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EU: U.S. Claims on Chemical Arms Boost Need for Syria U.N. Inspection

The European Union on Friday said U.S. allegations about the use of chemical weapons reinforced the need for U.N. inspectors to be deployed to Syria, and for increased efforts to find a political solution to the conflict.

A spokesman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the bloc had seen with "great concern the conclusions of the statement" by the White House on Thursday about alleged nerve gas use by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

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Syria Calls U.S. Claims on Chemical Weapons Use 'Lies'

Syria on Friday slammed Washington's claims that it had used chemical weapons in its fight against rebels, accusing the United States of "lies" based on "fabricated information.”

"The White House published a statement full of lies about the use of chemical weapons in Syria, based on fabricated information, through which it is trying to hold the Syrian government responsible for such use," state news agency SANA quoted a foreign ministry official as saying.

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Syrian Rebel Chief: U.S. Aid Would Boost Rebels

The commander of the main Western-backed rebel group fighting in Syria said Friday he hoped that U.S. weapons will be in the hands of rebels in the near future, saying it will boost the morale of the fighters on the ground.

The comments by Gen. Salim Idris to Al-Arabiya TV followed a decision by President Barack Obama to authorize sending weapons to Syrian rebels, marking a deepening of U.S. involvement in Syria's two-year civil war.

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Hague Agrees with U.S. on Syria Chemical Weapons Use

Britain said Friday it agreed with the United States' assessment that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons and called for a "strong, determined" international response.

Foreign Secretary William Hague said Britain would be discussing that response "urgently" with the United States, France and other countries, including at a G8 summit next week.

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Activists: Battles Rage in Syria's Aleppo

Syrian troops and rebels fought the heaviest battles in months Friday Aleppo, Syria's largest city, a day after U.S. officials said Washington has authorized sending weapons to opposition fighters for the first time.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the clashes concentrated in the eastern rebel-held neighborhood of Sakhour, calling the fighting "the most violent in months." It said troops attacked the neighborhood from two directions but failed to advance, suffering casualties.

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Russia Tells U.S. Not to Make Iraq Mistake Twice in Syria

Russia said Friday that U.S. data on the Syrian regime's alleged use of chemical weapons was "unconvincing", and warned Washington against repeating the mistake it made when invading Iraq after falsely accusing Saddam Hussein of stocking weapons of mass destruction.

The Kremlin's top foreign policy adviser Yury Ushakov also said the U.S. decision to provide military aid to Syrian rebels would damage international efforts to end a conflict that has left tens of thousands dead.

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NATO Urges U.N. Inspection over Syria Chemical Weapons

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Friday welcomed a "clear" U.S. statement accusing the Syrian regime of using chemical weapons and said Damascus must let the U.N. investigate the allegations.

"I welcome clear U.S. statement. Urgent that Syria regime should let U.N. investigate all reports of chemical weapons use," he said on his official Twitter feed.

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Report: U.S. Military Proposes No-fly Zone over Syria

U.S. military proposals for arming Syrian rebels include a limited no-fly zone over rebel training camps, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

This zone would stretch up to 25 miles (40 kilometers) into Syria, and would be enforced by warplanes flying inside Jordan and armed with long-distance air-to-air missiles, the Journal reported, citing unnamed U.S. officials.

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Key Court Ruling Puts Kuwait Democracy on the Line

Kuwait now stands at a political crossroads ahead of a crucial court ruling on Sunday on a controversial electoral law, with the decision affecting the future of democracy itself in the oil-rich state.

The constitutional court, whose verdicts are final, will rule whether an amendment decreed by the emir last October to the electoral law is constitutional or not.

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U.S. Officials: Obama to Step up Military Support of Syrian Rebels

President Barack Obama has authorized sending weapons to Syrian rebels for the first time, U.S. officials said Thursday, after the White House disclosed that the United States has conclusive evidence President Bashar Assad's government used chemical weapons against opposition forces trying to overthrow him.

Obama has repeatedly said the use of chemical weapons would cross a "red line," suggesting it would trigger greater American intervention in the two-year crisis.

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