ريفي لميقاتي: إرفع الصوت لوقف الجريمة وإلا طرابلس لن تقبل منك أقل من الرحيل

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دعا المدير العام الأسبق لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرف ريفي رئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال نجيب ميقاتي إلى رفع الصوت ووقف الجرائم في طرابلس وإلا "لن تقبل" المدينة منه إلا "الرحيل".

وقال ريفي في بيان أصدره بعد ظهر الأحد مع ارتفاع عدد القتلى والجرحى في اشتباكات التبانة وجبل محسن "سبق لنا أن نبهنا المسؤولين السياسيين والأمنيين في الدولة، إلى خطورة ترك الوضع في طرابلس لفوضى السلاح التي زرعها النظام السوري وحلفاؤه في المدينة".

ورأى أنه "تبين أن من هم في موقع المسؤولية لا يتحلون بالمسؤولية، ليدركوا أن التآمر أو التقصير في اتخاذ القرار بمنع تكرار الاعتداء على طرابلس، ستكون له نتائج وخيمة".

عليه رأى ريفي أن ميقاتي "استمر في سياسة غط الرأس في رمال هذه المؤامرة، التي تنفذ بأعصاب باردة، والتي ذهب ضحيتها مئات الأبرياء فضلاً عن الجرحى والأضرار الاقتصادية".

وسأل ريفي "ماذا تنتظر يا دولة الرئيس؟ اعتكف وارفع الصوت واتخذ القرار لوقف هذه الجريمة، وإلا فلن تقبل منك طرابلس أنت وكل المقصرين أو المتآمرين من أمنيين وسياسيين، أقل من الرحيل، لأن دماء الأبرياء لا ترحم".

كما شدد على أنه "ليس مقبولاً أن تعيش طرابلس 13 جولة قتال منذ أن شكلت هذه الحكومة، فطرابلس تشعر اليوم من هم في السلطة غرباء عنها، وهي بالتأكيد ستحاسب من فشل بحمايتها، من سياسيين وأمنيين يفترض أن يدفعوا ثمن تقصيرهم أو تآمرهم، أو الاثنين معاً".

إلى ذلك دان ريفي ما أسماه "السلوك المشبوه لبعض الأمنيين في التفرج على الاعتداء على طرابلس" قائلا أن "الأمن لا يكون بالنظر بعين واحدة، بل بتطبيق القانون وفرض الاجراءات الأمنية لحماية المدينة، على الجميع سواسية ومن دون استثناء، وهذا يجب أن يتم فوراً، عبر امساك الدولة بشكل كامل بأمن المدينة".

وأضاف "لن نتوقف للحظة عن ملاحقة قضية تفجير مسجدي السلام والتقوى، مطلبنا العدالة، وجلب المعتدين والمتورطين الى القضاء لمحاسبتهم، لأنهم أطلقوا النار على رأس طرابلس. وبالإصرار نفسه، نرفض بشكل قاطع ممارسات إطلاق النار على أرجل الأبرياء".

وختم ريفي ابن مدينة طرابلس قائلا أن المدينة "تنتظر من الجميع موقفا واضحاً، والا سيكون لها كلمة واضحة".

هذا وعاد التوتر وسقط قتلى وجرحى جددا في طرابلس الأحد بعد وقت قصير على تراجع حدة الاشتباكات اثر ليلة اشتباكات ادت الى مقتل 9 وجرح 40 على الاقل بينهم عسكريين.

التعليقات 19
Thumb geha 17:11 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

until the perpetrators of the twin bombings are arrested, this situation is going to continue escalating in Tripoli.
as long as the state does not do what they should be doing there will be no peace in Tripoli.
and most probably, this time round it will extend to all of Lebanon.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:04 ,2013 كانون الأول 02

you mean as long as there are sectarian hypocrites like you and rifi?

“We had previously warned the state's political and security officials over the dangerous situation that might arise from leaving things in Tripoli to the chaos of the weapons that were planted by the Syrian regime and its allies in the city,” Rifi said

hearing him makes it sound like there's only one side armed, rifi completely ignores the other, when it's been weeks that we all saw the gratuitous attacks against random alawite citizens just because of their religion. i'm disgusted to see that such a hypocrite and sectarian hater was head of internal security forces in my country.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:08 ,2013 كانون الأول 02

btw, rifi has a steady record of systematic failure in the field he was in charge of, security. for years and years he watched doing nothing while political figures were being killed, the country infected with spies and agents, and qaeda building a rear base here.
and still if it had been up to him he could still be clinging to his chair past his retirement age. what nerve he has to speak this way to miqati. i dont care much about miqati, but at least he already resigned

Thumb sevilla 17:17 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

Now, wait for flamethrower to come on here and pour his sectarian attack on Riffi. Is there anything in his speech that any real Lebanese would object to?

