قوة اسرائيلية تجتاز سياج بوابة الغجر الجنوبية

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عمدت قوة من الجيش الاسرائيلي صباح الاربعاء، على اجتياز سياج بوابة الغجر الجنوبية، وفق ما أفادت قناة "الجديد".

وأوضحت القناة ان القوة قوامها 25 جندياً، وانها اجتازت سياج بوابة الغجر الجنوبية نزولاً نحو حوض الوزاني قبالة منتزه حصن الوزاني.

ولفتت الى ان احد الجنود قام بتصوير المنتزهات، وانه شوهد مع القوة كلب بوليسي.

وأضافت ان القوة لا تزال متمركزة الى الشرق من نهر الوزاني.

وكثير من الأحيان ما تقوم القوات الإسرائيلية، باجتياز السياج الشائك وتسير دوريات او تقوم بخطف رعاة في المنطقة الحدودية، ويتم استجوابهم ثم الافراج عنهم في وقت لاحق بعد وساطة من القوات الدولية التابعة للأمم المتحدة.


التعليقات 24
Default-user-icon Trend (ضيف) 11:34 ,2014 أيار 28

w leich ba3do sekit HA??

Thumb ex-fpm 12:33 ,2014 أيار 28

because HA and Israel are allies. HA only fights and kills Lebanese and Syrians.

Thumb .mowaten. 12:48 ,2014 أيار 28

funny that the "ally" as you say, is the only one to have given severe blows to israel and repeatedly defeated it. who do you think will buy your propaganda?
a few desert simpletons stuck in the middle ages?

Thumb ex-fpm 13:05 ,2014 أيار 28

Did you vote today at the Syrian embassy or not yet?

Thumb .mowaten. 13:16 ,2014 أيار 28

no but hundreds of thousands of syrian did, showing you propagandists that they support the regime by participating in an election organized by it. what a monumental slap!!

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:05 ,2014 أيار 28

Where is the great resistance of Hassan el Kezeb to protect us from Israeli aggressions ?

This is the hundreth time Israel violates our sovereignty and the KEZB does nothing about it proving Hassan Nasrallah is a god damn liar and his followers are ignorant and idiot sheep !

If anything, they are protecting Israel !

Thumb .mowaten. 12:12 ,2014 أيار 28

Do you want them to? You have to decide, because when they do react to major aggressions, you whine and complain.
When they dont react to minor incidents like trespassing, you whine and complain.

Or wait... could it be, that NO MATTER WHAT they do, you will whine and complain?

Thumb Chupachups 12:46 ,2014 أيار 28

Roary, you watching state of origin?... is it Saudi arabia Vs Iran?

Thumb .mowaten. 12:48 ,2014 أيار 28

cheers Roar, enjoy the game :)

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:25 ,2014 أيار 28

@Roar, the only thing Mowaten will be "nailing" is you... enjoy it !

Thumb .mowaten. 17:09 ,2014 أيار 28

FC: thank god you are not in charge of our defense strategy, with such superficial thinking.

(and no eagledown, before you come yapping, "thank god" is an expression, it doesnt mean i became a believer all of a sudden)

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:37 ,2014 أيار 28

@Mowaten : What defence strategy ? Hezbollah refuses a defence strategy. In fact Hezbollah believes it can monopolize defence.

When Nasrallah will accept to discuss a defence strategy that involves a roadmap to disarming Hezbollah, maybe then can you open your mouth.

In the meantime, keep lying pitifully to justify holding onto your illegal weapons. It's all the more ridiculous.

Thumb Chupachups 13:10 ,2014 أيار 28

cheers, big ears

Thumb .mowaten. 13:15 ,2014 أيار 28

comment of the week. +1 from me

Thumb Chupachups 14:22 ,2014 أيار 28

thank u :)

Thumb -phoenix1 13:37 ,2014 أيار 28

This is the cost of a people and a nation divided, this is the collateral we are made to pay because of our utter stupidity. Everybody knows we took independence some 70 years ago, but more crucially, everybody knows that we are independent only by name and that in fact we Lebanese are fractious, divided and do not recognize ourselves in terms of nationhood but only in party-hood and sectarianism. We Lebanese will in fact fight it to the death, even if it was sun-bleached whitened bones, so, yes indeed, the Israelis will care less what we do or react to, the Syrians are even worse just as are the Palestinians. As usual they know that the most we can do, is to fight it out amongst ourselves simply because they intruded once again into our territory. So between Israeli incursions and Syrians causing traffic jams, Lebanon will as usual remain a practical joke. Yalla, laugh at our expense.

Default-user-icon in theory (ضيف) 14:16 ,2014 أيار 28

Yep, the weapons are deterrents, obviously.

Thumb theresistance4.0 16:38 ,2014 أيار 28

Lol My man Roar...perfectly said!

Default-user-icon in theory (ضيف) 17:16 ,2014 أيار 28

Yep, but nasrallah's condemned himself with " لو كنت أعلم " confirming he launched the 2006 war, he can't just take it back just because his propaganda department decided on a new rhetoric. 2000 dead in Lebanon vs 200 dead in israel one third of those israeli arab civilians, that's a victory for the math challenged.

Thumb FlameCatcher 18:30 ,2014 أيار 28

Roar, the only one crying like a little girl is u :)

Thumb FlameCatcher 20:07 ,2014 أيار 28

Like I said ... little girl : "ouh he stole a name".

You know what HA stole ? Our sovereignty, our freedom, our peace, our security, our future ... Shove it ROAR and focus on the important issues.

Missing abou.omar 16:29 ,2014 أيار 28

they are testing the credibility of hezbollah but apparently hezbollah has immigrated totally to syria

Thumb theresistance4.0 16:36 ,2014 أيار 28

So why u complaining if thats the case shouldnt u be yelling now "wheres the state? state?" or perhaps u can ask for a helping hand from ur "freedom loving" Takfir-y friends in Syria to help protect u but than again maybe ur busy brewing some tea ;)

Missing peace 21:51 ,2014 أيار 28

oh! all the M8ers are here to whine but not a single word about the 4 raids carried out by a foreign army! LOL

hypocrisy at its best with M8ers!