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Bassil says freedom, independence and sovereignty are incomplete

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil on Tuesday tweeted that the date of March 14, 1989 marked “the beginning for regaining freedom, sovereignty and independence,” in reference to the day on which General Michel Aoun declared a “war of liberation” against Syrian forces stationed in Lebanon.

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Banks to reportedly suspend their strike as of Monday

The Association of Banks in Lebanon is inclined to suspend its strike at the end of this week and operations will resume on Monday, al-Jadeed TV reported on Tuesday.

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What did Berri, Bukhari discuss in Ain el-Tineh?

Saudi Ambassador Walid Bukhari has reiterated the qualifications that KSA thinks a president should have during his meeting with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, media reports said.

Sources told al-Joumhouria, in remarks published Tuesday, that Bukhari has reasserted that the presidential election is a Lebanese affair.

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British Ambassador celebrates Lebanese who graduated from UK universities

The British Ambassador to Lebanon, Hamish Cowell, hosted a reception at his residence last night to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the Alumni Association for Lebanese Graduates of UK Universities. It also marked the 40th Anniversary of Chevening, the UK government’s international scholarships and fellowships program. It’s a one year fully funded scholarship for individuals with ideas to create a positive change.

Guests included some of the most talented and successful Lebanese graduates of UK universities and Lebanese Army officers who attended UK staff colleges and military academies were present. Amongst them were lawyers, human rights activists, economists, entrepreneurs and politicians, some of whom graduated from amongst the UK’s most prestigious universities.

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Berri: Franjieh can be president who would talk to Syria, tackle defense strategy

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri on Monday defended the Shiite Duo’s nomination of Suleiman Franjieh for the president post.

In a meeting with a delegation from the Press Syndicate and the Press Editors Syndicate, Berri reminded that Franjieh had also been a candidate “when the term of president Emile Lahoud was extended.”

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Qaouq: We're not awaiting any foreign settlement

Hezbollah central council member Sheikh Nabil Qaouq on Monday stressed that his party and its allies are “not awaiting any foreign settlement -- neither bilateral nor among five parties -- that would impose on the Lebanese characteristics and names for the presidency.”

“Hezbollah, the Amal Movement, the allies and the friends have opened a horizon for resolving the presidential crisis through domestic consensus, away from foreign vetoes and specifications. As for the election of a challenge and confrontation president, this now belongs to the past, and we’re talking about the present and the future,” the Hezbollah official added.

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Bukhari from Ain el-Tineh: There's 'certainly' something positive for Lebanon

Saudi Ambassador Walid Bukhari met Monday with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri in Ain el-Tine.

As he left the meeting, Bukhari told reporters that there is "certainly" something positive for Lebanon.

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Frnech judge arrives in Lebanon to question Salameh

The Observatoire Européen pour l'Integrité du Liban said Monday that French judge Aude Buresi will arrive in Lebanon in the upcoming hours to question Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh.

The interrogation will take place in the presence of First Investigative Judge of Beirut Charbel Abou Samra, the observatory said.

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Bou Najem meets Geagea in presidential talks tour

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea met Monday with Maronite Archbishop of Antelias Antoine Bou Najem over the presidential crisis.

Assigned by Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, Bou Najem had started last month to meet Christian leaders in an attempt to secure Christian consensus over the presidential file.

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Mikati meets al-Rahi before traveling to Vatican

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Monday urged those who consider cabinet meetings as illegitimate to go ahead and elect a president.

Mikati's statement came after a meeting with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, during which they discussed the Taif Agreement, the presidential file and Mikati's visit to the Vatican.

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