14 آذار أطلقت "اعلان طرابلس": للتحضير لمصالحة وطنية تنفذ بعد احلال الامن

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أطلقت قوى 14 آذار، الاحد من عاصمة الشمال، "اعلان طرابلس"، دعت فيه الى اجراء مصالحة وطنية تُنَفّذ بعد احلال الامن في مدينة طرابلس.

وبعد انتهاء، المؤتمر اﻷول لقوى الرابع عشر في عاصمة الشمال طرابلس تحت عنوان "العيش المشترك في الشمال، مسؤولية وطنية مشتركة"، دعا منسق الامانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد بإسم المجتمعين إلى "التحضير لمصالحة وطنية على غرار ما حصل في جبل لبنان تقوم على التعويض على ضحايا العنف بعد إحلال الأمن ".

ودعا كذلك، إلى العمل على تطبيق العدالة التي "هي الأساس لكل ملك وحكم بدءا بملاحقة وتوقيف ومحاكمة كل الفاعلين والمحرضين في جريمة مسجدي التقوى والسلام وملاحقة كل مرتكبي جرائم القتل والإعتداء على الناس".

واتفق المجتمعون على المطالبة بـ"منع حمل السلاح والظهور المسلح ودعم القوى الأمنية من جيش وقوى أمن داخلي مادياً ومنعوياً وسياسياً لإعادة الإستقرار لطرابلس".

وأجمعوا على الطلب من الجيش وقوى الأمن "فرض الأمن بالحزم اللازم دون الإفراط في استعمال القوة"، داعين إلى "إعادة بناء جسور الثقة بين الدولة الراعية وبين الناس، ووضع خطة شاملة للتنمية الأإقتصادية والإجتماعية توفر التعليم وفرص العمل لمن حرموا منها".

وفي مستهل المؤتمر، شدد رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية فؤاد السنيورة على ان اهل السنّة لن ينجروا الى مخططات النظام السوري بزرع الفتنة في لبنان وفي طرابلس خصوصاً، مؤكداً أن اهالي باب التبانة وجبل محسن "اهلنا وعائلة واحدة".

الا انه لفت الى أنه ثمة من يعمل على "ضربهم بعضهم ببعض وهو معروفة اهدافه وخططه فهو ينفذه في مدن سوريا وكيف لا ينقله الى طرابلس؟".

واعتبر أن ما تشهده طرابلس "خصوصا مع بدء الثورة السورية (في آذار 2011) ليس الا استهدافا لضرب لبنان وبث الفتنة فيه".

يُذكر أنه غالباً ما تندلع الاشتباكات وعمليات القنص بين جبل محسن، ذات الغالبية العلوية المؤيدة للنظام السوري، وباب التبانة، ذات الغالبية السنية المؤيدة لحركة الاحتجاج السورية، الامر الذي يؤدي الى سقوط قتلى وجرحى فضلاً عن الاضرار المادية.

الى ذلك، شدد السنيورة على أن "السنّة في لبنان هم اهل اعتدال وحكمة ودولة ولن ينجروا الى مخططات ونوايا النظام السوري باشعال الفتنة وبث الشقاق".

وتابع "يريدون للمواطن اللبناني ان يخضع لهم ويعلن استسلامه لكن هذا لن يحدث ولن يتحقق فلبنان اقوى من مخططاتهم فلبنان باق وهم الى زوال".

وأكد السنيورة التمسك بلبنان والعيش المشترك والحرية والنظام الديمقراطي ومبدأ تداول السلطة وبلبنان وطناً نهائياً عربي الانتهاء والهوية ولا للبنان الفارسي او العجمي او الاميركي او الاوروبي".

وقال "اننا نرفض التعصب والتطرف من اي جهة أتى"، مضيفاً "نرفض التطرف لدى كل الطوائف ونرفض رفضا باتا تطرف بغض غلاة السنة وميلهم الى اعتماد اسلوب التكفير بوجه اي كان ونؤكد ان الاعتداء على الاماكن المقدسة عمل مجرم ومدان".

