IS Overruns Town in Central Syria


Islamic State group jihadists seized a small town in Syria's central Homs province Sunday with help from local rebels and advanced  on a majority Christian village, a monitoring group said. 

"The Islamic State group easily took control of the village of Maheen, southeast of Homs, after two suicide attacks," said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Maheen lies 70 kilometres (43 miles) southeast of the government-controlled provincial capital Homs city, and 35 kilometres east of the Syrian-Lebanese border. 

For the past two years, a ceasefire between rebel factions in the town and regime troops at surrounding checkpoints had governed Maheen. 

But on Sunday the rebel factions turned against the government fighters and joined ranks with IS jihadists, Abdel Rahman said.

IS launched its assault from the nearby Christian village of Al-Qaryatain, which it seized in August, he added. 

From Maheen, the jihadists pushed northeast toward the Christian-majority village of Sadad and the nearby highway running south from Homs to the Syrian capital. 

A military source said clashes broke out between regime forces and jihadists around Sadad and lasted two hours before subsiding as the Syrian troops pulled out of the village.

The Syrian army, backed by Russian air cover, had been preparing for an imminent attack on the IS-held ancient city of Palmyra further east, but that the takeover of Maheen had set them back. 

Also on Sunday, at least 18 IS fighters were killed in the town of Harbil, north of Syria's second city Aleppo, in clashes with other rebel groups and air strikes by a U.S.-led coalition, Abdel Rahman said.

IS controls eastern parts of Aleppo province and has sought to advance against other rebel groups in the province's west. 

Comments 2
Thumb Mystic 01 November 2015, 16:42

March 14s, Western/Europes and Americas moderate rebels are at it again.
Slaughtering Christians, where is Geagea, where is Gemayel, they are busy taking dollars and dimes from the same Gulf leaders that funds these takfiris murdering christians.

Where is their love for Christians in the levant?
There is none from March 14, because they are corrupted and the cause of these problems aswell.

Thumb liberty 02 November 2015, 06:35

unless Russia's defense ministry is "anti-Russian" media...LOL

"Russia's defense ministry said Thursday it had struck 72 "terrorist" targets in Syria over the past 24 hours, claiming to have destroyed the combat capability of the main terrorist groups operating in the country."

Russia Says Broke 'Combat Capability of Syria Terrorists'