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Cases of Hepatitis B and C Hit 325 Million

An estimated 325 million people are living with hepatitis B or C and few are aware of their condition, with death tolls from the viruses rising, the UN said Friday. 

The World Health Organization's latest hepatitis report identifies the condition as a grave public health threat that needs an "urgent response."

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Prince Search Warrants Lay Bare Struggle with Opioids

Court documents unsealed in the investigation into Prince's death paint a picture of a man struggling with an addiction to prescription opioids and withdrawal, with various pills stashed in bottles around the pop superstar's suburban Minneapolis studio and estate.

But the search warrants and affidavits unsealed Monday shed no new light on how Prince got the fentanyl that killed him.

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Overcoming Opioids: The Quest for Less Addictive Drugs

Tummy tucks really hurt. Doctors carve from hip to hip, slicing off skin, tightening muscles, tugging at innards. Patients often need strong painkillers for days or even weeks, but Mary Hernandez went home on just over-the-counter ibuprofen.

The reason may be the yellowish goo smeared on her 18-inch wound as she lay on the operating table. The Houston woman was helping test a novel medicine aimed at avoiding opioids, potent pain relievers fueling an epidemic of overuse and addiction.

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Serial Executions Take Toll on Executioners Too, Critics Say

Putting a prisoner to death "stays with you for a long time," says Ron McAndrew.

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Canadian 'Giant' of HIV Research Drowns

Canadian scientist Mark Wainberg -- described as a "giant" of HIV science and who had recently been working on finding a cure for the condition -- has died at the age of 71, UNAIDS said on Thursday.

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Canada Set to Unveil Legislation Legalizing Cannabis

The government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will unveil legislation Thursday to fully legalize recreational marijuana use, making Canada only the second country to do so, after Uruguay.

Its legalization and regulation would follow in 2018, in time for Canada's national day on July 1.

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El Nino Can Warn on Cholera Outbreaks in Africa

El Nino, the cyclical climatic phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean, is linked to shifts in cholera cases in Africa, providing an early warning that could save lives, scientists said Monday.

During the years when El Nino is warming the eastern Pacific, East Africa has about 50,000 additional cholera cases a year, new research from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health suggests.

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Swiss Test Wireless Cameras to Monitor Newborns' Vital Signs

Swiss researchers said Monday they have developed a wireless camera system to monitor vital signs in premature babies, a move that could replace uncomfortable and highly inaccurate skin sensors.

The skin sensors currently used to monitor vital signs in babies born prematurely generate false alarms in up to 90 percent of cases, mainly set off by the baby's movement.

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U.S. to End Funding for U.N. Population Fund over Abortion

The U.S. government plans to stop funding the United Nations Population Fund because of the organization's "coercive" family planning practices, including providing abortions, officials in Washington said late Monday.

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Dutch Doctors against 'Life Complete' Assisted Suicide

Dutch doctors have come out against a controversial proposed law that would allow assisted suicide for those who feel their lives are complete, and not just for people in unbearable suffering.

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