Nasrallah Warns of Civil War, Asks Hizbullah to 'Leave Squares' and Protesters to Pick Representatives
Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday warned the Lebanese that the ongoing anti-government protests might descend into “chaos”, “collapse” and “civil war,” as he called on Hizbullah’s supporters to leave the protest squares.
“The protest movement is no longer spontaneous and it is being led by known parties and political forces and some sides are funding it,” Nasrallah cautioned in a televised address.
“The situation in Lebanon has entered the phase of international exploitation with the help of domestic sides,” he warned.
Expressing fear that Lebanon might be “dragged into political tensions and civil war,” Nasrallah said he fears for "the entire country, not the resistance."
“Any solution must avoid a plunge into vacuum, because vacuum would be very dangerous,” Nasrallah said.
“We do not accept the fall of the presidential tenure and we do not support the government's resignation, and amid these circumstances we do not accept to go to early parliamentary polls,” he added.
Addressing protesters, Hizbullah’s leader suggested that protesters will not be able to agree on an electoral law and said: “If you want early parliamentary polls, elect your representatives and agree on an electoral law and we will back you unconditionally.”
Nasrallah also acknowledged that the blocking of roads is a legitimate protest tactic but called for the reopening of roads blocked since October 17, accusing some protesters of "setting up checkpoints" and "asking for IDs."
Calling on “the supporters of the resistance” to leave protest squares, Nasrallah added that he “respects” the protesters who choose to stay there.
“Let the leaders of the protest movement show their real face and let them go to the judiciary to prove that they are not corrupt and let them lift their bank secrecy,” Nasrallah said, calling on them to “reassure the resistance.”
“Some of the protest movement's leaders are patriotic and honest while some of the protest movement's leaders are known political parties,” he suggested.
“It's about time this protest movement had leaders,” Nasrallah said, calling on the protest movement to dispatch representatives to meet with President Michel Aoun.
Noting that the reform paper presented by Prime Minister Saad Hariri “is for implementation” and is not “mere promises,” Hizbullah’s leader added that his party “will not allow procrastination in its implementation.”
“ The reform paper was ridiculed in a strange manner by some leaders of the protest movement and this raises suspicions. How can someone disavow their own achievements,” he lamented.
25 October 2019, 17:11
Nasrallah: There is no need to defend the resistance there.
25 October 2019, 17:10
Nasrallah: I call on the supporters of the resistance to leave these squares.
25 October 2019, 17:02
Nasrallah: I do not fear for the resistance; I fear for the country.
25 October 2019, 17:01
Nasrallah: Do not believe what the embassies say. They are claiming that they don't want the government's resignation. This is not important, what's important is what they do and what the CIA does.
25 October 2019, 16:59
Nasrallah: The situation in Lebanon has entered the phase of international exploitation with the help of domestic sides.
25 October 2019, 16:56
Nasrallah: Let the leaders of the protest movement show their real face and let them go to the judiciary to prove that they are not corrupt and let them lift their bank secrecy.
25 October 2019, 16:51
Nasrallah: Some of the protest movement's leaders are known political parties.
25 October 2019, 16:50
Nasrallah: Some of the protest movement's leaders are patriotic and honest.
25 October 2019, 16:49
Nasrallah: It's about time this protest movement had leaders.
25 October 2019, 16:45
Nasrallah: We support the abolition of political sectarianism if the protesters want so.
25 October 2019, 16:43
Nasrallah: The protest movement is no longer spontaneous and it is being led by known parties and political forces and some sides are funding it.
25 October 2019, 16:39
Nasrallah has called for the reopening of blocked roads, accusing some protesters of "setting up checkpoints" and "asking for IDs."
25 October 2019, 16:33
Nasrallah to protesters: If you want early parliamentary polls, elect your representatives and agreed on an electoral law and we will back you unconditionally.
25 October 2019, 16:32
Nasrallah: We do not accept the fall of the presidential tenure and we do not support the government's resignation, and amid these circumstances we do not accept to go to early parliamentary polls.
25 October 2019, 16:27
Nasrallah: Any solution must avoid a plunge into vacuum, because vacuum would be very dangerous.
25 October 2019, 16:26
Nasrallah: Any vacuum would lead to chaos and collapse.
25 October 2019, 16:25
Nasrallah: Together with some forces, we will push for speeding up the adoption of the law on recovering looted public funds and lifting bank secrecy.
25 October 2019, 16:20
Nasrallah: Some protesters have been asked to shout insults on the streets while others are doing so spontaneously.
25 October 2019, 16:19
Nasrallah: The reform paper is for implementation and is not mere promises and we will not allow procrastination in its implementation.
25 October 2019, 16:17
Nasrallah: The reform paper was ridiculed in a strange manner by some leaders of the protest movement and this raises suspicions. How can someone disavow their own achievements.
25 October 2019, 16:16
Nasrallah: It is everyone's responsibility to preserve the positivities achieved by the protest movement, which obliged the Cabinet to pass a tax-free budget.
25 October 2019, 16:11
Nasrallah: Some said that Hizbullah and I were threatening the protesters and some believed these claims and the Gulf media and some domestic parties exploited the allegations.
25 October 2019, 16:08
Nasrallah: It is in the protest movement's interest that we and other parties stay away from it.
25 October 2019, 16:07
Nasrallah: Our country is going through sensitive and critical situations and this requires us to talk responsible and calmly.
Great picture, he looks like an unwashed shia terrorist (Huthi), and that's closer to his true character than the religious uniform he dishonored and desecrated for decades.
As to his speech: nice cartload of BS.
Who does he think he is to decide upon the fate of all the Lebanese!?
Go back to the sewer where you belong!
He will cause a civil war in this country, and no matter what the income, HA will no longer be welcome as 'the resistance' and unfortunately may drive the shia back 50 years in this country.
Bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts extreme pain and unbearable suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia, its leaders, members, sponsors, supporters or followers wherever they may be.
People are protesting because they are fed up including with you and your illegal militia.
But thanks for taking your thugs off the streets.
The people have the absolute right to engage in peaceful protest to address grievances against the government. Article 20 of the International Declaration of Human Rights which is incorporated into the Lebanese Constitution (Provision B of the Preamble to the Constitution). This means that even the government is not allowed to interfere with the rights of the people to engage in peaceful protest, much less the right of a militia to do so.
Regarding Hizbollah so called massive support among the Shia, well history teach us it is the same 99% support based on terror and indoctrination that Saddam and Kaddafi enjoyed just before their fall! Hizbollah only survives by keeping its community poor and uneducated to avoid a Lebanese Green Revolution. 2005 was the Cedar Revolution to kick the Assad occupying forces. 2019 should be the Lebanese Cedar+Green Revolution to kick out the Iranian/Hizb occupation. Hizb can be a political party, must must be disarmed immediately and no funding from foreign criminal regimes... then we'll see its real popular support.
Surrender your weapons to LAF. Let those of your warriors who want to be heroes join the LAF. Then you can stay as a political / sectarian /religious party. Other than that, you are part of the old, useless, failed system and will go, sooner or later. Sooner, thanks.
Mastika... this is the main difference between you and most of us here.
You have a master. We don't.
You receive orders. We don't.
You shut up. We don't.
لم يشرح السيد حسن نصرالله الفرق بين اقفال طريق المطار من قبل انصاره واقفالها من فريق آخر لان النتيجة واحدة وهي ذل الناس، علما ان الاقفال من مناصريه وعناصر “امل” تكرر مرات كثيرة.
The day this evil iranian sectarian terrorist is brutally and violently murdered is the day we celebrate our true independence.