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'No Ransom Paid' as Abducted Palestinian Businessman Released

A Palestinian businessman, who was kidnapped in the northern Akkar province on Monday, has been released, the state-run National News Agency reported.

Armed men kidnapped trader Youssef Loubani in the Akkar plains. But NNA said he was released at 2:00 am Tuesday and returned to his house in the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Bared.

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Lebanese-Canadian Appeals Extradition over 1980 French Bombing

Lawyers on Monday challenged a decision to extradite a Lebanese-Canadian university professor accused of a deadly 1980 bombing of a Paris synagogue, calling France's key handwriting evidence "fatally flawed."

Hassan Diab is appealing a 2011 court decision and the Canadian government's order to extradite the University of Ottawa sociologist to France, despite the court's concerns that the case was "weak."

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Miqati: Cabinet Could Discuss Fate of Arab Democratic Party ahead of Judicial Verdict

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati said on Tuesday that the government could look into the fate of the Arab Democratic Party ahead of the judicial verdict against the suspects in the twin bombings that targeted the northern city of Tripoli.

“Nothing prevents head of the Arab Democratic Party ex-MP Ali Eid from appearing before the judiciary as he is denying any ties with Ahmed Merhi,” Miqati said in comments published in the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat.

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Phalange Party Demands Providing 'Full Support' to Army, Security Forces in Tripoli

The Phalange Party on Monday urged providing “all necessary support” to the armed and security forces to execute a large-scale security plan in the northern city of Tripoli, following the recent deadly clashes in the region.

"We stress on the importance of breaking the cycle that is controlling Tripoli and drawing the line to all deviant cases present in the city,” the party said in a released statement after the political bureau's weekly meeting.

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Kerry Urges Preventing Hizbullah from Determining Lebanon's Future and Mansour Slams 'Foreign Interventions'

The United States expressed on Monday its rejection of allowing Hizbullah to determine the future of Lebanon.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said at a press conference he held in Riyadh that his talks with Saudi officials discussed the importance of not allowing Hizbullah to dominate Lebanon.

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Palestinian Businessman Kidnapped for Ransom in Akkar

Gunmen abducted for ransom a Palestinian businessman in the northern Akkar plains, the state-run National News Agency reported on Monday.

"Armed men kidnapped trader Youssef Loubani in the Akkar plains,” the NNA said, noting that the abductee is 50 years old.

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Jumblat on Letter to Assad Report: I haven't Reached This Level of Political Stupidity

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat denied on Monday reports saying that he sent a letter to Syrian President Bashar Assad, in an attempt to reconsider his current relation with the Damascus regime.

"I haven't reached this level of political dotage and stupidity,” Jumblat told the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa website.

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Saqr Issues Search and Investigation Warrant against Ali Eid and Syrian Tanks Deploy near His House

State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr issued on Monday a search and investigation warrant against Arab Democratic Party chief Ali Eid.

After the news of the warrant broke out, several supporters of Eid took to the streets of Tripoli to protest Saqr's decision.

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Arslan Denies Delivering Letter to Assad on Behalf of Jumblat

Lebanese Democratic Party leader Talal Arslan denied on Monday that he allegedly delivered a letter to Syrian President Bashar Assad on behalf of Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat or vise-versa.

“The report is a rumor and false,” Arslan said, according to the state-run National News Agency.

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Report: Indirect Talks between Hizbullah, U.S. over Government Formation

Indirect and secret contacts are ongoing between Hizbullah and the U.S. embassy in Lebanon, the Kuwaiti al-Anbaa newspaper reported on Monday.

The daily quoted a March 14 MP as saying that the “relations between the Hizbullah and the U.S. are developing positively.”

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