Nasrallah: We want a president who would reassure the resistance

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday openly announced that his party wants a new president for Lebanon who “would reassure the resistance.”
“We do not want a president who would provide a cover for the resistance, because it does not need protection. We want a president who would not stab the resistance in the back,” Nasrallah added, in a televised address marking Hezbollah’s “Martyr Day”.
“The resistance was safe throughout the past years during President Michel Aoun's tenure. We want a brave man who does not get scared and who cannot be bought or sold,” Nasrallah went on to say.
“We want a president in Baabda who would reassure the resistance,” he stressed.
Noting that “the elements of strength in Lebanon must be preserved and one of the most posts concerned with this is the presidency,” Nasrallah noted that “vacuum in the presidency is not anyone's objective.”
He however stressed that “we should not rush to fill the void with any president.”
As for the fate of the sea border demarcation deal with Israel after Benjamin Netanyahu’s return to power, Nasrallah said: “What's protecting Lebanon are God and the army-people-resistance equation of strength.”
“It makes no difference to us who wins the Israeli elections, because all Zionist governments are occupier, brutal and criminal,” Nasrallah added.
“Some consider their guarantee for the sea border deal to be U.S. commitment but our real guarantee is the elements of strength that Lebanon possesses,” Nasrallah went on to say.
11 November 2022, 16:34
Nasrallah: We do not want a president who would provide a cover for the resistance, because it does not need protection. We want a president who would not stab the resistance in the back.
11 November 2022, 16:33
Nasrallah: The resistance was safe throughout the past years during President Aoun's tenure.
11 November 2022, 16:31
Nasrallah: We want a brave man who does not get scared and who cannot be bought or sold.
11 November 2022, 16:28
Nasrallah: We want a president in Baabda who would reassure the resistance.
11 November 2022, 16:26
Nasrallah: The Americans say that they are supporting the Lebanese Army because they believe that it is eligible to eradicate the resistance.
11 November 2022, 16:25
Nasrallah: The Americans are still working on the chaos and civil war scheme.
11 November 2022, 16:25
Nasrallah: This resistance is targeted and the U.S. official's remarks confirm this.
11 November 2022, 16:24
Nasrallah: The elements of strength in Lebanon must be preserved and one of the most posts concerned with this is the presidency.
11 November 2022, 16:21
Nasrallah: The election of a president as soon as possible is in Lebanon's interest, but we should not rush to fill the void with any president.
11 November 2022, 16:21
Nasrallah: The issue of the presidency concerns all Lebanese, not only Christians.
11 November 2022, 16:20
Nasrallah: We want a president as soon as possible.
11 November 2022, 16:20
Nasrallah: Vacuum in the presidency is not anyone's objective.
11 November 2022, 16:15
Nasrallah: The Americans did not make the demarcation deal out of their love for the Lebanese... He (Hochstein) himself said that they made the demarcation deal to spare the region war.
11 November 2022, 16:08
Nasrallah responding to U.S. official Barbara Leaf: Hezbollah eradicated the curse of the United States from Lebanon, killing this plague.
11 November 2022, 15:55
Nasrallah on demarcation deal after Netanyahu's win: We do not believe that Israel will withdraw from this agreement or cancel it.
11 November 2022, 15:52
Nasrallah: Our real guarantee in Lebanon is our strength.
11 November 2022, 15:52
Nasrallah: It makes no difference to us who wins the Israeli elections, because all Zionist governments are occupier, brutal and criminal.
11 November 2022, 15:51
Nasrallah: What's protecting Lebanon are God and the army-people-resistance equation of strength.

That was a substance less speech from his lordship Hassan Nasrallah. If he’s considering weaseling his way out of his people’s poverty for the next 3 years like this , then the Shia will revolt Iranian youth-style.

Watch these imminent events:
1. We got done with Aoun, the worst president in human history that not only bankrupted a nation and evaporated people lifetime saving, but also sold our freedom, democracy and justice to the Basij for 30 pieces of silver.
2. Bassil, the evil political prostitute, is self-deflating left only with cronies support after taking corruption and nepotism to Guinness world records. He is stepping into history trash before being dragged into courts
3. Hizbollah, an Iranian Basij creation to prevent Shia democracy from reaching Iran is self-imploding similar to Basij in Iran. Hizbollah's leaders will not escape Shia anger for being duped for so long. Hizbollah is a bigger curse on Shia as Aoun a virulent curse on Christians.

So, the usual--america bad, iran good and praise the resistance.
But, completely doesn't care about the Lebanon or its people---the only people he is loyal to are his backers in Iran---NOBODY ELSE. He complains about people and groups 'backstabbing the resistance', but completely neglegts to mention how many times he has stabbed the Lebanese, and not even in the back.
And this is funny 'We want a brave man who does not get scared and who cannot be bought or sold.' Like those who sold their souls for the Iranian backed votes.

In other words, Hizbos want a President they can appoint. The sis not an "Election". It's an appointment by Hizb. Full stop. End of story.