الحكم بالسجن 10 سنوات على 102 من انصار مرسي "بتهم عنف"

Read this story in English W460

اعلن التلفزيون المصري ان محكمة مصرية حكمت السبت بالسجن 10 سنوات على 100 واثنين من انصار الرئيس الاسلامي المعزول محمد مرسي لاعمال عنف خلال تظاهرات.

واعتقلت السلطات المصرية الالاف من انصار مرسي واصدرت بحقهم احكاما جماعية منذ عزل الرئيس الاسلامي في تموز/يوليو الماضي.

وحكمت محكمة في القاهرة على متهمين اخرين بالسجن سبع سنوات.

وحكمت محكمة جنايات المنيا (جنوب) الاثنين بالاعدام على 683 من انصار مرسي بينهم المرشد العام للاخوان المسلمين محمد بديع في احداث عنف في المنيا.

التعليقات 2
Thumb chrisrushlau 14:38 ,2014 أيار 03

This is not as bad as it sounds. You recall the 529 who were sentences to death last month for killing the poor police officer, four hundred some of them later having their death sentences commuted to life imprisonment? They each had a share in the man's death, so they each must pay the penalty, was that judge's apparent rationale. In the present case, the judge may feel that each of the defedants had a proportional responsibility for the unrest so each should serve a proportional sentence: ten years divided by 102 gives about 0.1 year per defendant, 36.5 days in jail: a small price to pay for "liberty under law". The headline didn't say they were "each" sentenced to 10 years.

Default-user-icon Alethe (ضيف) 18:28 ,2014 أيار 03

Several of those convicted we're deceased or out of the country at the time of the protest that resulted in the man's death. Which makes a mockery of the judgement.