رعد يؤكد "لن يصل الى كرسي الرئاسة الا من يحرص على المقاومة"

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أكد رئيس كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة النائب محمد رعد انه "لن يصل الى كرسي الرئاسة في لبنان الا من يحرص على المقاومة وخيارها"، موعزا سبب تأخر انجاز الاستحقاق الى من "يتمسك برتشيح من يريد حربا أهلية".

وقال رعد الأحد: "أننا نريد رئيسا يتمسك بالمعادلة التي حققت الإنتصار لشعبنا، فلا يتخلى عنها حين يعرض عليه من الإغراءات ما يدفعه إلى التخلي عن شروط إنتصار الشعب والدولة والوطن".

وأضاف: "إذا كان هذا الإستحقاق قد أعيق تحقيقه، فبسبب أن البعض يريد ويتمسك بترشيح من يريد حربا أهلية بين الشعب اللبناني ويريد تفريطا بإنجاز المقاومة ورهن لبنان للسياسات الخارجية المعادية للبنان ولشعبه"، معتبرا ان "هذا المرشح إ لن يصل لى سدة الرئاسة أيا تكن القوى الداعمة له".

ورأى انه "لن يصل إلى كرسي الرئاسة في لبنان إلا من يحرص على المقاومة وخيارها، ويريد فعلا بناء دولة مؤسسات يحكمها القانون الذي يطال الجميع، ولا يميز بين إبن ست وإبن جارية، هذا هو كل ما نريده من هذا الإستحقاق".

وأردف: "نحن نودع عهدا لن نستعجل إعلان حكمنا النهائي عليه، وإن كان ساءنا الأداء على الأقل في الزمن الأخير من ولاية هذا العهد، لن نسمح لأحد من الداخل أو الخارج أن يحرك الوضع في لبنان بناء لمنهجية ولسياسات القوى المعادية للبنان ولشعبه".

ويرفض حزب الله رفضا قاطعا ترشيح رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع الذي نال 48 صوتا في الجلسة الانتخابية الاولى لمنصب الرئاسي، الا أن حتى اللحظة فريق 8 آذار لم يعلن عن مرشحه.

و في 22 أيار الجاري أي قبل ثلاثة أيام من انتهاء ولاية الرئيس الحالي ميشال سليمان تعقد جلسة انتخابية بعد تعطيل النصاب في الجلسات السابقة، وسط حركة ناشطة تقوم بها كافة القيادات لتجنب الفراغ.


التعليقات 19
Missing jayjay 16:48 ,2014 أيار 18

i for one would like a president who is keen on resisting the resistance.

Thumb general_puppet 19:33 ,2014 أيار 18

Jerry, the militia thinks Lebanon is the southern tip of the Iranian "Crescent" and Assad thinks Lebanon is a district of "Greater" Syria. These things are common knowledge, but the M8 slave's still cheer them on and consider these 2 proven enemies to Lebanon as a Blessing.

Thumb geha 20:04 ,2014 أيار 18

all that this terrorist Iranian extremist militia says is BS as all they want is vacuum so they can force a new Taef.
and the major traitor aoun is the tool who is helping them achieve this goal.

Thumb Elemental 20:12 ,2014 أيار 18

I see some Iranian Revolutionary Guard members disagree, not surprising.

Thumb Elemental 20:24 ,2014 أيار 18

and stop exploiting Palestinians for your personal gain.

Thumb shab 20:17 ,2014 أيار 18

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb general_puppet 20:50 ,2014 أيار 18

Hello Mr Snore, I will answer your rant in order :-)
1- I did not post that you and Flimflam are the same just that you are posting in tandem, learn how to read.
2- you have posted up to 30 comments on articles, maybe you should get a life.
3- I never tell the "world" how it should be run, you are the one that thinks he knows everything and the one that thinks that because you say so it is a fact.
4- why are you always whining about Gif's, Naharnet's, votes and multiple accounts. You have a picture of a lion and call yourself the Roar, I have a gif with a visual description of Aoun, why are you so envious? If you do not like Naharnet go someplace ells. The votes I can not help you there the M8 thumbs brigade has been missing in action for some time. The only one with Documented Multiple Accounts is momo/Crusher.

