عون: مستقبل لبنان مرتبط ارتباطاً وثيقاً بقوة الممانعة للسياسة الإسرائيليّة

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اشار رئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون الى ان "مستقبل لبنان مرتبط إرتباطاً وثيقاً بديمومة المقاومة وقوّة الممانعة للسياسة الإسرائيليّة"، واكد انه "لا يمكننا الإستمرار كوطن من دون هذه القوّة الممانعة ومن دون الدّعم للمقاومة".

ولفت في حديث الى اذاعة "النور" في الذكرى الخامسة لعدوان تموز2006 ، الى ان المعادلة الأساسيّة اي "الشّعب والجيش والمقاومة" متّحدين ومرتبطين ببعضهم البعض في وجه العدوّ، نشأت بعد النصر ال1ذي حققته المقاومة ".

ورأى عون أنّ "مؤشّرات الهزيمة ستبقى طويلاً في ضمير الإسرائيليّين، والخروج منها صعب جدّاً، وطالما لم تنجح إسرائيل في صنع السّلام مع محيطها، فلن تقوى على الإستمرار"، قائلا "نشهد اليوم بداية الإنحدار الإسرئيلي، وإن أردنا أن نلقي نظرةً إلى المراحل التي مرّت بها إسرائيل مع لبنان، نرى أنّ مرحلة العام 2000 كانت مرحلة التّعادل، أمّا مرحلة العام 2006 فقد كانت مرحلة بداية الإنهيار".

وشدد على أنّ "التيار الوطني الحرّ" والشعب اللبناني لا يزالان على الوعد على الرغم من بعض أصوات النشاز التي لم تدرك أهميّة هذا الإنتصار ووقعه على اللّبنانيّين ونتائجه بما يتعلّق بمستقبل لبنان أيضاً.

التعليقات 30
Thumb Marc 13:52 ,2011 تموز 24

My gut feeling is telling me that this guy is going to drag the country to another military/war that we can do without

Missing roger@10452 14:18 ,2011 تموز 24

Ya general, so what you are telling me is that we need to be allied with Syria, Iran and hizb....

Ya haram, ya haram....The Lebanese Army martyrs are turning in their graves now, and those are the very ones who protected you until they paid the ultimate price with their own lives.

You have no shame!!!

You have dishonored Lebanon and its people!!!

This time, I am willing to buy you a one-way ticket to Tehran.

Shame on you and on all those who blindly follow you!!!

Lebanon ALWAYS prevails in spite of you...

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 14:41 ,2011 تموز 24

All of you listen to the strong man of Lebanon that kicked out Saudi Wahhaby corruption from Lebanon in ousting Saad eben Rafik from the Serail .

Default-user-icon Citizen (ضيف) 14:43 ,2011 تموز 24

“We cannot survive as a nation without these powers and without the Resistance’s support.”

He is being honest for once. He clearly and openly refers to those powers meaning Syria and Iran on the regional front, and Hiz on the local scene. So, why did you wage a war on Syria in the 80's? This thug will align himself with the devil in order to achieve his objectives..... It is shameful to hear him say this.... We in Lebanon cannot align ourselves with modern, civilized, democratic nations in order to survive? Must we be aligned with nations of evil regimes that suppress their people and torture them. Is this the Lebanon that you want? The Lebanon the people who voted for you want? Did you tell the people who voted for you that you need to survive and are taking them to an alliance with the Shiite spiteful regime in Iran and the murderous regime in Syria?? Shame is not enough for you.... You need to be tried in a court of law for treason coz u r guilty as hell you SOB!

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (ضيف) 14:52 ,2011 تموز 24

It sounds like he is talking about Hizthrowpup when he says they can't survive without war. Hmmm

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 15:25 ,2011 تموز 24

You completly ignored the legal Lebanese army and praised terrorism and outlaws. You are nothing but a crazy coward. Its all the fault of all the lebanese who supported you. I remind you that the majority of the people do not want war with any one. After over 35 years of wars dont you think they are fed up and tired? why should we care about the palestinians and ignore the lebanese people? Lebanese come first . Lebanese are scattered across the globe without a country hoping to go back to live in peace. they all left to make a living while the palestinians are living in their country . There are more lebanese refugees now than palestinians. Who is working on their cause? they all want to return. the palestinians and hizballah are invaders just like the jews. So mr akhwat why dont you shut the f up .? I pray to what ever God that listens that you be hanged upside down like mousselini

