Middle East
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Iran slams Israel participation in Paris Olympics

Iran condemned on Tuesday the "reception and protection" of Israeli athletes at the Olympic games in Paris, demanding their exclusion over Israel's handling of the Gaza war.

Israel's delegation, which headed to France on Monday ahead of Friday's opening ceremony, is being tightly protected in the French capital amid growing international outrage over the the high civilian casualty toll and unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

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Israel slams Abbas' Fatah party over post-war Gaza deal with Hamas

Israel slammed Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas' Fatah party on Monday for signing an agreement with Hamas to rule Gaza together once the war ends.

"Hamas and Fatah signed an agreement in China for joint control of Gaza after the war. Instead of rejecting terrorism, Mahmud Abbas embraces the murderers and rapists of Hamas, revealing his true face," Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on X.

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Israeli govt quietly sends millions to unauthorized West Bank settler outposts

The Israeli government has budgeted millions of dollars to protect small, unauthorized Jewish farms in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, underwriting tiny outposts meant to grow into full-fledged settlements, according to an anti-settlement monitoring group.

Documents uncovered by Peace Now illustrate how Israel's pro-settler government has quietly poured money into the unauthorized outposts, which are separate from its more than 100 officially recognized settlements. Some of those outposts have been linked to settler violence against Palestinians and are sanctioned by the U.S.

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What to know about Netanyahu's visit to Washington at fraught time for Israel, US

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington this week is looming as a fraught one between the two allies, coming at a moment of extreme political flux in the United States, and wariness among American leaders about Netanyahu's history of interjecting himself into U.S. domestic politics.

The main purpose of Netanyahu's visit is a speech to a joint meeting of Congress. But at stake, in meetings with administration officials, are hopes for progress in U.S.-led efforts to mediate an end to the nine-month Israel-Hamas war. The visit comes as the toll of Palestinians killed in Israeli strikes in Gaza nears 40,000. It's also in a week when new deaths were reported among the surviving hostages — who include Israelis, Americans and other nationalities — held by Hamas and other militants since the first hours of the war.

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Hamas announces 'national unity' deal with Palestinian rivals

Hamas announced Tuesday it had signed an agreement in Beijing with other Palestinian organizations including rivals Fatah to work together for "national unity", with China describing it as a deal to rule Gaza together once the war ends.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who hosted senior Hamas official Musa Abu Marzuk, Fatah envoy Mahmud al-Aloul and emissaries from 12 other Palestinian groups, said they had agreed to set up an "interim national reconciliation government" to govern post-war Gaza.

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Palestinian officials say Israel troops kill 5 in West Bank raid

Palestinian officials said Israeli troops killed five Palestinians, including two women, in a pre-dawn raid on a refugee camp in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday.

The deaths came when Israeli forces raided the Tulkarem camp, the head of its popular committee, Faisal Salamah, told AFP. An activist at the camp confirmed the toll. The Israeli military did not immediately comment.

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Houthi harbor still ablaze days after Israel strikes on Yemen

Firefighting teams on Monday were struggling to contain a massive blaze at Yemen's Hodeida port, days after a deadly Israeli strike damaged oil storage facilities and endangered aid ships in the harbor.

Heavy flames and black smoke were seen spiraling into the sky for a third consecutive day following the strike on Saturday, said an AFP correspondent in Hodeida.

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UAE orders trial of Bangladeshi nationals arrested for protesting home government

Authorities in the United Arab Emirates ordered an investigation and an expedited trial of Bangladeshi nationals arrested for protesting against their home government across the Gulf country, state media reported.

The protests in the UAE followed weeks of protests in Bangladesh by demonstrators protesting a quota system that reserved up to 30% of government jobs for relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh's war of independence in 1971. The country's top court on Sunday scaled back on the controversial system, in a partial victory for student protesters.

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Israeli military says 1 person killed after he tried to stab Israeli forces

The Israeli military said that one person was killed after he attempted to stab Israeli security forces with a knife at the entrance to an Israeli town along the Gaza border on Monday morning.

According to Israel’s Army Radio, the attacker arrived at the security checkpoint by car and in English started accusing Israel of carrying out atrocities in Gaza, before reaching into his car and taking out a knife. Security forces shot and killed the man. There were no other injuries reported.

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Israel orders evacuation of part of Gaza humanitarian zone

The Israeli military on Monday ordered the evacuation of part of an area in the Gaza Strip it has designated a humanitarian zone.

The military said it is planning to begin an operation against Hamas militants who have embedded themselves in the area and used it to launch rockets toward Israel. The area includes the eastern part of the Muwasi humanitarian zone, which is located in the southern Gaza Strip.

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