Climate Change & Environment
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'Life on Planet at Stake', France Warns as Climate Ministers Meet

France's top diplomat, who will preside over a year-end Paris summit tasked with inking a climate rescue pact, warned Sunday of looming planetary "catastrophe" if negotiations fail.

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius's remarks came as separate reports warned of the devastating effects of global warming on the poor and those living in megacities around the world.

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China Smog almost 50 Times WHO Recommendations

A swathe of China was blanketed with dangerous acrid smog Monday after levels of the most dangerous particulates reached almost 50 times World Health Organization maximums.

Levels of PM2.5, the tiny airborne particles considered most harmful to health, reached 860 micrograms per cubic metre in Changchun, the capital of Jilin province in the northeast, on Monday.

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World Bank: Global Warming May Push 100 Million More into Poverty

Global warming could elevate disease, ravage crops and push 100 million more people into poverty without action to prevent it, the World Bank warned in a disturbing new report Sunday.

The problem of climate change is already hampering efforts to reduce poverty, the Bank said, and the poorest people are already suffering more than others from lower rainfall and extreme weather tied to warming.

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Greenpeace Says India Operating License Canceled

Greenpeace said Friday Indian authorities have scrapped its license to operate in the country, the latest in an ongoing battle between the environmental group and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government.

Greenpeace said it had received an order from the southern Tamil Nadu state's Registrar of Societies department summarily announcing the cancellation of its registration as a society.

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France to Introduce Border Checks for Paris U.N. Climate Talks

France will put in place border checks to coincide with U.N. climate talks that start in Paris at the end of this month, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Friday.

"For a month we are going to set up checks on borders," Cazeneuve told French media.

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U.N.: National Pledges 'Far from Enough' to Halt Global Warming

Carbon-cutting pledges from 146 nations are "far from enough" to stave off dangerous global warming, the U.N. warned Friday, three weeks ahead of a crucial climate summit in Paris.

The voluntary efforts to curb greenhouse gases -- if respected -- would only yield a third of the cuts needed by 2030 to keep Earth from overheating, according to a U.N. Environment Program report.

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Saudi Says Fossil Fuels Still Needed despite Global Warming Fears

Leading crude exporter Saudi Arabia supports efforts to limit global warming but believes fossil fuels should remain part of the world energy mix, Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi said Wednesday.

Naimi was speaking at a meeting of major fossil fuel producer and consumer nations in Riyadh ahead of a U.N. conference on climate change in Paris later this month.

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Can the University of California Help Answer our Climate Problems?

The University of California (UC) renewed its commitment to fight climate change at the UC Carbon and Climate Neutrality Summit at UC San Diego Tuesday. University president Janet Napolitano assured California Gov. Jerry Brown and other summit participants that the university’s 10 campuses will continue to act as “living laboratories” for climate change solutions.

“Addressing these challenges, and reducing our carbon footprint, is a moral imperative,” Ms. Napolitano, a former governor of Arizona and Homeland Security secretary, said at the summit.

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Climate Change to Shrink Habitat for Rarest Hawaii Birds

By the end of this century, a warming climate may wipe out available habitat for some of Hawaii's rarest birds, researchers warned on Wednesday.

The future is particularly dire for certain species living in high elevations, said the study, published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE.

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Japan's Lofty 'Hydrogen Society' Vision Hampered by Cost

Japan has lofty ambitions to become a "hydrogen society" where homes and fuel-cell cars are powered by the emissions-free energy source, but observers say price and convenience are keeping the plan from taking off.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has dubbed hydrogen the "energy of the future", and hopes it will help Tokyo meet the modest emissions targets it has set ahead of a U.N. climate change conference this month.

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