An American tourist has accused two men of raping her in the popular Himalayan hill station of Dharamsala in northern India, police said Thursday, the latest sex attack on a foreigner.
The 46-year-old woman has told police she was walking through a crowded market area of the town, famed for its Tibetan community and home to the Dalai Lama, on Tuesday evening when the attack occurred.

Four suspected rebels and a soldier were killed early Thursday in Indian Kashmir in a gun battle near the de facto border with Pakistan, the second incident in 24 hours, a police officer said.
Police sealed off a forested area in northern Handwara overnight on suspicion militants were moving towards a village, triggering a 10-hour gun battle between government forces and rebels.

Pakistan on Saturday said two civilian men were killed and five other people were wounded in the latest cross-border shelling by India in the disputed region of Kashmir.
The latest casualties came a day after Pakistan said a woman was killed and her husband and daughter, and a third female relative, were wounded by shelling in the Nezapir sector.

Seven people died when a three-story building collapsed in heavy rains in western India, an official said Wednesday, the latest deadly accident to highlight shoddy construction standards in the country.
Rescuers were frantically searching for another three people believed trapped under the rubble of the dilapidated building, which crumbled on the outskirts of Indian's financial capital Mumbai late Tuesday night.

A convicted bomb plotter due to be hanged next week lodged on Thursday a last-ditch challenge with India's top court, claiming his death warrant had been issued before all legal avenues to appeal were exhausted.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a final appeal by Yakub Memon, who was convicted for plotting the 1993 Mumbai bomb attacks that killed hundreds, paving the way for his execution after more than two decades in jail.

India's top court on Tuesday rejected a final appeal by Yakub Memon, a key plotter of bomb attacks that killed hundreds in Mumbai in 1993, paving the way for his execution.
Media reports said Yakub Memon would hang on July 30 -- more than two decades after the deadliest attacks ever to hit India -- after the Supreme Court rejected his final plea.

A Turkish Airlines flight from Bangkok to Istanbul made an emergency landing in India Tuesday after a bomb threat was scrawled in lipstick on a bathroom mirror, officials said.
All 148 passengers and crew were immediately evacuated after the plane landed safely in an isolated area at New Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport following the third bomb scare to hit the airline this year.

India's nuclear watchdog allayed fears Friday of a radioactive leak at New Delhi's busy international airport, saying tests at the site had turned out negative.
The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) said their probe showed organic liquid from another consignment had spilled over the nuclear medicine shipment of Turkish airlines, causing the scare.

Hospitals in India were struggling Thursday to cope with an influx of victims of a blistering heatwave that has claimed nearly 1,500 lives in just over a week.
Hundreds of people -- mainly from the poorest sections of society -- die at the height of summer every year in India, but this year's figures are unusually high.

More than 430 people have died in two Indian states from a days-long heatwave that has seen temperatures nudging 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), officials said Monday.
Officials warned the toll was almost certain to rise, with figures still being collected in some parts of the hard-hit Telangana state in the south of the country, and with no end in sight to the searing conditions.