وأكد ضرورة "التمسك بمقررات الحوار لانها نقاط اجماع وتلاق وابرزها ما ورد في اعلان بعبدا لجهة تحييد لبنان".

من هنا، دعا السنيورة، حزب الله الى العودة الى لبنان وانسحابه من سوريا و"وقف تحوله الى قوة مقاتلة عسكرية حين تطلب منه طهران ذلك". وأشار الى أن "حزب الله تحول الى قوة احتلال وقهر بقتاله مع النظام السوري وقبلها قتال اللبنانيين عبر غزو بيروت والمناطق".

ودعا السنيورة الى نشر الجيش على الحدود الشمالية والشرقية ومؤازرته من القوات الدولية واستكمال تنفيذ الخطط الامنية في كل طرابلس ومنع حمل السلاح واستعماله من اي طرف كان.

التعليقات 30
Default-user-icon muahhamd (ضيف) 12:02 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Sunni infidels may one day will rcv the judgment.

Default-user-icon teacher (ضيف) 12:19 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

yeah they are all moderate like Assir, and jouzou

oh wasn't Jouzou proclaming that they need to cut the throat of christians during the civil war?

Only short minded and extremists forget History about such moderated guys

Missing peace 13:36 ,2013 كانون الأول 15


Thumb lebpatriot888 19:30 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

yes peace, saniora is amusing ...hahahaha

Thumb lebanon_first 13:41 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Spoken like a true statesman. Bhannik Siniora. This is the kind of leaders we need to lead the sunni sect. Lebanese sunnis are the most moderate, the most advanced sunnis of all the arab world. And evil Assad wants to transform them into extrimists. And evil assad will fail.

Thumb lebanon_first 14:33 ,2013 كانون الأول 15


This moderate denounced it. Read link below line 19.


Despite all the humiliation that HA made most lebanese go through, Mustakbal still did not fight them.
Mustakbal is the most moderate sunni party in the arab world. Those who dont like mustakbal are anti sunni sectarians

Thumb lebanon_first 16:56 ,2013 كانون الأول 15


I like debating with you. However your last 2 lines were massively arrogant. for the sake of the fun of future debates, i will pretend u never wrote them.

Thumb zahle1 14:55 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Just because you are M14, does that make you a supporter of Assir? Nobody I know who is M14 supports Assir. The LF part of M14 as I understand supports Sunni moderates like we have in Beirut, but are against takfiri/salafi. It is frustrating when I hear that just because you are pro-M14, means you support Assir... Does anyone really believe LF people want people with long bears, and women scarfed up head to toe? This is ridiculous. I understand in Syria one can not distinguish between the two (moderates and extreme), but in Lebanon, there is a big difference. Its too difficult to debate when we make these comments.

Missing peace 16:00 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

if you support a football team does it make you a player of that team or somebody who pays the salaries of the players? LOL ....

Thumb cedre 18:49 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Assir was telling the truth, just he got trapped by hizbos and made the mistake to use violence...
But then it's easy to call for peace while seating in Europe, while sunnis in lebanon get arrested and humiliated coz they have beards or niqabs...

Thumb zahle1 21:50 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

I am moderate, but do not believe just because you are against HA weapons, or Syrian regime, that you want Assir to strive, or want them to battle HA. I understand why HA weapons breed extremism in Lebanon, and that Sunni were embarrassed by HA a few years ago over HA telephone lines... Although I do not believe in the purity of HA weapons in Lebanon, only being used for Israel... I do not want Assir, I would rather have HA then Salafi, and I would trust HA more if they were more Lebanese and less pro Iran. Just because I'm Christian, does not make me Pro-Poland, or Greece or Italy...

Thumb ice-man 15:08 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

@lebroar: In your post above, you clearly stated you are an Alawi from Jabal Houran and you are a staunch supporter of the Baath regime. I respect your convictions and loyalties. My question is: Do you favor the enrollment of women warriors in the resistance?

