Syria's al-Qaida affiliate, al-Nusra Front, are actively trying to recruit among disaffected youth in impoverished areas of northern Lebanon.
Many Sunnis are convinced that the army and the government are dominated by Hizbullah, which has sent its fighters to Syria to help troops loyal to President Bashar Assad against the Sunni rebels trying to topple him.

The officials, who were not identified, but are highly-informed security officials told who? told As Safir ! These sources no doubt are HA sources...

This will jusitfy hezbos millitary intervention in syria irak yemen... for sure...
Lets have some chupachups from early morning...
Well, I will not wish these fighters any good luck, just may they perish the hard way since they are not here for the good of mankind but for its destruction. I hope they burn.

bro yes bro. I am sure you wish your hizballah bros fighting in syria good luck, health, and happiness bro. Cheers and greetings from your bro the_roar!
Al.finique, just a small question for you and for those who react so automatically: Why when I criticize these dirty terrorists do you quickly imply that I am taking a Pro-Hezbollah stance? I have detected some signs of intelligent life with you, so I am quite bolstered if not confident that you can tell the fact that I am against all forms of terrorism, the one instilled by HA and the ones coming from their enemies, in this case I completely abhor ISIL. If God forbid ISIL was to win this war, your necks and ours all will be fair game for these dirtbags. Now you figure it out.
@PB, how much I wish I could agree with you, but these people leave me cold, so I have no sympathy towards them. Sorry.

I guess they are following hassan nasralla's advise when he called them to go fight him in syria, how can any red blooded resistance jihadi iranian mercenary not support that.

"Around 20 Lebanese fighters " and how many hezbis from the South? LOL!