Soldier Shot in Hermel, Fugitive Arrested at Baalbek Hospital


An army intelligence agent was shot and wounded Wednesday in the Bekaa city of Hermel as a fugitive was arrested at a hospital in Baalbek.

“Members of the Allaw family opened fire at an army intelligence patrol in Hermel's al-Marah neighborhood, leaving a soldier wounded,” state-run National News Agency reported.

It said the agent was rushed to al-Assi Hospital for treatment.

Separately, security forces arrested a fugitive from the al-Effi family at the Dar al-Amal Hospital in Baalbek, the agency said.


Comments 20
Thumb ice-man 04 November 2015, 20:40

Hermel....? Bekaa city....? fugitive....? opened fire.....? soldier wounded.....? Shia....? I simply refuse to believe it!

Thumb _mowaten_ 04 November 2015, 20:48

An army intelligence agent was shot and wounded Wednesday in the Bekaa city of Hermel as a fugitive was arrested at a hospital in Baalbek.

but eagleyawn and his other ten aliases always maintained the army is not allowed into Hermel and Baalbek!

Thumb _mowaten_ 04 November 2015, 20:48

ice-man, how come you didnt comment there?

no sectarian remarks in that other one, and that's exactly the difference between you and us.

Missing CFTC 04 November 2015, 21:06

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since the day you declared with a straight face you were a shiaa atheist and also a member of hezbollah with only one account. I think i will also continue to laugh at your statement "no sectarian remarks in that other one, and that's exactly the difference between you and us.". Thank you Thank you

Missing Rita.Nahhas 04 November 2015, 21:10

OMG!!!! Even on an insignificant article such as this where an army intelligence officer was shot by hezbollah I find you trolling, spamming, and terrorizing normal posters? What kind of a human being are you? New evidence surfaces every day that you are paid to post and harass posters, but the question that needs to be answered is WHO pays you and for what exact purpose? Is it the Iranian embassy? Is it the Revolutionary guard? or is it the Syrian intelligence? I demand answers and Now!

Default-user-icon mowaten.darta (Guest) 04 November 2015, 21:14

is that a rebuttal or pure spamming mowaten? Do you have a life other than spamming this forum 24/7?

Default-user-icon mowaten.fasweh (Guest) 04 November 2015, 21:15

what is your point mowaten? why the bitterness?

Default-user-icon Rima Al Khatib (Guest) 04 November 2015, 21:16

which country are you a mowaten of...... Certainly not Lebanon!

Thumb _mowaten_ 05 November 2015, 11:30

lol ice-man, nothing to answer so you post under your regular "guest" names?

Missing mohammad_ca 05 November 2015, 18:15

This is your proof that they are allowed in? That they got shot? Lame mowoo.lets see how fast he's released.

Thumb EagleDawn 05 November 2015, 18:38

mowaten of iran;

Attacking the army, dealing in drugs, and money laundering are the hallmark of Shiism, of Shia extremism. Spare us the anti-Sunni narrative, and assume responsibility for your kin murdering innocent people on a daily basis through such acts of "martyrdom".

Thumb liberty 06 November 2015, 04:53

instead of offering stupid comments as usual, condemn what your sectarian thugs have done.... filthy sectarian!

Thumb EagleDawn 05 November 2015, 09:25

lies and filth, brought to you by mowatenirani the the lie-fabricating chimp from ashtaf el nass;)

Missing mohammad_ca 05 November 2015, 18:14

Ashraf elnes please. This is the kind of generation hizbollaat is raising with their vilayet e faqih state within a state.

Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 04 November 2015, 20:45

It is the army's fault for trying to intimidate the resistance and its fighters. The outcome was ugly but they called for it.

Thumb ex-fpm 04 November 2015, 21:03

ashraf el ness once again; a daily occurrence now.

Thumb justin 04 November 2015, 21:19

agreed, these attacks against the LAF are happening so frequently by the same people.

Thumb justice 05 November 2015, 06:06

they are disgusting indeed

Default-user-icon Secular Sectarian, Anjar (Guest) 05 November 2015, 11:46

Mr mouwaten is not I repeat not being sectarian when he posts a link to the Tripoli article and he doesn't I repeat doesn't have multiple accounts, over!

Default-user-icon Nouh Jaafar (Guest) 05 November 2015, 12:03

The trick is not that he was arrested many of them are, but how quickly he's released.