التوتر يعود الى طرابلس والجيش ينفذ حملة مداهمات
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عادت حدة التوتر والاشتباكات وعمليات القنص الى محاور القتال في طرابلس بعد هدوء حذر صباح الثلاثاء، في المدينة، في وقت يعزز الجيش اللبناني انتشاره.
وأفادت قيادة الجيش مديرية التوجيه، ان دورية من الجيش دهمت في محلة باب الرمل – طرابلس، مكان وجود أحد المطلوبين الخطرين وهو المدعو أحمد عبد القادر الشامي.
وأوضحت أن الشامي أقدم في وقت سابق على شهر سلاح حربي باتجاه سائق إحدى الآليات العسكرية المخصصة للإخلاء الصحي والتعامل معه بشدة، محاولاً اقتياد الآلية بالقوة.
وكشفت القيادة ان الدورية تعرّضت خلال عملية الدهم، لإطلاق نار من قبل مسلحين، فردّت على النار بالمثل، وتمكّنت من إلقاء القبض على المطلوب.
تم تسليم الموقوف إلى المراجع المختصة لإجراء اللازم.
بدورها أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" أن عناصر قوى الأمن الداخلي تسير دوريات راجلة في شوارع المدينة وتقيم حواجز ثابتة عند مفترق الطرق وتدقق في هويات المارة والسيارات.
وتُسمع بين الحين والآخر أصوات الطلقات النارية، بين محاور القتال، وأدت عمليات القنص المتقطعة الى ازدحام سير عند المسلك البحري لطريق نهر أبو علي في طرابلس.
وكان ليل الاثنين-الثلاثاء، شهد اشتباكات بالاسلحة الرشاشة والصاروخية وقام الجيش باطلاق القنابل المضيئة لتحديد اماكن اطلاق النار والرد عليها.
يُذكر أن اجتماعاً ضم رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ورئيس حكومة تصريف الاعمال نجيب ميقاتي وقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي، الاثنين، اجمع على تسليم أمن طرابلس للجيش لمدة ستة أشهر وجعل القوى العسكرية في المدينة تحت إمرته.
وغالباً ما تندلع الاشتباكات وعمليات القنص بين جبل محسن، ذات الغالبية العلوية المؤيدة للنظام السوري، وباب التبانة، ذات الغالبية السنية المؤيدة لحركة الاحتجاج السورية، في طرابلس بين الامر الذي يؤدي الى سقوط عدد من القتلى والجرحى بين مدنيين وعسكريين فضلاً عن الاضرار المادية.

Wow ready to go to any security accept the ISF sounds like he is hiding something if u didnt do anything wrong u shouldnt have anything to worry about buddy

no it means that the ISF is completely partial and belongs to a certain side.
just like rifi denied it during years and years, and just as he was no longer heading it he started puking out sectarian talk and referring to M14 as "his political side".
such sectarian hypocrites are what destroys the credibility of our institutions.

I too lived through the civil war and i can still hear it in my head something that should be avoided and end this 2 sided battle for power and foreign interference in our beautiful country...the army needs to dissarm every faction including HA and they need to be the protecters of lebanon

Roar. Hey... long time.
True HA does not want a civil war and is practicing restraint.
But who would want a civil war in a country it is controlling? HA does not need a civil war since it positioned itself as lebanese legality itself.

leb_first: that is exactly the point i made to explain why i believe m14 is behind the security degradation since hariri was ousted (constitutionally) and responded with unleashing the "day of rage"

M14 is not behind security degradation. Security degradation is due to the disgruntled sunni street that took too many humiliations mostly from the assadists, but also from HA.
March 14 happened as a response to the thug demo of 8 march to show the world that we as lebanese desire a modern fair sovereign state, not to be a medieval satellite to assad.

that's the inflamatory rethoric that m14 promotes. they have a lot of influence on the sunni street, instead of de-escalating they inflame so no i disagree. it is too easy to blame it on HA or assad, at least they should take responsibility when they fuel strife.

and m14 as a saudi slave has nothing modern, fair, or sovereign. please spare me the bull

Im not pointing fingers roar im i didnt say who is digrading or anything hateful at all i was just stating the fact that lebanon should have one army no political group or faction should be a mafia but im glad i think for the first time we all are on the same page for once if we can do it here why cant these politicians do it at the table ??

The shias of Lebanon are attended to by Berri who gives them state jobs and HA who gives them jobs in the resistance and services.
It happens that Lebanon is important to a regional power:iran, and Iran is willing to invest here.
You say that the shia are the least needy now because of HA. But compare the sunni assistance of Hariri who sent hundred thousand sunnis to college and gave them an education to HA who merely gives his constituents primary education and health services to keep them dependant on him...
Mowaten. you cannot keep half the population armed, imposing their agenda on the second half. whichever way you turn it around. On 7 May, HA became a milicia who used its muscles to enforce its agenda. You can insult KSA for hours, facts above will not change. HA needs to disarm.

agreed phoenix, i'm all for a full disarmament of both sides in tripoli, accompanied by a strong military presence to prevent any side of taking advantage if the other disarms.
the one thing i'm worried about are those like rifi who point the finger in one direction and pretend like there is nothing wrong on the other.

Samy wat u are saying is touching i hear alot of pple everyday saying how hard it is to do so and ask y is this happening to them pple just want to live their lives in peace

Inno if we go back to 2006, Lebanon was about to recover totally from the civil war and boooooommmmm!!!!! They took out a former prime minister in Beirut and 21 other lebanese, all indicators show that HA was responsible under the directions of Syrian intelligence, that was the start, that made the clock run back wards, there were no other weapons then except with HA, look at what they have done, look how they harmed their mother(Lebanon), look at how we have started with inta Sunni inta shia inta massihie, are we really living in the 21st century or a few hundred years ago?

I hold HA responsible for all that is happening now, they killed Rafiq Harriri the only politician who did any good (yes yes blah blah blah I know your baseless arguments) He at least rebuilt the downtown rebuilt a lot of Lebanon and do you know why u morons?? to bring back the tourists because thats the only thing that will make Lebanon rise from the ashes, not to mention the 2008 war that came just before one of the biggest tourist seasons Lebanon was ever going to see. You call yourselves Lebanese? You are a bunch of uneducated thugs who sold themselves for a few dollars, you are so up yourselves you think youre the only ones that know how to carry a weapon and aim, i've got news for you brother so can anyone over the age of twelve. Keep pushing and you will find out.