باسيل التقى بري: ملف النفط لن يُناقش دون موافقة "المستقبل"

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رأى وزير الطاقة في حكومة تصريف الاعمال جبران باسيل أن الحكومة لن تتناول ملف النفط دون موافقة فريق 14 آذار وبالأخص "تيار المستقبل".

وفي تصريح اثر لقائه رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري في عين التينة، ظهر الاثنين، اتهم باسيل، رئيس حكومة تصريف الاعمال نجيب ميقاتي بأنه "يهتم بمصالح تيار المستقبل وينفذ رغباته"، وبالتالي فإن ملف النفط لن يُدرج على جدول أعمال مجلس الوزراء دون موافقته وموافقة 14 آذار.

ولفت الى أن "كل ما يُحكى عن دستورية المرسومين غير صحيح وما فعلناه دستوري"، موضحاً أن الحكومة كانت قد وافقت على هذه القرارات وما يتم الآن هو اجراءات.

وشدد على أن "لموضوع النفط أولوية كبيرة كي لا تهدر المساحات البحرية نتيجة تعدي اسرائيل"، مضيفاً أنه "تفاديا لهدر الثروة النفطية لصالح إسرائيل عقدنا الإجتماع مع الرئيس بري".

يُذكر أن باسيل يطالب بالبدء بتلزيم البلوكات النفطية المحازية لاسرائيل، وقد وضع مرسومين لهذه الغاية مطالباً بعقد جلسة حكومية لبتهما. والمرسوم الأول يتعلق بإطلاق التراخيص للشركات التي ستلتزم "البلوكات"، وهو أنجز بعد تشكيل هيئة ادارة قطاع البترول.

أما المرسوم الثاني، فكان قد أقر في العام 2010، أي قبل تشكيل الهيئة، وهو عبارة عن اتفاقية تقاسم الانتاج مع الشركات التي ستكون مسؤولة بعد انتهاء المناقصات عن أعمال الحفر والتنقيب والاستخراج. ويحتاج هذا المرسوم الى قانون يصدر عن مجلس النواب، لكي يصبح ساري المفعول.

التعليقات 18
Missing watan-libnan 15:05 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

I consider all polititicians PUBLIC SERVANTS not the other way around, they were elected to serve the public of lebanon if they are not up to it they should resign and let someone who is up to have a go does anyone agree

Thumb saturn 15:22 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

Great theory. Unfortunately the Lebanese want this and then clap and vote for the politicians for not making it happen.

Thumb saturn 15:41 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

I like it here more. M14 and M8 call each other names and claim they rule and the others suck, while I observe and generalize.

Thumb benzona 15:28 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

i'm back ;-) did you notice how a wave a m8 mouthpieces appeared at the same time this morning. I do believe in coincidences, dont you? hehehe

i'm a bit disappointed by naharnet about the censorship. they censor us -the victims- rather than censoring the politicians such as the one above whom steal/insult our intelligence/and for some M8ers murder us.

frankly, i'd like to see nasrallah or aoun sue me for calling him names in the media. i'd proudly go to the court of justice and speak THE truth.

Thumb benzona 16:38 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

thank-you for your unconditional support icey. ca fait plaisir. I figured the mods were overwhelmed, they left Phoenix's vulgarity intact for three straight days, not sure if they still are around.
I have a plan of action to solve the multiple aliases problem.

Thumb benzona 16:42 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

naharnet should require that commentators be 18+ with a copy of the ID with a matching paypal account / or credit-debit card that would be charged some insignificant random amount of money with a transaction code. of course, the amount would be integrally refunded after verification is done. hence, no more double accounts... and of course, commentators would still be given the option to pick a nickname rather than their real name.

it's doable. they just need to hire 1 person for this job ;-)

Thumb benzona 16:51 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

and of course, with a name matching the ip address.... anyone could be held accountable for talking rubbish like FT's claouns do.

Thumb benzona 17:04 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

fine, no beybal, just viza or masterkard.

do you think they'd consider stealing people's cards in the streets? they'd still need to get access to their bank statements in order to get the transaction reference.

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 15:47 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

this guy *thinks* he discovered Petrol! ..

Thumb lebanon_first 16:08 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

Mustakbal and the gang is holding our country hostage. stopping every mou3amaleh. From a small operation i have been trying to do for a year to the oil file.

How can we entrust such a party to an immature person such as Saad.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:34 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

I am not against mustakbal. I think they are the only pragmatic sunni party in the arab world.
They dont have ministers. But they have a nbr of public institutions under their control. And those public institutions have instructions to bloc stuff. Like the oil file.

Can you blame them? HA in their shoes invaded Beirut. They are doing much less. But still they are to blame for their blockings.

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:32 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

@imBassil : "the possibility of holding a cabinet session to address the oil and gas exploration file lies in the hands of the Mustaqbal Movement."

Last I looked, Mustaqbal is NOT part of the cabinet. Last I looked Miqati is NOT Mustaqbal.

This is the typical PROPAGANDA and MANIPULATION STEREOTYPE Aounies use for their sheep to believe Hariri is responsible for their failures.

I'm waiting for @FT to invent a whole series of other excuses to explain this manipulation ...

Missing peace 16:47 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

funny hypocrit M8ers... when it suits them mikati is whether pro mustaqbal or not! very easy.... no wonder , simplistic things is all what they can come up with....

Thumb lebanon_first 19:49 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

and HA is pro-dakhilak-protect-our-favored-status-of-milicia-in-chief.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:09 ,2013 كانون الأول 09

Ben... Much less than quoting Bob Marley that would cause u to be labeled a zionist... watch out, u are on a thin wire here.

Thumb cedars2 13:51 ,2013 كانون الأول 10

Question is who pays you to prance around the site acting like you know it all when in reality the more I read your pathetic posts the more I feel sorry for you. Have you ever considered medication?

Thumb cedars2 13:53 ,2013 كانون الأول 10

Whos your daddy ya FT?

Thumb thepatriot 15:44 ,2013 كانون الأول 10

@cedars2... he doesn't know...