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Russia Probes Caucasus Link to Airport Terror

President Dmitry Medvedev said Tuesday that clear breaches in security had allowed a suspected female suicide bomber linked to Russia's Northern Caucasus to slaughter 35 people at Moscow's main airport.

In comments broadcast on national television, Medvedev demanded answers from Domodedovo airport over how it let the bomber wander into arrivals and set off a charge just as passengers from several international flights were arriving.

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35 Killed in Moscow Airport Suicide Bombing, Medvedev Describes Attack 'Act of Terror'

A suicide bomber killed at least 35 people and wounded over 130 in the packed arrivals hall of Moscow's largest airport in an attack slammed by the Kremlin and the world as an act of terror.

There were scenes of carnage at Domodedovo airport in southern Moscow Monday as corpses were stretchered out of the smoke-filled arrivals area after the blast, the latest deadly attack in the capital after the March metro bombings.

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31 Killed, Scores Hurt in Moscow Airport Suicide Bombing

A suspected suicide bombing Monday killed at least 31 people and wounded over 100 at Moscow's Domodedovo international airport in an attack described by investigators as an act of terror.

Eyewitnesses who spoke to Russian radio described a scene of carnage after the blast ripped through the baggage claims section of the arrivals hall at Russia's largest airport.

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Crisis Spirals: 'Amazing' Australian Floodwaters Enter New Towns

Surging floodwaters broke levees in disaster-hit Australia on Monday to inundate more properties in the southeast, as residents sandbagged homes against the spiraling crisis.

Swollen rivers in the southeastern state of Victoria have created a flood zone measuring an estimated 90 kilometers (56 miles) long and 40 kilometers wide, the State Emergency Service said.

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Ahmadinejad Says Iran Open to More Nuclear Talks

Iran is open to holding further talks with six world powers over its nuclear program, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday, a day after the failure of the latest round of dialogue in Istanbul.

"They have talked for a few rounds, but we never expected that issues would be resolved during these few sessions because of the record and mentality of the other parties," the hardliner said in a speech aired live on state television from the northern city of Rasht.

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U.S. Drone Strike 'Kills Four Militants in Pakistan'

A U.S. drone attack killed at least four militants in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal district on Sunday, officials said.

"The U.S. drone hit a car immediately after it parked outside a house. Four militants have been killed," an intelligence official in Miranshah told AFP, adding that the vehicle was completely destroyed and the house badly damaged.

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Japan Rocket Carries Supplies to Space Station

A Japanese rocket carrying supplies for the International Space Station successfully lifted off from a remote island Saturday on a mission designed to help fill a hole left by the retirement of NASA's space shuttle program.

The unmanned rocket was carrying nearly 6 tons of food, water, clothing and experimental equipment to the astronauts in orbit in the space station, an international project involving 15 nations. The rocket also was carrying cargo for NASA.

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Bin Laden Links Fate of French Hostages to Afghan Pullout, Paris Remains Adamant

Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden said the release of two French hostages in Afghanistan depends on a pullout of their country's soldiers and warned Paris of a "high price" for its policies, in a tape broadcast on Friday.

"We repeat the same message to you: The release of your prisoners in the hands of our brothers is linked to the withdrawal of your soldiers from our country," said the speaker on the audiotape broadcast on Al-Jazeera television.

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Iran in New Wrangling with World Powers over Nukes

Six world powers began fresh talks with Iran Friday in a bid to resolve tensions over its controversial nuclear drive, but the United States warned against building up hopes of a breakthrough.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, led the delegations which convened for the two-day meeting at a seafront Ottoman palace in Istanbul, a Turkish diplomat said.

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With Term Half Done, Obama Seeks Second

U.S. President Barack Obama passed the halfway point of his four-year term Thursday and revealed he is already plotting to win a second, boosted by a sudden upswing in popularity.

Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs divulged the worst-kept secret in Washington, saying that his boss would "likely" ask voters to send him back to the White House in 2012.

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