Default-user-icon Arz10452 (ضيف) 15:33 ,2011 تموز 24

This guy is a super idiot. He is a former commander of the LAF and he calls what happened a "Victory" for Hizb, what can I say a great military mind. I heard he is calling his moving out of Baabda when the Syrians attacked him a strategic retreat!!! Idiot and traitor

Default-user-icon Ghassan (ضيف) 15:39 ,2011 تموز 24

The resistance should not only be formed of Hizballah's members. Any lebanese, from any sect or party, should also be in the resistance. Hizballah should not have exclusive rights on the resistance and on the decision of war. The command of the resistance should be under the lebanese army and the decision of war should be in the hand o fthe lebanese government. The most imoprtant is that the name of the resistance should not be "The Islamic Resistance In Lebanon". This name indicates that the resistance in not Lebanese, it is just a branch of the Islamic Resistance inside Lebanon.
Nobody in Lebanon is willing to allow Israel to take our land. Hizballah is not more Lebanese than the rest of us. As a matter of fact, Hizballah's ideology is imported and has nothing to do with being Lebanese.

Thumb charbel 15:43 ,2011 تموز 24

Lebanon's future is with democracy and one legal state. Lebanon future is not with hegemony and dictatorship and regimes from the last century.

Default-user-icon Simon (ضيف) 15:57 ,2011 تموز 24

You tried to take the weapons away from the Lebanese forces when you were General of the Army because you believed in the state so how can you say you are with the resistance.

Missing lubnan-awalan 16:06 ,2011 تموز 24

Dear National ClAoun
Your future as well as your party's depends on the Mullahs of Iran and their Dogs in Lebanon,not Lebanon's future , without your Masters and you, Lebanon would be in a great shape,, hope you and your followers will wake up from the comas soon , before it is too late,,,Nothing of what you call resistance this is a bunch of armed criminals , drug dealers, very well know, destroying the Lebanon and its reputation,, I am wondering how much you are paid by your Fakih friends for such stupid speeches and declarations .....

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 16:20 ,2011 تموز 24

did you ever decide what to do if syria falls? do you have a one way ticket booked? why is hizbo digging in lassa? what are they affraid of? mmmmmmmm lets stop and think . they are preparing to deffend themselves from the coming storm . The lebanese sleeping giant is awakening . Hizbo is affraid and trembling . They know whats coming . all them treats are signs of fear . Their guns wont be able to deffend them against the HUGE surprise awaiting them. They are digging in all over lebanon. They know their end is near

Missing joseph 16:28 ,2011 تموز 24

Aoun, you sound out of character. This is too philosophical and devine for a simple guy like you.
Horoscope: Stick to what you know and what you are good at.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 16:33 ,2011 تموز 24

You must remember that when Aoun speaks, he equates "Lebanon" to himself personally, that is, to "Aoun". For Aoun in his meglomania delusions of grandure, Aoun = Lebanon and Lebanon=Aoun.
So when Aoun says that "Lebanon's future is closely linked to the resistance and to the powers confronting Israel's policies", in Aounese this translates to "Aoun's future is closely linked to the resistance and to the powers confronting Israel's policies."

As such, this is a true statement. Aoun is a patron of Iran and his personal future is tied and likned to Iran.

But Lebnaon does not equal Aoun, and so the literal statement is quite untrue. Lebanon's future has nothing to do with confronting or conspiring with Israel. Israel is an Iranian obsession and a Hezbollah obsession and so it is an Aoun obsession. Lebanon existed before Israel and will exist after Israel. We are independent. If Lebanese is to be obsessed with anything it is with ridding itself of parties obsessed with Israel.

Missing joesilver 16:42 ,2011 تموز 24

When he was in France, AOUN was demanding and insisting to disarm the Hezbollah. His position was a matter of PRINCIPLE. You cannot change your PRINCIPLES for gaining materialistic opportunities (i.e: the presidency), because you betray your own values and you deceive those who trusted you

Default-user-icon proGMA (ضيف) 16:55 ,2011 تموز 24

Do you hate Israel because they did not support you for the presidency after you asked general Karam to play the go-between and obtain their green light????

