Hizbullah Positions Hit by Israeli Missiles on Syria


Syrian air defence shot down Israeli missiles targeting the south of the country Wednesday, state media said, as a monitor reported positions of the regime's Lebanese ally Hizbullah had been hit.

The attack was launched in the early hours of the morning against the Tall al-Hara sector near the Golan Heights, according to official news agency SANA, which said there had been no casualties.

It did not specify what had been targeted.

SANA also accused Israel of conducting an "electronic war" and "jamming" Syrian radar.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor, said the strikes had targeted positions of the Hizbullah movement in two locations, but without causing any casualties.

"All the positions hit had the Lebanese Hizbullah there," Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said.

The missiles targeted Tall al-Hara, a hill in the southern province of Daraa where Hizbullah has radars and the regime has air defence batteries, said the Observatory, which relies on sources inside Syria for its information.

It also targeted barracks for the Lebanese fighters in the abandoned town of Quneitra on the Syrian-controlled side of a demilitarised zone between both countries in the Golan.

The town has been largely in ruins for over four decades since it was razed by Israeli forces before they withdrew under a 1974 United Nations agreement.

Israel has carried out hundreds of air strikes in Syria since the beginning of the conflict in 2011, targeting forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and the regime's allies Iran and Hizbullah.

Israel and Hizbullah have fought several wars, the latest in 2006.

Comments 7
Thumb barrymore 12 June 2019, 16:00

Well Done

Thumb galaxy 12 June 2019, 16:15

Excellent News

Thumb janoubi 12 June 2019, 16:47

Expecting a response by hezbollah in the 'heart of occupied Palestine' anytime now!

14 May 2018, 17:56
Nassrallah revealed that Israel was warned via a foreign state that “the next response would be in the heart of occupied Palestine".

Thumb warrior 12 June 2019, 19:28

keep expecting.... lol

Thumb doodle-dude 12 June 2019, 17:29


Missing un520 12 June 2019, 18:32

I fear that Nasrallah will punish the lebanese people with yet another fiery empty speech now.

Missing phillipo 12 June 2019, 20:08

You are going to wait a long time.