سليمان عن اتفاق ايران النووي: نأمل ان ينعكس ايجابا على الاوضاع الاقليمية

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أمل رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أن ينعكس الاتفاق النووي الايراني على الاوضاع الاقليمية وعلى علاقات حسن الجوار.

وأعرب سليمان، الثلاثاء، عن أمله في أن يشكل التفاهم بين الدول الكبرى وايران حول ملفها النووي "مدخلا الى تغليب منطق الحوار والحلول السياسية في مواجهة مخاطر العنف والتشرذم والانقسام".

وعله "ينسحب ايجابا على الاوضاع الاقليمية بما يتوافق مع مبادئ القانون وعلاقات حسن الجوار على قاعدة الاحترام المتبادل والمصالح المشتركة وعدم التدخل في الشؤون الداخلية للدول"، كما أضاف سليمان.

وأكد على "اهمية تحصين الوحدة الوطنية والاستقرار ومنطق الاعتدال في هذه الظروف الدقيقة".

وبحث سليمان مع سفير الولايات المتحدة الاميركية دايفيد هيل اجواء الاتفاق الدولي مع ايران وانعكاس ذلك ايجابا على المنطقة في حال تم التزام بنوده.

يشار الى ان اتفاق جنيف هو اتفاق مرحلي لستة اشهر ابرم الاحد بعد خمسة ايام من المفاوضات الصعبة، يحد من انشطة طهران النووية لقاء تخفيف محدود للعقوبات المفروضة على الاقتصاد الايراني. وسيفضي الى اتفاق شامل يضمن بان البرنامج النووي الايراني لاغراض سلمية بحتة.

التعليقات 20
Thumb benzona 15:08 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Suleiman hails Iran
nasraklah hails Hitler

we are stuck in the middle!

Thumb Mystic 15:18 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Comment of the day benzona, The comment that made no sense at all..

Thumb Mystic 15:53 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

@ice i'm sorry to disappoint you, aren't you supposed to fly around with superman or something.

Thumb Mystic 15:17 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Sulaiman knows the nuclear deal means stronger posibilities for peace in Lebanon.

Thumb geha 15:49 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

who is the stupid who saw this as a bad deal?
this is the best deal ever!
what best than iran selling off hizbushaitan?
this Iranian terrorist militia will be disbanded soon as per this accord.

Thumb Mystic 15:52 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

lol iran is not selling off Hezbollah, they will still have presence in both Syria and Lebanon. This deal is meant for the USA to backoff from Syria, which is slowly approaching =)

Thumb geha 16:29 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

dream on :)
you make us laugh, please continue on the same path.

Thumb Mystic 16:56 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Giving you a fact geha, i don't ask you to follow me.

Thumb Mystic 18:31 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Fact is that it doesn't really matter what we do for the palestinians now, most of them see us as heretics anyway. So i rather want protect myself and my family. Hamas stabbed HA in the back, HA realized that no matter what they do, they will never be accepted by the muslim brotherhood.

Thumb Mystic 18:32 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Sunni muslims see Shias as greater heretics than Israel or USA.

Default-user-icon Baltrim Fizlaung (ضيف) 16:09 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Suleiman Hails Iran Nuclear Deal, Hopes it Will Improve His Chances of Falling Down On Us By Parachute Again for More Good-for-Nothing Nothingness

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:35 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

@Southern : it's not a bad deal. However, you are dealing with the US and by proxy Israel now. So you are no longer entitled to call your opponents Zionist.

Israel is no longer a threat. You can now drop your weapons !

Missing helicopter 17:05 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Agree with your analysis texas except fo HA being a threat to Israel (in appearances only). HA never was and never will be a threat to Israel. There is an implicit understanding between the two (just like the one between Bachar and Israel)that they will not attack Israel and in return Israel will let them have enough power to rule. Israel never wished for Lebanon to be a true Democracy where Tourism, Business and economy flourishes and pose economical and cultural threat to it. HA is the best guarantee it has to accomplish that.

Missing helicopter 17:11 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

He said in a statement: “We hope that ties between these countries will be improved in a manner that leads to a halt in the meddling of the affairs of others.” ............
Likewise Mr. President, I hope that our Laws and Constitution are amended such that they lead to the prosecution of lawmakers or militia thugs who are the conduit through which other nations meddle in Lebanon's affairs. It is like the war on drugs, it can not be won by prosecuting drug lords and traffickers alone but also work on the demand side ass well.

Missing helicopter 17:52 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Of course I do not represent M-14 or anyone ellse but myself (as I am not paid by anyone or received favors from any party)...... but here is my thoughtful reply:
I pity Lebanon for having some citizens * are happy to see some groups having arms outside the LAF and ISF * do not mind that hose groups control key Government assets (such as ports and electricity) * Do not speak up against corruption and intimidation done by such groups ............... and so on.
Yes you are one of those people the_roar, but lucky for Lebanon you happened to live in Australia.

Thumb dandoun 18:52 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

ehh bravoooooo..hal2 7aset bil sekhen looooooool

Thumb Mystic 22:42 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Arab jarab

Thumb Mystic 19:01 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Texas, let the Sunnis help their brethren instead of waging war on Shias and Christians.

Thumb cityboy 20:42 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

are you for real, you make it seem like Iran came begging on its knees to the americans for some charity. Iran is in an alliance with Russia and China, you think they need to come begging to the americans. The whole arab world with the backing of Israel and the americans couldn't over power the Iranians when the Iranians were at their weakest during the 8 year war. You don't even have a clue.

Thumb Mystic 23:20 ,2013 تشرين الثاني 26

Well you can thank your Al Qaeda buddies of that, they created the Syrian war to begin with. Btw screw hamas let them die as a punish for their betrayel of the Resistance.