Miqati Says Made 'Slow Progress' in Meeting with Aoun


Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati seemed to be upbeat Thursday after his fifth meeting with President Michel Aoun in Baabda.

“The meeting was important… and we made progress today in the consultations, albeit a slow progress, but we are determined and keen on forming the government,” Miqati told reporters.

Describing the meeting as a “positive step forward,” Miqati added that he has set a formation deadline for himself out of his “patriotic sense,” seeing as the constitution does not stipulate a deadline.

Asked about the reports that have suggested that he might resign soon, the PM-designate said: “I have accepted the designation in order to form (a government) and I have not mentioned anything about resignation.”

“But should I face a dead end as to finding a harmonious team to achieve revival, I will speak to the Lebanese, but so far I have not encountered any problem,” Miqati added.

Calling on the Lebanese to shun “despair,” the PM-designate said he will hold a sixth meeting with Aoun on Friday.

A “highly informed source” had earlier told the Akhbar al-Yawm news agency that

Miqati’s visit to Baabda on Thursday would likely be "the last."

Paris will then “exert pressures on Aoun and MP Jebran Bassil and European sanctions will be imposed prior to Miqati’s resignation before the end of August,” the source added.

“What’s more dangerous is that the club of ex-PMs will not offer Maronites any Sunni premier during Aoun’s tenure after Miqati’s resignation,” the source went on to say.

Comments 6
Thumb i.report 05 August 2021, 16:58

Sanction Michel Noun, wife and daughters !

Defund the army!


Thumb marcus 05 August 2021, 17:58

Living in lala land just like her father:

التقت رئيسة الهيئة الوطنية لشؤون المرأة اللبنانية كلودين عون المدير الاقليمي لصندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان الدكتور لؤي شبانه في حضور مديرة مكتب صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان في لبنان السيدة أسمى قرداحي. وتم البحث في دور المرأة في التنمية المستدامة وتحقيق العدالة والحوكمة الرشيدة والتوعية على الحقوق والمحاسبة، في إطار الإعداد للاستراتيجية الوطني الجديدة للمساواة بين الجنسين في لبنان.


Missing ashrafcaptagon 05 August 2021, 17:09

The government formation only depends on the outcome of what is accomplished during the "new" nuclear deal, till then (long time) there's no necessity in forming a government. In parallel the filthy iranians will advance their positions in every cardinal directions for some leverage on behalf of independent, patriotic Lebanese!

Thumb SheikYerbouti 05 August 2021, 17:59

'Slow Progress', he's obviously not talking about the senile old man's dementia.

Missing samiam 05 August 2021, 20:29

What will happen is that in 3 weeks when MIkati says is his deadline, he will quit and then Imbasil will publicly be placed on EU sanctions thus ending his presidential ambitions. The old man then gets a heart attack and is no longer able to assume the position and new elections are held and the aounists are thrown out of office.

At least I would hope it goes this way....

Default-user-icon w ekhreta? (Guest) 06 August 2021, 01:36

take it easy Mr Mikati, do not give up, keep on negotiating, your a business man, you know how to close a deal