'On the path to Jerusalem': 11 Hezbollah fighters killed in 24 hours


Eleven Hezbollah fighters have been killed in the past 24 hours, as Israel and Hezbollah exchanged fire along the border.

An Israeli drone fired Wednesday two missiles at the outskirts of Kfarshouba as Hezbollah targeted the Branit barracks and another Israeli post facing Naqoura.

Israel later shelled the Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba and the villages of Ramyah and Aita al-Shaab. The Israeli army said it struck 5 groups of militants who were about to fire missiles at Israel.

On Tuesday, an Israeli helicopter attack struck an empty position near the border town of Houla, after a missile fired from Lebanon hit an Israeli military position. The Israeli military said the anti-missile attack hit a position in Manara with no casualties. They added that they struck a group of militants in the Shebaa Farms in Lebanon, where the borders of Lebanon, Syria and Israel meet.

Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addressed the Lebanese media outlets Wednesday with a letter, asking them to call all the Hezbollah fighters who were killed since Oct. 7 "the martyrs on the path to Jerusalem".

Hamas militants stormed into Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7, killing at least 1,400 people, according to Israeli officials.

Israel's retaliatory bombing has killed more than 5,000 Palestinians, mainly civilians.

Israel and Hezbollah have been since trading near-daily cross-border fire but the tit-for-tat fire has been relatively contained.

More than Some 50 people have been killed on the Lebanese side, mostly combatants but including four civilians, one of them Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah.

French President Emmanuel Macron, who visited Israel on Tuesday, reaffirmed calls to prevent the war from expanding into Lebanon and the wider Arab world.

Macron warned Hezbollah and other Iran-backed groups against opening a new front in the ongoing war, and that Paris had expressed those concerns in direct communication with Hezbollah.

“To do so would be to open the door to a regional inferno from which everyone would come out the loser,” he said.

Comments 2
Missing HellAndWaite 25 October 2023, 13:15

We should expect that Israel will kill 1.4 Million people in Gaza and Lebanon, before their response is finished. Gaza City will be uninhabitable. The only open question is "what will become of Beirut?"

Missing phillipo 25 October 2023, 15:46

Israel has no problem with the Government of the Republic of Lebanon. The only problem is that Lebanon allows a terrorist organisation to occupy a large part of the south of the country and initiate shooting at targets in Israel. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Lebanon, under General Aoun are not allowed or are not willing to force these terrorists to lay down their arms so that Lebanon can comply with Resolution 1701.