Thumb geha 17:22 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

don't you know that for m8 the truth is not acceptable!
this is what they are fighting us for: samaha is their hero and not a terrorist paid by his master bashar to place 24 bombs! ali eid and his party are saint that just happened to have blown up two mosques killing and injuring over 500 persons!
these m8 guys cconsider that the families of the injured in Tripoli are all al Qaeda members for defending themselves against the syro/Iranian militias.

Thumb cedre 19:28 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

thank you geha, thanks a million, +1.
For m8 and khomeynists, every sunni in syria or lebanon not bowing to Iran is a takfiri that must be eliminated.

Thumb sevilla 17:32 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

what do you mean by "there"? He is a political leader and a resident of Tripoli. Do you have any objection to this FACT, Mr. "the fact"?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 18:54 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

g_p.. s2al mjarib wala tis2al khabeer...he speaks from years and years of experience and first hand knowledge.. respect..

Thumb general_puppet 18:15 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

You mean they will bore and stupefy us in tandem… good heavens, I do not think my stomach can handle that :-((((((

Thumb general_puppet 18:31 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

Villager what you are missing is a brain, but no worries when Hizbullah gets into the black market organ trade, they can hook you up.

Missing tonylebanon 20:39 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

I have a better idea, why don't all the officials we have hop on a boat and leave lebanon. We will all be better off...

Missing --karim_m2-- 20:55 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

Thankfully Rifi and his incompetence are no longer head of the ISF. Never was Lebanon's security more vulnerable than when Rifi was around.

Missing peace 21:16 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

sure now we have security in lebanon thanks to M8 right? LOL !!!!

Thumb benzona 21:49 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

M8ers are so hateful people that they spit on their own kind, lastest victim is the Mikati, Aoun and others are humilating. That's how bad and unpatriotic these people are. Sure, there's nothing to be proud of as our current PM made his billion in Syria's telecoms, he's got very little charisma, but weaking the state further WITHOUT offering an alternative is shameful and unpatriotic not to mention extremely dangerous. Perhpas, it would be smarter to camp in front of his home and office rather than complaining in the local media.

Thumb benzona 21:54 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

et si le gars avait recu un avertissement qui menacerait son institution et le pays entier? et s'il s'en melait, il y aurait de graves repercussions.... on ne voit que la pointe de l'iceberg. if i were in lebanon, i'd be able to tell you more about it as i have access to these people... so i'm not going to elaborate on speculations.

you should be proud of sit bahiye, a woman!!! your employer aoun is too much of a machiste to sponsor his daughters... not to mention your ninja allies in Dahye....which is like vegas. what happens there stays there.

Thumb benzona 22:47 ,2013 كانون الأول 01

Rifi for president!!!!!! euh no, i mean prime minister ;-) 1o1

Thumb cedre 02:16 ,2013 كانون الأول 02

15 deaths and army not yet deploying the m60s...

Thumb Senescence 02:34 ,2013 كانون الأول 02

cedre, doesn't Tripoli hate the army for undoing Assir and his gang and regularly attack the Army? That's what I've understood from the Lebanese TV stations.

Btw, Marwan Charbel says it's political cover preventing the Army from deploying, but I don't know what he's talking about. Mind filling me in?

Default-user-icon JCWilliams (ضيف) 04:37 ,2013 كانون الأول 02

I will take over your country and promise to deal with the perpetrators of evil at the source, firmly in an extra-judicial manner. I promise to dispense summary justice with no possibility of appeal. I have no stake in the matter and do not care if it is M8 or M14 that must be killed. Don't be sad if some of your friends , family or acquaintances are executed. It will be for the good of the State and social order. I will do it for free. This is what happens when you spoil your children and raise them on falsehood. Instead you should have been making them do the right thing and teaching them to live responsibly instead of blaming others for their own failures and stupidity..