Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Thursday that the March 14 camp does not deny what was reported in the recently published WikiLeaks cables.
He said during a press conference: “All that was said in the cables, I repeat every day. All that we stated is true and we are free to perceive them as we wish.”

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea has reportedly called for making promises on the Shebaa farms and stressed that disarming Hizbullah was the key to toppling former President Emile Lahoud.
In a WikiLeaks cable published by al-Akhbar daily, Geagea said during a meeting with U.S. diplomats on August 12, 2006 that “Speaker Nabih Berri who is still controlled” by Hizbullah will not be able to support a move to topple Lahoud.
Full StoryHizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Saturday stressed that "all this uproar" in Lebanon over his party's arsenal of weapons "will not affect the performance of the Resistance which will carry on with training and arming" its fighters.
"We have to deal calmly with everything being said, as the Resistance's arsenal of weapons is fine and it will always be pointed at the (Israeli) enemy, but let no one try to harass us," Nasrallah added.

The Lebanese Forces issued a clarification on Friday over the recent WikiLeaks cable published in Al-Akhbar on Friday in which LF leader Samir Geagea was quoted as saying that he supports turning Hizbullah into a problem on the internal Lebanese scene in order to weaken it.
The LF statement said that the cable revealed that Geagea does not employ double standards in his political rhetoric as the claims in the report are the same statements he still issues this very day.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea believed that turning Hizbullah into an internal Lebanese problem will pave the way to its disarmament, revealed a leaked U.S. Embassy cable published exclusively in Al-Akhbar on Friday.
Dated July 25, 2006, the WikiLeaks cable also quoted Geagea as saying that a ceasefire in the July 2006 war that does not call for the party’s disarmament will “inevitably lead to the renewal of the hostilities between Hizbullah and Israel.”

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has urged all Lebanese political parties to use a calmer political rhetoric to prevent any clashes between foes.
He addressed caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri in remarks to As Safir daily on Friday, asking him if he sees any solution to the issue of Hizbullah’s arms except for “calm and rational dialogue.”
Full StoryLebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea issued on Wednesday an open letter to Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun “for once again overstepping all boundaries and reaching new dangerous heights” in his rhetoric.
Addressing Aoun’s statements on Tuesday about the fate of the March 14 rally even if a million people participated in it, he said that such remarks as “disdainful to a million Lebanese.”

Lebanese leaders welcomed the election of Beshara al-Rahi as the new Maronite Patriarch on Tuesday, hoping he would be successful in keeping Bkirki a place of unity among the Lebanese.
Al-Rahi will be “the best successor to the best predecessor,” President Michel Suleiman said in a statement.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea thanked on Monday all those who participated in the March 13 rally, calling on President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati to take into consideration the views of more than half of the Lebanese who participated in the demonstration.
He criticized during a press conference after meeting with Deputy Speaker Farid Makari and MP Farid Habib “attempts by the other camp to belittle yesterday’s events.”

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said at the Cedar Revolution’s sixth anniversary on Sunday that the second Cedar Revolution won’t succumb until Hizbullah's "statelet" disappears.
Geagea addressed March 14 supporters gathered at Martyrs Square saying: “We only want the Lebanese state to govern; we won’t rest until the state within the state concept vanishes and the state is established.”