لجنة التحقيق الدولية: الاختفاءات القسرية في سوريا جريمة بحق الانسانية
Read this story in Englishاعتبرت لجنة التحقيق الدولية بشان سوريا في تقرير نشر اليوم الخميس في جنيف ان الاختفاءات القسرية التي تنفذها قوات النظام في ها البلد تشكل جريمة بحق الانسانية.
وقال بيان اللجنة التابعة للامم المتحدة "هناك ما يدعو الى الاعتقاد بان الاختفاءات القسرية التي تنفذها القوات الحكومية في اطار هجمات واسعة ومنهجية ضد السكان المدنيين تشكل جريمة بحق الانسانية".
وفي وثيقة من عشر صفحات اتهمت لجنة التحقيق التي يرئسها القاضي البرازيلي باولو سيرجيو بينيرو ومن اعضائها المدعية الدولية السابقة كارلا ديل بونتي، سلطات دمشق بممارسة الاخفاء القسري منذ بداية الاضطرابات في 2011. وقالت ان حملة الترهيب هذه استخدمت كتكتيك حرب.
وذكر التقرير ان "مدنيين معظمهم رجال بالغون خطفوا من قبل القوات المسلحة والامن السوري وميليشيات موالية للحكومة خلال عمليات اعتقال جماعية ومداهمة منازل وعلى حواجز وفي المستشفيات".
وتابع ان "عمليات الخطف كانت ترتدي في معظم الاحيان طابعا عقابيا باستهدافها افراد عائلات فارين من الجيش وناشطين واشخاصا يقدمون عناية طبية للمعارضين".
وتابع ان السلطات ترفض اعطاء معلومات عن المفقودين وفي بعض الاحيان اوقف افراد عائلات توجهوا الى اجهزة الامن.
وفي كل الحالات التي وثقتها اللجنة خضع المفقودون للتعذيب اثناء اعتقالهم. واكد اعضاء اللجنة ان "هذا يدل على نزعة مقلقة للجوء المنهجي الى التعذيب".
ولم يحدد الاعضاء عدد الاختفاءات القسرية لكن مصدرا قريبا من التحقيق اوضح ان اللجنة درست مئة حالة وتقدر العدد الاجمالي بعدة الاف.
وفي ايلول قالت اللجنة الدولية للصليب الاحمر انها تلقت الف طلب عن مفقودين من قبل الاسر معتبرة انها قطرة في بحر.
ومنذ العام الماضي احتجزت مجموعات في المعارضة رهائن اكثر واكثر لمقايضتهم بسجناء او لطلب فدية بحسب اللجنة التي تقول انه لا يمكن التحدث عن "اختفاءات قسرية" اذا لم يتم اخفاء وضع الضحايا عن الاسر . لكن في الاشهر الماضية قامت بعض المجموعات بممارسات شبيهة بانتهاك القانون الانساني الدولي بحسب التقرير.
ولجنة التحقيق التي شكلت في اب 2011 من قبل مجلس حقوق الانسان تاسف مجددا لرفض سلطات دمشق المتكرر السماح لها بدخول البلاد.
وستنشر تقريرها الجديد الشامل في شباط وسيبحث خلال اجتماع مجلس حقوق الانسان في اذار.
I will not defend the Assad regime but I will point out that Nusra and Qaeda have slaughtered thousands as well ...
In the east Kurds have been subject to mass killings. In the west both Alawites and Christians have been targeted en masse.
This carnage must end ... the people of Syria are being betrayed by both sides ... only a comprehensive peace will suffice to end the bloodshed.
The foreigners, Nusra and Qaeda, must go. The war crimes of both sides investigated as soon as possible. This is impossible with the war raging.
according to the very neutral and very altruistic "UN", this never happened
besides, when they say "There are reasonable grounds to believe that enforced disappearances were committed by government forces" what are those "reasonable grounds" exactly? sounds like hearsay more than facts.
Kidnapping nuns/priests and beheading unarmed civilians,as the FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists routinely do, is also a "crime against humanity". But this so-called "UN-mandated probe" only focuses on the things that suit its agenda.
let me get this straight! so you think torturing children and air strikes on bakeries and gas station are ok? you asloalso mention the crazy sunni jihadists that are foreigners but what about the shiaa Jihadists that are also foreigners??????
most of the accusations against the SAA were fabrications and propaganda.
take the bakery for example, which you keep mentioning, here isthe behind the scenes "making of":
Al nusra and Isis are the only ones that are fighting the correct way.
Areas under there control are becoming model communities.
You are nothing but a propaganda creating lier.
This reminds of how my family was decimated in Russian Gulags. But at least they faced trials.... in Syria they simply vanish and get burried in some mass grave croatian and serbian style. it's disturbing.
both sides are doing the same thing.
what matters t us Lebanese is that now they can try assad for crimes against humanity.
too many Lebanese disappeared at the bloody hands of assad.
no, i personally voted you down because you bring up old stories, based entirely on hearsay, that are not even related to what is happening today.
what are you trying to say? that things that happened during the civil war can justify what is being done today? the syrian army supposedly killed some priests 25 years ago, so it's okay that nusra slaughters more priests and christians? what about monsignor khreiss then?
Yalla rawwij ya Micho and go defend your friend Baschar at the UN and tell them that there are no prisoners in Syrian jails. If you were able to stand before the Lebanese people and tell them that there were no prisoners in Syrian jails a mere few months after you'd been yelling from Paris that there are, surely you won't find it too difficult to repeat the same line in front of the UN at your buddy's behest...
wahahaha!!! look at those M8 brave little bashar soldiers trying to make him appear like a saint incapable of doing any massacres or terror acts....
seems they forgot what this regime is capable of... poor hypocrits.
wahahahah!!! look at those m14 brave little saudi slaves, fighting their wars for them! if you hate syria so much, join the jihadis peace :)
poor moooowaten... i only notice that instead of condemning assad's massacres you always point out the massacres from the other side to deny your beloved regime is capable of doing the very same things you condemn islamists for...
of course it'll make you appear as accepting bashar's massacres...bad for your image...
in other words you are a true hypocrit!
bigjohn: only brainwashed would deny that the opposition does not do any massacres....
i never denied it and never supported it... and never will i support people killing innocents unlike M8ers who still support the massacres of assad....
is it clear?
no gabby it is pure zionist propaganda from M14. assad is a saint they even thank him!
telling who does most massacres is your personal assumption... of course pro assad will say the islamists and pro rebels will say assad!
you know nothing about it. how could you as there is NO objective sources to say so!
the real problem is M8ers who minimize or justify assad's massacres while condemning the others: it shows how hypocrit and low they are...
because given what assad did to lebanon then why should one pity him? how can you support a regime that harmed lebanon more than israel? LOL