Thumb ice-man 15:13 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Do you have a toll-free number like 1-900-xxx-xxx?

Thumb ice-man 15:14 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

please, take a day off..... I will pay for it, Please!

Thumb geha 15:55 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

to all m14rs:
each time there is an open subject m8ers jump to accuse us of being salafis or asir supporters, or KSA supporters,...
while we all know these tactics, all they want is to put us on the defensive in order to divert the discussion when the subject is not to their liking.
I suggest to report any person who issues such accusations on the ground they are being extremists and sectarian.
on the other hand, let us just disregard such stupid accusations and keep our conversation moderate as we are.
hizbushaitan is an Iranian extremist terrorist militia and nothing should divert us from rejecting them each and every day.

Thumb ice-man 16:53 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

37 minutes ago Tripoli News Network: A gas cylinder exploded in the house of a janitor in the Abi Samra area, sparking a blaze. The janitor was later identified as mowaten who hails from the neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen.

Thumb cedre 18:45 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

don't report them geha please, discuss and argument, it's the only way.
Show them how silly they sound calling anti-Iran cannibal, heart-eaters, terrorists, salafists, takfiris, etc...

Default-user-icon Yacoub (ضيف) 15:58 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

The North has suffered at the hands of Lebanese Sunni Extremists & Sunni Terrorist in Syria & through their local pawns that are backed by Saudi Arabia.

Thumb geha 16:02 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

kindly remove the roar totally.
his posts are nothing but insults to everyone who dare to post a comment he does not like.
same goes for southern, mowaten and ft.
why are we subjected to their insults? at least gives us a forum where extremist terrorist Iranians cannot make use of their weapons to silence us!

Thumb sevilla 16:17 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Dear Geha;; I totally agree with your comment. This character and his gang of fakes do nothing but insult users and post personal attacks. He is absolutely repulsive and should be banned.

Thumb ice-man 17:34 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Thank God you arrived Flamethrower in the knick of time! Your other self was getting out of control and your presence was necessary to lend him some moral support. Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabb for exposing their lies with logic and facts. I enjoy your posts more than the articles on this site.

Thumb ice-man 17:36 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Hilweh Haiydeh:)))) ++++++

Thumb ice-man 17:41 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

37 minutes ago Tripoli News Network: A gas cylinder exploded in the house of a janitor in the Abi Samra area, sparking a blaze. The janitor was later identified as a mowaten by the name of Flamethrower who hails from the Southern neighborhood of Saksakiyeh.

Thumb ice-man 17:42 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Why you need to resort to insults @Flamethrower? Why?

Default-user-icon Plombasso Vauter (ضيف) 19:08 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

What is leading Sannis to lunacy (Fouad l'Israelien Saniora calls them extermists because they are Dr. Arreet 7akeh's minnohou) is that friggin genteic mutation that affects all Sannis, and consequently the Christian Sannis, and that is known by its scientific term as Sannis Lunaticus Berserki. Google it.

Thumb cedars2 19:31 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Here here, religion is something you practice when you are alone or in the mosque or church, its not a fashion show, its not look at how holy I am, do you think in great nations they waste their time or energy on telling people what's right and what's wrong according to books written hundreds of years ago??? No they have better things to do with their time. Look at your neighbor shiaa, Sunni or Christian what is the difference? Don't we look the same? No one chose his religion he was born into it.

Thumb general_puppet 19:39 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

Be careful gentlemen, the_snore is hard at work and ready to "slap" anyone that disagrees :-)

Thumb lebpatriot888 20:17 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

none of your* posts

Thumb cedars2 23:19 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

So in that context patriot we can say take a long hard look in the mirror and you will see the child killer in you? Or the killer of defenseless injured teens?
maybe relax with the cannibal thing there were a lot of atrocities committed other than some idiot chewing on someone's heart. Its all documented. You can see both sides on you tube. Can we agree on that? In the Lebanese war many atrocities were committed but no could video them like today. War is war, its not pretty.

Thumb cedars2 23:20 ,2013 كانون الأول 15

*but could not video them