حرب: الإتصالات مستمرة لإيجاد حل للبنانيين ليشاهدوا المونديال

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أكد وزير الإتصالات بطرس حرب أن الاتصالات مع شركة "سما" متواصلة لايجاد حل للبنانيين لمشاهدة المونديال.

واعتبر وزير الاتصالات بطرس حرب أنه ليس من الجائز أن تبقى قضية مشاهدة مباريات كأس العالم في لعبة كرة القدم محصورة في من لديهم الإمكانات المالية لمشاهدتها وممنوعة عن عامة الناس.

وأشار في تغريدة له عبر تويتر الى أن "اتصالاتي مع الشركة صاحبة الحق الحصري في نقل المونديل متواصلة لايجاد حل للبنانيين آملا في التمكن من إعلان البشرى الطيّبة في الساعات المقبلة".

وأوضح أن اتصالاته مع شركة "سما" متواصلة، "على أمل أن تؤتي المحادثات ثمارها اتفاقا يحقق للبنانيين المحرومين من فرصة مشاهدة المباريات مطلبهم في أن يتابعوها مجانا".

زإذ أكد أنه سيطلع الرأي العام تباعا على مجريات المباحثات، أمل في التمكن من إعلان البشرى الطيبة في الساعات المقبلة، "وبذلك نكون قد رفعنا الضرر اللاحق باللبنانيين وخففنا من معاناتهم نتيجة ظروف البلد الإستثنائية".

من جهته، أكد المدير التنفيذي لشركة سما حسن الزين لإذاعة"صوت لبنان" (93.3) أننا "نحتاج ما بين 12 و15 يوما للحصول على البطاقات من أوروبا"، لافتاً الى أننا "منفتحين على أي حل شرط على ألا تتكبد الشركة المزيد من الخسائر".

وكان قد أكد وزير الشباب والرياضة عبد المطلب حناوي الأربعاء أنه "تلقى رسالة نصية عبر البريد الالكتروني من شركة Sports Bein تبلغه فيها عدم منح تلفزيون لبنان الحصرية لنقل مباريات كأس العالم".

ولفت الى انه على المواطنين شراء بطاقات "سما" من وكلاء معتمدين في كل المناطق اللبنانية وعبر الشركة والموقع الالكتروني.

لكن العديد من اللبنانيين شاهدوا المباراة الاولى الخميس على قناة "TF1" الفرنسية.

وكانت قد دفعت الحكومة عام 2010 لمحطة "الجزيرة الرياضية" (BeinSports حاليا) مبلغ 800 الف دولار اميركي كي تصل إلى كل البيوت في لبنان.


التعليقات 19
Missing phillipo 15:20 ,2014 حزيران 14

What's the problem?
The Telecommunications Minister orders the television companies to broadcast the World Cup free of charge or...........guess whose license to broadcast will be immediately cancelled.
That whole process should take anything up to a minute to carry out, and problem solved.

Thumb cedre 15:27 ,2014 حزيران 14

focus on water and electricity, that will be a good begining...

Thumb ado.australia 00:52 ,2014 حزيران 15

The communications minister will focus on water and electricity?

Thumb cedre 13:36 ,2014 حزيران 15

internet, phone network not available in some areas in the capital, anything more important than WC...

Missing peace 15:42 ,2014 حزيران 14

set up a parliamentary commission like you are used to and procrastinate... isn't that what they always do? or here by miracle they ll find a quick answer? LOL

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 16:18 ,2014 حزيران 14

What the hell is this all about. The World Cup is a money generating business. Bein sports paid a huge chunk of money to FIFA to have the broadcasting rights. Why should they give it up for free? Either the government pays them a national fee and decides to air it (which is NOT compulsory as it is not mentioned in any law that Lebanese citizens are entitled to watch the World Cup for free) or whoever wants to watch it suck it up and pay the subscription fee. That's the problem with Lebanese. They think they are entitled to things nobody else in the world is. Bottom line. Someone's gotta pay.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:49 ,2014 حزيران 14

As I said then let the govt foot the bill. But bein should not be the one that provides it for free.

Missing formerlebaniz 19:55 ,2014 حزيران 14

Hey man if you think you have it bad come to the US. We pay almost 35% of our income and get diddly squat out of it. Sorry it's not upto the government to fork the bill, however I do believe that bein is monopolizing in A BAD way the game and no it's not a business FIFA is a non-profit organization. Most of the players don't get paid for their participation.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17:52 ,2014 حزيران 14

It is up to the company that bought the broadcasting rights. They are not forced to generate revenue in one way or the other. They can do as they please.

Missing Ghazanfar 18:19 ,2014 حزيران 14

Guys and gals you can watch every WC game online live free right here, also stream previous matches. (links to more matches on the right hand side)


live games here (just scroll down for more matches)


Missing coolmec 18:20 ,2014 حزيران 14

I totally agree with you. In the USA we watch super bowl for free and in return publicity covers more than the costs involved. I wish the Lebanese companies sponsor such event instead of supporting stupid lame shows on national tv's

Missing formerlebaniz 19:58 ,2014 حزيران 14

Actually there is a major problem commercializing soccer compared to football. Football is stopped on many occasions enough to run 4-5 commercials, heck in the game there is something called commercial breaks! You can't do that in soccer it's a 45 minute non-stop action and than everybody takes a break and won't really watch the tv. So the commercial interest in soccer isn't great.

Missing coolmec 18:22 ,2014 حزيران 14

FIFA is a business entity it provides shows that the demand is so strong it can generate money
so why not?

Missing formerlebaniz 19:59 ,2014 حزيران 14

Because FIFA is not a for profit company! FIFA is a non-profit organization!!!!

Google "john Oliver FIFA" and watch the video. That'll help explain how corrupt fifa is.

Default-user-icon Horvat (ضيف) 22:00 ,2014 حزيران 14

I do not understand; nobody is blaming the Zionist Entity??!?

Missing dubailebanese 01:08 ,2014 حزيران 15

We are too busy blaming you for all the children you have killed.

Thumb FlameCatcher 00:33 ,2014 حزيران 15

@Southern : what do you mean "in Lebanon, there is no publicity or commercial campaign". On Al-Manar, maybe ... but have a look at other channels and discover the world of commercials !

Thumb freedomarch 02:26 ,2014 حزيران 15

Aslan Da7ye like cable guyes can bring it, cheap as southern..!

Missing Friedman86 06:08 ,2014 حزيران 15

All matches are not shown publicly in Europe.
Each government decides a specific quota of openly aired games. The rest of the games are given in Lots, or packages, by public bidding with FIFA, to each company that can do with them as they please.
TF1 is indeed a private network, but which airs on the TNT, the equivalent of american national TV.
So saying TF1 is a private network, buys the games, then does as they please is not completely true. TF1 can decide tomorrow that they will start charging per game watched, but i'd expect a popular uprising more violent than any arab spring in the following minutes.