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Hezbollah, Shiite Council condemn Kouyoumjian's 'Mutaa' remarks

Hezbollah condemned Friday remarks by the Head of Foreign Affairs in the Lebanese Forces Party, Richard Kouyoumjian, who criticized the Shiite Mutaa marriage and the political Shiism that he described as "arrogant."

"Even if religion allows it, Mutaa marriage remains an adultery that results in an illegitimate child whose mother is ashamed of, and whose actual father is different from his real father," Kouyoumjian had said in a tweet.

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Mouawad lashes out at Berri over 'in vitro experiment' candidate

Presidential candidate MP Michel Mouawad on Thursday lashed out at Speaker Nabih Berri in a barb-filled statement, after the latter described him as an “in vitro experiment” candidate.

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Berri says Maronite disaccord complicating presidential vote

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri will not call for another "theatrical" session that would not elect a president.

In an interview with al-Akhbar newspaper, Berri said that he will try to break the impasse and that he will only call for a session when he senses that the parties are ready to elect, not to "waste time" and "make statements."

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US State Department offers $10 mn for info on Hezbollah financial network

U.S. State Department Rewards for Justice Program has offered a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the disruption of the financial mechanisms of Hezbollah.

"Mohammad Bazzi's been arrested, but Hezbollah is still collecting revenue through people like him. So you may be eligible for a reward if you submit information about Hezbollah's financial network," Rewards for Justice said in a tweet.

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International Support Group for Lebanon urges for swift president election

The International Support Group for Lebanon (ISG) -- launched by the U.N. Secretary-General with former President Michel Sleiman to help mobilize support and assistance for Lebanon’s stability, sovereignty and state institutions -- urged Thursday the political leadership and MPs to elect a new president "without further delay."

"As the presidential vacancy enters its fifth month, amid lacking reforms, entrenching positions and deepening polarization, the International Support Group for Lebanon is gravely concerned about the ramifications of a prolonged presidential vacuum," the ISG said in a statement.

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Lira recovers as Salameh intervenes anew in market

Lebanon’s unofficial dollar exchange rate dropped by more than LBP 10,000 on Wednesday evening, shortly after Central Bank chief Riad Salameh announced that the bank will start buying and selling dollars at a Sayrafa platform rate of LBP 70,000.

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Bayssari vows to follow in Ibrahim's footsteps as General Security head

Acting General Security chief Brig. Gen. Elias Bayssari on Wednesday hailed outgoing General Security head Abbas Ibrahim, during a ceremony to bid farewell to the latter on the occasion of the end of his term.

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Mikati, FPM trade barbs over cabinet decree signatures

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and the Free Patriotic Movement have attacked each other over the signatures needed for decrees issued by the caretaker cabinet.

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Outgoing Ibrahim rejects 'illegal' extension solution, eyes FM post

Outgoing General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim on Wednesday announced that he would not have accepted any “illegal exit” for extending his term, which expires on Wednesday.

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Geagea: LF to boycott presidential vote if Hezbollah candidate has 65 votes

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea has considered any dialogue with Hezbollah and the FPM over presidency, as unlikely.

"All of Hezbollah's calls for dialogue are fake and misleading," Geagea said, in remarks published Wednesday, as he told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that when Hezbollah calls for dialogue, what it really wants is discussing the nomination of Marada leader Suleiman Franjieh.

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