Mashnouq Says Beirut, Dahiyeh Security Plan to be Implemented End of April

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnuoq revealed on Wednesday that a security plan established for the capital Beirut and its suburbs is set to be implemented at the end of April.

“Around 14 outlaws have been detained by police and the army on the Airport road during the past two days,” Mashnouq said in comments published in As Safir newspaper.

He pointed out that several others are being pursued, including the kingpins of robbery gangs.

The minister told the daily that Hizbullah and AMAL movement are completely in harmony with the security plan.

A security plan set to be implemented in Beirut and its southern suburbs, Dahiyeh, has entered the final stages as security forces are mobilizing to deploy heavily in the area to clamp down on lawlessness.

Concerned security sources told the newspaper that the “state exists in Beirut's southern suburbs,” recalling a previous security plan that was implemented in the area in 2013.

“Nothing prevents the state from fortifying its presence in Dahiyeh,” the sources said, noting that it would relief the citizens.

The sources added that the area will witness an increase in checkpoints and raids to arrests hundreds of suspects, who are involved in destabilizing social security.



Comments 7
Thumb EagleDawn 08 April 2015, 09:08

hehehe! Which April and what year?!

Missing humble 08 April 2015, 09:47

I was going to say exactly the same...

Thumb barrymore 08 April 2015, 09:50

This would be the 10th time a security plan for dahieh has been put in place.

Thumb Mystic 08 April 2015, 10:47

There will be a security plan, the army will double their presence around the airport and southern surburbs to protect the people from further takfiri attacks.

Default-user-icon need (Guest) 08 April 2015, 12:39

They keep pushing the date for the implementation of this plan

Thumb -phoenix1 08 April 2015, 13:05

Whyask, no president lives underground hidden and getting fattened by the day.

Thumb Mystic 08 April 2015, 13:19

Very funny phoenix, so I supposed your sterilized 7akim is the hero of Lebanon no? Nobody is living underground by the way.