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Mustaqbal and Hizbullah: We Reject Gunfire on All Occasions and Under Any Excuse

Al-Mustaqbal movement and Hizbullah stressed Tuesday during their fifth dialogue session their rejection of gunfire “on all occasions” and “under any excuse,” four days after a fiery speech by Hizbullah's secretary-general was marred by heavy celebratory gunfire that sparked panic among the citizens of Beirut and its suburbs.

“The conferees underlined their rejection of gunfire on all occasions, in all Lebanese regions and under any excuse,” said the two parties in a joint statement issued after the talks in Ain al-Tineh.

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Mustaqbal Says Nasrallah 'Rules of Engagement' Remarks 'Disregarded People Will, Breached 1701'

Al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc on Tuesday described the remarks of Hizbullah's secretary-general on disavowing the rules of engagement in the conflict with Israel as a “unilateral stance that disregarded the people's will and breached the international resolutions,” as it condemned the deadly bombing of a Lebanese bus in Syria.

Describing the bomb attack that killed six Lebanese citizens as “blind, evil terrorism,” the bloc said “this condemned incident must push all Lebanese political forces to carefully and profoundly reflect on the causes behind the escalation on tensions and extremism in the country and the spread of these terrorist acts.”

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Sisi Stresses to Daryan Importance of 'Rectifying Religious Rhetoric'

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi announced Tuesday that Egypt will continue to support Lebanon, stressing the importance of “spreading the values of coexistence” in the Arab countries.

After a meeting between Sisi and Lebanon's Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan, the Egyptian presidential spokesman Alaa Youssef said that “President Sisi welcomed Lebanon's mufti and stressed that Egypt will keep backing and supporting Lebanon.”

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Army, Militants Clash in Ras Baalbek and Arsal Outskirts

The Lebanese army and militants clashed on the outskirts of the northeastern village of Ras Baalbek overnight as troops targeted fighters in the areas surrounding the town of Arsal, the state-run National News Agency reported on Tuesday.

NNA reported shooting incidents and skirmishes between armed groups and the military's bases in the area of Tallet al-Hamra that lies in Ras Baalbek's outskirts.

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Change and Reform: Jannah Dam Project Won't Stop, 4th Basin File 'Suspicious'

The Change and Reform parliamentary bloc on Tuesday condemned the suspension of construction works at the Jannah Dam in the Nahr Ibrahim region, rejecting what it called “the encroachment on people's rights.”

“The decision to stop the construction works was political par excellence,” the bloc said in a statement issued after its weekly meeting in Rabieh.

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Judge Indicts Zureiqat, Abou Abbas with 2014 Bombings

First Military Investigation Judge Riyad Abou Ghida issued on Tuesday an indictment against two Islamist militants and their terror group.

Abou Ghida formally charged Mahmoud Ahmed Abou Abbas and Sirajeddine Zureiqat, a so-called spokesman of the Qaida-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades, with Dahr al-Baydar and Beirut's Tayyouneh bombings in June 2014.

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Health Ministry Inspectors Assaulted during Raid on Musharrafieh Food Warehouse

Inspectors from the Health Ministry were assaulted on Tuesday while they were raiding a warehouse in a district in Beirut's southern suburbs, reported the National News Agency.

It said that the inspectors were seeking to shut down the depot for storing food that does not meet safety standards.

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Seven Wounded in Fire at Dekwaneh Wood Factory

A fire broke out on Monday at a wood factory in the town of Dekwaneh north of Beirut, reported the National News Agency.

Civil Defense teams are working on dousing the blaze and saving the employees from the factory, which is located in the region's industrial city.

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Angered Servicemen Families Vow to Escalate as Officials Fail to Soothe their Distress

The families of abducted servicemen vowed on Tuesday to step up endeavors within 24 hours to press the state to “seriously” deal with the case of their sons, who were taken hostage by Islamist militants seven months ago.

“Even people will be targeted with our endeavors... we will not only close roads,” the relatives told reporters gathered near their camp site in downtown Beirut's Riad al-Solh square.

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Truckers at Beirut Port Suspend Strike over Fourth Basin after Salam's Pledge to Resolve Crisis

The truckers syndicate at Beirut Port announced on Tuesday the suspension of their strike in protest against the fourth basin at the facility after receiving a pledge from Prime Minister Tammam Salam to “resolve the crisis.”

The syndicate was informed of the pledge by Education Minister Elias Bou Saab.

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