Butros Harb
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Harb Meets Sfeir, Challenges Critics of Property Draft-Law to Have a Better Say

Labor Minister Butros Harb on Tuesday rejected accusations that a draft-law that prevents sale of property between Muslims and Christians for a period of 15 years was "sectarian."

In remarks to Future News, Harb said: There are suspicious sales of Christian lands as if there is a tendency to uproot Christians from their areas."

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Harb Accuses March 8 of Seeking Total Defeat of March 14 in Return for Overcoming Crisis

Labor Minister Butros Harb ruled out on Wednesday a possible agreement between Riyadh and Damascus to resolve the Lebanese deadlock based on the current proposals.

"As if it is required to announce the total defeat of the March 14 forces in return for overcoming the crisis," Harb told Voice of Lebanon, Voice of Freedom and Dignity radio station.

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Budget Approval Drags On, Cabinet to Continue Debate on Monday

Cabinet again failed to approve the 2010 state budget and decided to continue debate on the issue in a session to be at Baabda Palace on Monday.

Information Minister Tareq Mitri told reporters that Transportation Minister Ghazi Aridi briefed Cabinet on the agreement reached between Middle East Airlines and the Pilots Union.

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