Jreissati Hits Back at Amal over Bitar Accusations

President Michel Aoun’s adviser ex-minister Salim Jreissati on Sunday snapped back at the Amal Movement over accusations related to Beirut port blast investigator Tarek Bitar.
“If Amal Movement’s policies and its national and regional alignments are based on such fake accusations and boring choruses, then I congratulate it and its media mouthpieces on their brilliantly failed stances,” Jreissati said in a statement.
“It is silly, unjust, shameful and criminal to accuse the investigative judge into the port blast of acting at the dictations of a ‘black room’ run and overseen by me,” the ex-minister added.
“Those suspected have almost accused themselves… Fear God and return to the principles of our disappeared imam” Moussa al-Sadr, the founder of the Amal Movement, Jreissati went on to say.