الجميل يؤكد عدم التساهل بما يمس السيادة: سنواجه حزب الله بالحكومة

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شدد رئيس "حزب الكتائب اللبنانية" أمين الجميل على ان حزبه لن يتساهل في كل ما يمس القضايا السيادية والوطنية، مؤكداً أنه ستتم مواجهة الخلاف مع "حزب الله" على طاولة الحكومة.

وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده في بكفيل بحضور وزراء الحزب والمهنئين بالحكومة الجديدة، ظهر الاحد، لفت الجميل الى أنه معلوم ان الحكومة الجديدة "لن تحقق المعجزات نظراً إلى الصعوبات وإلى حجم التناقضات في داخلها بالاضافة الى أمدها القصير بسبب انتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية، التي نصر على ضرورة حصولها في موعدها الدستوري".

الا انه شدد على ان "المطلوب منها أن تحقق على الأقل التضامن بين مكوناتها لكي تحقق الحد الادنى من الاستقرار والهدوء والنهوض في البلاد".

وأشار الى ان "حزب الكتائب" سهّل تشكيل الحكومة وشارك فيها "لأننا لا نحب الفراغ ولا نحب التهرب من المسؤولية واذا كان هناك من خلاف مع الآخر نحاوره".

وأضاف قائلاً "نحن على خلاف مع حزب الله لكن لا نهرب من وجهه على طاولة مجلس الوزراء"، موضحا أن "معركتنا كانت على أساس مبادىء لا حقائب، ولن نقبل بأي تساهل في الأمور السيادية من حصرية السلاح إلى عدم التورط في حروب الاخرين".

كما أكد أنه لن يتم التساهل بـ"كل ما يمس بقضايا السيادة والكرامة الوطنية في البيان الوزاري وموقفنا سيكون واضح جداً، وسنعمل لكي يكون حسب طموحات الشعب اللبناني.".

وتابع "المعركة تكون من ضمن المؤسسات لا في الشارع لأن الجميع يعرف نتيجة المعركة في الشارع"، ولفت الى أنه "لدينا استحقاقات كبيرة تتعلق بالمجتمع الدولي ولبنان معني فيها ونعلم جيداً ما الذي يجري في سوريا في حين أن لا أحد يدافع عن الحق اللبناني في المحافل الدولية، وكيف من الممكن أن نسمح بهذا الفراغ وأن يكون لبنان مغيب عن المحافل الدولية، سواء كان ما حصل في جنيف أو في غير جنيف".

الى ذلك، وجه الجميل التحية الى رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري، على "الجهود التي بذلها من أجل تشكيل الحكومة، كما على خطابه في ذكرى 14 شباط الذي يتوافق مع مبادىء حزب الكتائب".

وأعطى الجميل الأولوية للحكومة ومن ثم إنشاء لجنة وزارية لصياغة البيان الوزاري، كاشفا ان "الوزير سجعان القزي سوف يمثل الكتائب في صياغة البيان الوزاري ضمن اللجنة الوزارية المذكورة".

وعن العلاقة مع حزب "القوات اللبنانية"، أكد الجميل انها "ممتازة ولم يؤثر اي يوم الخلاف في وجهات النظر على العلاقة بين الحزبين".

وأعلن أننا "على وفاق تام مع الرئيس ميشال سليمان او على الأقل يدا واحدة معه في هذا الخندق"، موضحا أنه "فور الإنتهاء من هذه المرحلة سوف نعيد التواصل مع القوات اللبنانية".

يُذكر انه وبعد عشرة أشهر من استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي، نجحت المساعي والمشاوارت، على الرغم من العراقيل، بالإعلان حكومة تمام سلام الجديدة الجامعة، السبت وفق مبدأ المداورة، التي أطلق عليها سلام اسم "حكومة المصلحة الوطنية"، متعهداً بعملها على تأمين الاستحقاق الرئاسي بموعده، فضلاً عن اقرار قانون انتخابي جديد.

التعليقات 29
Thumb popeye 13:37 ,2014 شباط 16

LOL.... Hizb of terror understands only one language.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:21 ,2014 شباط 16

hezbollah is capable of violence, tremendous violence indeed. but with all Lebanese partners they speak the language of tolerance, patience, openness. Even with those who keep provoking and insulting. Their arms are for defending lebanon, whether against the israeli cancer or the takfiri terrorists.

however, i dont see how any of this is related to gemayel's speech. he wont tolerate an attempt to tamper with lebanese sovereignty? how come he didnt say anything about salam being nominated by saudis? is that what he calls "sovereign"?

Thumb popeye 15:33 ,2014 شباط 16

if salam was nominated by the saudis, why did your hizb and your shia members of parliament name him as Prime Minister in the consultations?

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:40 ,2014 شباط 16

because as i said, they seek appeasement and take conciliatory approaches. everybody knows salam went to saudi and came back with the nomination. at the time even m14 didnt try to hide it and said he had been approved by saudis.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:44 ,2014 شباط 16

many within m8 are very angry that a sectarian hater like rifi was named justice minister, a role which, more than any other, should be headed by someone impartial and just. also, alice shebtini being rewarded for freeing tens of israeli spies is a disgrace.
but m14 was determined to either have that or take the country further into chaos, so letting them have that was a sacrifice made for the country's sake.

