تفاهم عون-الحريري "ذهب مع الفراغ الرئاسي"
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يحرص رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون على إبقاء خطوط التواصل مفتوحة مع رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب يعد الحريري في ملف الإستحقاق الرئاسي. بينما تؤكد أوساط 14 آذار أن هذا التفاهم "ذهب مع الفراغ الرئاسي".
وأشارت أوساط التيار الوطني الحر في حديث لصحيفة "الأنباء"، الأحد الى أن "عون حريص على إبقاء باب التواصل مفتوحا مع الحريري".
لكن أوساط 14 آذار أكدت للصحيفة أن إمكانية التفاهم بين الحريري وعون حول الاستحقاق الرئاسي، "ذهبت مع الفراغ الرئاسي"، مضيفة أن "الجنرال" يريد أن يسمع مثل هذا الكلام من الحريري مباشرة، لكن الأخير يعي أن هناك من يحاول إظهاره بمظهر القيم على مواقف مسيحيي 14 آذار، لذلك طلب من عون التواصل المباشر معهم، وهو ما يعتبره عون لزوم ما لا يلزم، لأنه لا مطر بدون سحاب.
وكان عون قد أشار في حديث لقناة "المنار"، الأربعاء الى أنه يريد أن يكون ضمن "مثلث متكامل الأضلاع" مع حزب الله وتيار "المستقبل"، ملمحا إلى ضرورة انسحاب التوافق الذي تم بينهم في تأليف الحكومة على رئاسة الجمهورية.
وأفادت تقارير صحافية أن "الاستحقاق الرئاسي قد تحوّل الى "رهينة" للحوار القائم بين الحريري و عون ، والذي لم يسفر بعد عن نتائج حاسمة على مستوى حسم المصير الرئاسي لـ"الجنرال"، بحسب المعلومات الصحافية.
يشار الى أن رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أنهى ولايته الرئاسية السبت من دون تسليم أي أحد مقاليد السلطة.
وفي هذا السياق، يترأس الفراغ قصر بعبدا لحين انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية بعد فشل النواب لخمس مرات على التوالي من انتخاب رئيس.

Hello Josephani, welcome back... I see you have not been taking your pills again.

Ya Jame3a none of this matters, who did what and why and how. We need to get past that, we have to forgive, and I'm not saying this lightly, I have lost family members and I was as angry as you were if not more. Anger will only bring more heartache, more desperation and more war. This is not a hippie John Lennon style peace and flower power trip. This is the only logical meaningful starting point. We have to ask leaders for vision before we support their VISION, not their person, and when elected hold them accountable accordingly

Are you not all sick of the same bs over and over again? Do you not want the same thing, the exact same thing as the guy you insult all day? All we all want is a country where our kids can grow in dignity and peace, where parents can find work and provide, I mean who gives two damns about politics at the end of the day

Politics is a means to an end, not the end itself. This god forsaken chair in Baabda is a place of service, same as all other positions, will you please stop treating your leaders as gods and start treating them as public servants, start holding them accountable for their program, their vision, bot their bs religious hatred filled speeches

every person who had his own private militia outside the government has blood over his head oun when he deserted his men and gave himself up and ran away and his men died at point blank cause of him cause he strarted something he couldnt finish samir geagea also has blood at least he paid dearly for it 11 years in a prison practice what you preach admit reality

Do you really guys believe Aoun makes any decision? The decision was taken in Teheran to boycott. He will be assassinated by his friends if he takes a patriotic resolution.
You give him too much credit ...

Some of you comments are pathetic....GMA will be president and the Christian's pride and rights will be restored.

Consistent with his past political history, Aoun has once again overplayed his hand and has lost everything. Now for some old man, that is a disappointment that creates the picture at the lead of this article. But Aoun, who is a purported Christian political leader, when he engages in such misjudgments, not only is he the loser, but his blind followers are losers, and being a significant part of the Lebanese body politic, Lebanon loses as well by trusting their futures to this myopic, egomaniac who suffers dementia as well.

@Roary, I'm Lebanese and Christian, Aoun's being a loser means we are all losing, not just the Aouni. And I'll stop doing this when Aoun stops or when you stop believing his BS. It's all about you Roary, it's your world, we just live in it.

Now that the seat is vacant, guess what, the world did not stop turning on its axis, the sun has come up on Sunday and life goes on. The urgency of the moment to elect a president has passed with the turning of the page of the calendar. Who now will press for the election of a Christian President when the Christians themselves are beating each other up over "M8" "M14"??
The Sunni, Shia and Druze will move forward leaving the Christians in their eternal argument over succession and the vacuum in Baabda will become an irrelevant vacancy. They can tell us, "when you have a Christian consensus choice, come and see us, otherwise we have a country to run and you Christians can go and refight the Battle of Ashrafiya for the umpteenth time.

You support HA, HA publicly pledges allegiance to the Mullah, the Mulllahs are pure Sectarian Dictators ...... therefore your post praising Democracy for Lebanon is fake, hypocritical and rubbish.