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Violence Rages in Aleppo, Damascus

At least 13 people were killed across Syria on Saturday as fierce fighting raged in Aleppo and Damascus, the country's two biggest cities, a rights group said.

Overnight in Aleppo, rebel forces withdrew from the district of Izaa where the state television building is situated, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

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Report: Government Suspends Deportation of Syrians after Growing Pressure

The Lebanese authorities decided to stop deporting Syrians following local and international pressure on the government in the aftermath of the deportation of 14 people by the General Security Department, An Nahar daily reported on Saturday.

The newspaper said that an agreement was reached among President Michel Suleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and the major political parties in the government to stop the deportations even if some judicial cases allow such a move.

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Sayda Says U.N. Vote Confirms Syrian Regime Illegitimate

A U.N. General Assembly resolution condemning Syria's use of heavy weapons and the Security Council's failure to act means the Syrian regime has lost legitimacy, the head of the opposition Syrian National Council said on Friday.

"This vote confirms that this regime lost its legitimacy and that the international community does not believe in its legitimacy anymore," Abdel Basset Sayda told a news conference in Arbil, the capital of Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region, region referring to a resolution passed earlier on Friday.

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Miqati: Syrian Refugees Humanitarian Situation Mustn't Prevent Enforcing Verdicts against Offenders

Prime Minister Najib Miqati on Friday stressed that his government will continue its so-called self-dissociation policy towards the Syrian crisis, noting that “the humanitarian situation of the Syrian refugees must not become an obstacle to implementing the judicial verdicts issued against the culprits of crimes that have nothing to do with politics.”

“The repercussions of the unrest in Syria have become a topic for an intense campaign against the government and its policies, at a time we have put Lebanon’s higher interest above all else and committed to the policy of self-dissociation which represents a well-calculated choice that stems from our firm belief in Lebanon’s distinguished role among the region’s countries,” Miqati said during an iftar banquet at the Grand Serail.

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Russia Seriously Concerned over Aleppo Violence

Russia expressed serious concern Friday over attempts by Syrian rebels to gain control of Aleppo and condemned foreign nations for providing the armed opposition with military supplies.

The foreign ministry said the latest evidence from Syria's second city showed that "illegal armed formations" were trying to make Aleppo into a base for future attacks on Syrian President Bashar Assad's troops.

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U.N. General Assembly Votes 133 to 12 to Slam Security Council's Inaction on Syria

The U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution Friday criticizing the Security Council's failure to act on the Syria conflict, which U.N. leader Ban Ki-moon said has become a "proxy war".

The resolution, which condemned President Bashar Assad's use of "heavy weapons" in his battle against the rebellion against his rule, was passed by 133 votes with 12 countries against and 31 abstaining.

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Ban Says Syria Conflict Has Become 'Proxy War'

U.N. leader Ban Ki-moon said Friday that the Syria conflict has become a "proxy war" and that the international powers must overcome rivalries to end the violence.

Evoking the U.N.'s failure in the Srebenica massacre in Bosnia, Ban warned the divided U.N. Security Council that "the immediate interests of the Syrian people must be paramount over any larger rivalries of influence."

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Another Syrian General Defects to Turkey

Another Syrian brigadier general has crossed the border into Turkey to join the ranks of opposition fighters, bringing the total number of rebel generals in Turkey to 29, a diplomat said Friday.

The general was accompanied by his family, he told Agence France Presse.

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General Security Hits Back at Critics, Says Deported Syrians Committed Crimes in Lebanon

The General Directorate of General Security hit back anew on Friday at those who criticized the deportation of 14 Syrians to their strife-torn country, reiterating that those deported were convicted of crimes committed in Lebanon.

“Any decision taken by the General Directorate of General Security stems from the laws and regulations that govern its work and is under the authority of the Lebanese judiciary,” the directorate said in a statement.

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90 Dead as Aleppo Protesters Demand Death for Assad and Activists Accuse Regime of Massacre in Hama

Protesters in Aleppo took to the streets Friday to demand death for Syrian President Bashar Assad even as violence raged there and 90 people were killed nationwide.

The Local Coordination Committees, the main activist group spurring protests on the ground, said regime forces shot dead at least 90 people across the country, among them 66 in Hama that witnessed a “massacre” in its al-Arbaeen neighborhood.

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