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:42 ,2011 تموز 24

lebanon's future is connected to couragous free lebanese men,building the state of bilad el arz.
by the way,for some "illetre" wahabi and farsi are two devils in the same garbage pin.go fly a kite idiot.

Thumb shab 18:01 ,2011 تموز 24

You can shove the equation.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 19:44 ,2011 تموز 24

If victory to hez gma nd Amal = more casualties, damages took, nd crippled economy compared to what Israel suffered during the war; then yes, it was a Devine victory

Default-user-icon Ghosts of Oct 13 1990 (ضيف) 20:10 ,2011 تموز 24

There's only one true equation it s coward + deserter + traitor = Aoun

Missing hmorsel 20:35 ,2011 تموز 24

Aou Aou Aou Aou Aou
the dog barks again, unfortunatly a lot of brain dead people still listen to this fool

Missing selene 22:25 ,2011 تموز 24

omggggggg so all along THIS is what Lebanon's future hangs on?? omg thank god for el generaleeeeee all this time I thought democracy the rule of law and equality for all people were the future of Lebanon. Well, this clears it up! Where do I sign up with the FPM? *facepalm*

Missing arze1964 22:30 ,2011 تموز 24

can someone please explain to me ... How a broke General , living in France for 15 years..(hidding from Syrians), moves back to Lebanon, suddenly lands a mansion in the Rabbieh, a TV station, a newspaper ect.. oh Armani Suits...
is this corruption or just business as usual ? or maybe funds from Iran ?
you want to tackle corruption crazy General, start cleaning up your ofwn house first before looking at others.. as for the Miqatti clan, who made their money n the ealry 90's by selling cell phone services illegally in Lefbanon ....got a message for you Mr. Traboulsi..one wrong move and all of your assets in the West will vanish , then you will go from being a billionayyyre to iranian payroll .. so think twice , which i am sure you already know..

Default-user-icon Mike (ضيف) 22:30 ,2011 تموز 24

every time i see an article that starts off with Aoun saying something i know im in for a fun time lmao

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (ضيف) 22:33 ,2011 تموز 24

Aoun is not worth the time wasted to respond.
The blame falls on those who still support his lies.

Thumb loveandpeace 22:53 ,2011 تموز 24

No one can blame this guy, he is a fool. The people to blame are the ones who vote for him. He and his friends are going to drag us into a war that will only serve them. He likes French history but he does not understand he was not Napoleon in 1989 and he is not deGaule now, he is merely a Petain. At least Petain was a hero in his previous wars. He doesn't give a toss about Lebanese people, he is a trigger happy cretin. God save us!!!!

Default-user-icon PIERRE (ضيف) 01:42 ,2011 تموز 25

Really, how can you take this guy seriously? What allies is he talking about? Syria, Iran and HA. Really people is this the types of models we want our Lebanon to be like.

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 10:45 ,2011 تموز 25

The damage to our freedom and democracy in general, and Christian survivability in particular caused by Aoun premeditated actions will take generations to fix. In the last elections the majority of Christians voted against Aoun's party, and today there is no doubt Aoun is the most hated person among Christians. His ego has been inflated by Hizb arms playing on his mental instability and known obsessions to destroy Lebanon's freedom and liberal democracy that have distinguished Lebanon for generations. He has managed in few years to split Christians, justify Hizbollah's wars and takeover of Lebanon, resurrect Assad's hegemony in Lebanon, and is the king of corruption and nepotism using influence peddling to achieve his objectives. All civilized nations have recognized political influence peddling as the worst form of corruption. When would Lebanese realize the same? Hopefully before the iron curtain of oppression and tyranny engulf the country!

Missing lebanese 10:49 ,2011 تموز 25

It always make me smile there famous mou3adala : "al jaych wa al chaa3eb wa al moukawama". I can understand that some people think it could be true but i don't understand who a former army general can fall in such a trick. In addition he lived in france for many years and i am speaking about this or a reason, france was occupied during the second world war by nasis and develloped a very active and millitary resistance against the occupant but when their country was liberated, the resistance disappereared and the legal french army remained the only defendant of the country,this is on example from many others in human history that shows us how people should behave in a true republic, so i am amazed how GMA who lived in france for many years didn't learned any thing from this country.

Default-user-icon aegaeg (ضيف) 22:15 ,2013 أيلول 20

gaga is the worst of all