Thumb general_puppet 21:48 ,2014 أيار 18

Roro, I leave boot-cleaning & boot-licking to the M8 Professionals.

You are constantly bringing up the gif, but from one comment to the next, now you "couldn't give two stuffs"... and according to you (the man that Knows everything about everything) anyone posting with a gif is me, "is a dead giveaway" :-)

Poor pathetic windbag... stick to fantasizing about you're so called "real man of Lebanon" and self-gratification, instead of posting pompous garbage.

Thumb general_puppet 22:04 ,2014 أيار 18

"I indeed have a basement, well I prefer to call it a cellar myself. One does need a good cellar to store fine wine. But a lowlife like you probably lives in a house I could fit in my cellar."

Another gem from the_Mouse_that_Roared :-)))

We all know you live in Palace and are one of the Richest men in the world, no need to brag about it. As for HA they have no right to issue ultimatums or threats about any post. The militia is a branch of the IRG, just ask Nasrallah old boss Iranian Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi.... now go have a glass of some of that fine kangaroo wine you store in your cavernous cellar.

Missing wikileaked 22:08 ,2014 أيار 18

قال عضو كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب نواف الموسوي في احتفال تأبيني في حسينية الامام الهادي في الأوزاعي "إن عملنا من أجل الوحدة الوطنية والوحدة الاسلامية هو في سبيل تدعيم اولوية المقاومة، وبالتالي اذا دار الأمر بين المقاومة واي شكل من اشكال الوحدة فان الاولوية ستكون للمقاومة،

Thumb lebanon_first 22:10 ,2014 أيار 18

Come on man. HA is the definition of lawlessness. What country has an armed mezzanine leadership that is appointed by a foreign power that decides about war and peace?
You can like mustakbal or not like their strategies. But HA is leaps and bounds beyond them in undermining institutions and laws.

Thumb missorange 00:06 ,2014 أيار 19

I saw many grainy picture and I I was skeptical but this is the first clear picture I see of the real bigfoot now I'm a believer.

Missing peace 11:59 ,2014 أيار 19

my condoleances for the loss of your air defense chief....

Default-user-icon Taleb (ضيف) 02:34 ,2014 أيار 19

It is about time that a non "Maronite" Christian be elected and open the seat to all Christians to become president.

If the Maronite community can not get their 'house' in order and continue to quarrel over petty issues that are NOT in the interest of a greater Lebanon, then time has come to elect a stand-alone Christian!

Thumb lebanon_first 07:54 ,2014 أيار 19

Roar. In a way what u say is true. However, it does in no way negate what I say. HA is by its mere existence undermining laws and institutions in lebanon

Missing georgeskyp 09:08 ,2014 أيار 19

Guys your arguments are great if you avoid the personal Jibes. Its boring.

LF asked a valid question Roar "What country has an armed mezzanine leadership that is appointed by a foreign power that decides about war and peace?"

Do you consider that statement true or false considering the Iranians have admitted it.

Don't point to other political parties having outside influence as I agree with that statement. However none are armed and dictated too by outside powers. That only happened during the civil war.

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:05 ,2014 أيار 19

Raad : what will you do if a president is not keen on your terrorist party ? KILL HIM ? Like you did to Hariri ?

You are in no position to impose a president on us ! Now go save Bachar who is too weak to save himself !

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:25 ,2014 أيار 19

Raad : "“some parties that are holding onto the candidacy of a nominee who is seeking a civil war among the Lebanese and who wants to waste the achievements of the resistance.”

Seeking a Civil War ? Who's is capable of seeking and conducting a Civil War except the only armed terrorist party in Lebanon ? KEZBOLLAH !

You are the ones pushing the country to civil war and if you do, we free lebanese will beat you with rocks because face reality : you're the only one with weapons you lying terrorists !

Thumb Maxx 13:34 ,2014 أيار 19

...In related news, Raad rules out Lebanese independence and says Lebanon to remain an Iranian colony.