Thumb popeye 16:11 ,2014 شباط 16

The only sectarian is you and your boss. Where and how did you conclude Riffi is sectarian? You hate him because he calls it as is. RIffi is not heading an Islamist Shia resistance nor is he in Syria defending shia villages))) You Shia hate every strong Sunni Leader. You hate the ISF because it was headed by a Sunni. Which Prime Minister did you ever like? Salim Hoss,,,LOL. Stop making a fool out of your self and try to paste your propaganda that your hizb is defending lebanon. No body is buying that)

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:18 ,2014 شباط 16

lol popeye thanks for making my point, your comment is utterly, and disgustingly sectarian. "You Shia hate every strong Sunni Leader" >> nice one, i think i'm going to save it :)

as for rifi, you call him strong why? because he continuously failed in his job for years and years? how many of the people behind the 17 assassinations between 2005 and 2007 did he catch? what did he achieve besides mutiny against ziad baroud, arming assir, and inciting fanatics against jabal mohsen?
oh yea, i see why you love him so much: he made hateful speeches against hezbollah.

Thumb liberty 16:20 ,2014 شباط 16

lol... so why are you criticizing gemayel if you claim your shiite MPs nominated him for reconciliation reasons? You never make sense mowaten-less!)

Thumb liberty 16:30 ,2014 شباط 16

mowaten-less: any evidence Riffi armed Assir other than your paid propaganda?

Thumb ice-man 17:46 ,2014 شباط 16

@HajjHussen: You know I hold you in such high regard and feel you are one of the very few posters on this site that I genuinely like, but your argument was a bit weak. Please, stay away from sectarian arguments, you are above it all haj:)

Thumb ice-man 19:07 ,2014 شباط 16

@Jaafar: Please, in the spirit of the new government, I ask you not to insult your fellow posters. As a father figure for the young generation you should set an example for others to follow. I am not going to vote you down this time in the hope my action will be an incentive for you to improve your online social skills.

Thumb cedre 19:12 ,2014 شباط 16

'just look at tripoli and akkar, rifi's regions and see how terrorism is thriving and how the state is absent.'

wow vive la logique, this guy must have very high IQ to come up to such conclusions.

akkar+tripoli = riffi's region ---> riffi & m14 = terrorist

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:28 ,2014 شباط 16

big LOL at your supposed facts anonyme, where di you get them from? care to give a source? (dont run away please!)

first of all, never did hezbollah or m8 say what you claim. if they "proclaimed" it, as you pretend, you should have no trouble giving me at least 1 source of a speech where this was said. 3, 2, 1, RUN! lol
second, the bombings were mainly in 2005 (15 bombings). in 2006 and 2007 it slowed down (1 & 3). in 2008 there were 4 bombings, 3 of which were AFTER the doha accords, so your fiction doesnt stick at first examination.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:31 ,2014 شباط 16

cedre: your hypocrisy is laughable, did you ever denounce those who accuse Hezbollah every time there is an incident in their regions? no. so you have no right to whine now, you can't have it both ways.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:57 ,2014 شباط 16

oh anonyme, you forgot to give me a source! must be the 100th time i ask you for one, and you still never delivered! i'm afraid i'm going to end up convinced you're full of it!

as for you, i dont think you need a link to reinforce your convictions, since you make up fantasies as you go. when you claim only pro-m14 were targeted, if we show you that pro-m8 were also hit, you start inventing made-up scenarios were they were actually secretly m14. lol

as for wissam eid, he never linked hezbollah to the assassination. that is again m14 fiction. nobody knows what the actual findings were. if the man had found what the STL claims to have found, what good would it do to kill him? the STL is much bigger, taking out a "secondary" confirmation would be of very little use, if any.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:58 ,2014 شباط 16

but if, however, he had found evidence that contradicts what the STL claims, which is very possible because he worked on telecom records that were from much earlier (and possibly before the israel agents edited them), then taking him out would be of paramount importance for the real assassins. think about it.

Thumb chrisrushlau 01:05 ,2014 شباط 17

"Equal rights for all Lebanese would be the end of Lebanon as we know it," said Gemayel, "and the end of Christianity as we know it."

Thumb lebinaus 06:26 ,2014 شباط 17

Flamer has got a serious LF complex ... still hurting from the slap you were told you once received?

Thumb cedars2 14:13 ,2014 شباط 16

Either violence or Farsi

Thumb popeye 11:53 ,2014 شباط 17

The terrorist party understands only one language. War!

Missing nouneh 15:08 ,2014 شباط 16

thatisit !! go home and do ur homework !!! U're age is not allowing u to speak about LEBANESE GOVERNMENT !!!

Missing thatisit 15:40 ,2014 شباط 16


Thumb -phoenix1 16:31 ,2014 شباط 16

The pen is mightier than the sword. If only they knew its virtues.

Missing cedars 16:38 ,2014 شباط 16

I will repeat again and again what I have always said, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, kidnap Israeli soldiers in 2006 then you get a war, go into Syrian to defend Assad ruthless iron fist ruling then you get car bombs in Lebanon with both example creating innocent Lebanese citizens getting killed. Everyone agrees with Hizbollah that there are AL-Qeada and Takfiris, but you fight them in a smart way by strengthening/supporting the Lebanese Armed Forces not the Syrian Armed Forces or inflict pain on our entire infrastructure simply by putting the state you live in above other states.

Thumb cedars2 17:21 ,2014 شباط 16

Another thing is when sayed deserts m8 it could mean he he cut a deal with the STL. He had better take care I think.

Thumb cedars2 17:21 ,2014 شباط 16

Nachos for everyone!

Default-user-icon LoveThrower (ضيف) 18:10 ,2014 شباط 16

Chupa chups w'bass

Thumb cedars2 18:31 ,2014 شباط 16

Hahaha... o man... The village idiot has arrived.

Thumb ice-man 19:01 ,2014 شباط 16

" بواخر تركية، ووزير طاقة ارمني، ابشروا خيرا"