المعارك متواصلة في غزة رغم الاعلان عن تمديد للتهدئة وعدد القتلى يصل إلى 1032
Read this story in Englishتواصلت المعارك الاحد في قطاع غزة وتبادلت اسرائيل وحماس الاتهام بالمسؤولية عن فشل تمديد التهدئة التي تم الالتزام بها السبت.
وقال رئيس الحكومة الاسرائيلية بنيامين نتانياهو في مقابلة مع "سي ان ان" ان مقاتلي حماس "ينتهكون وقف اطلاق النار الذي اعلنوه بانفسهم"، مضيفا ان اسرائيل "ستقوم بكل ما يلزم للدفاع عن الشعب" الاسرائيلي.
كما قال نتانياهو في مقابلة مع شبكة سي بي اس "آمل بان نتمكن من التوصل الى تهدئة دائمة لكي نتمكن من نزع السلاح في غزة".
من جهته اكد المتحدث باسم حماس سامي ابو زهري استعداد حماس للالتزام بتهدئة جديدة الاحد. وقال "استجابة لتدخل من الامم المتحدة ومراعاة لاوضاع شعبنا واجواء العيد، تم التوافق مع فصائل المقاومة على تهدئة انسانية لمدة 24 ساعة تبدا من الساعة الثانية ظهر الاحد" (11,00 ت.غ).
واضاف "ننتظر ردا رسميا من العدو".
وقال الجيش الاسرائيلي ان 22 صاروخا اطلقت من غزة وسقطت في اسرائيل في حين تمكنت القبة الحديدية من اعتراض خمسة اخرين. ولم يعلن عن وقوع ضحايا نتيجة هذا القصف.
ومع اقتراب شهر رمضان من نهايته مساء الاحد، دخل الطرفان في مزايدات ردا على طلب من الامم المتحدة بتمديد "الهدنة الانسانية" التي تم الالتزام بها السبت.
ودعا الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون مرة جديدة مساء الاحد و"باشد التعابير حزما" الى تمديد التهدئة لمدة 24 ساعة.
وكانت حركة حماس رفضت مساء السبت هذا التمديد في حين ان الحكومة الامنية الاسرائيلية المصغرة وافقت عليه. واصرت حماس على ضرورة انسحاب الجنود الاسرائيليين من المناطق التي دخلوها في قطاع غزة في السابع عشر من تموز.
واعلن رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة حماس خالد مشعل في مقابلة مع شبكة التلفزيون الاميركية "بي بي اس" ان الحرب في غزة هي ضد "المحتلين". واضاف "انا مستعد للتعايش مع اليهود والمسيحيين والعرب وغير العرب (...) الا انني لن اتعايش مع محتلين".
وسقط 11 فلسطينيا الاحد في قصف اسرائيلي شمل جنوب وشمال قطاع غزة بينهم امراة مسيحية.
وصححت وزارة الصحة في قطاع غزة الاحد عدد القتلى الفلسطينيين في العملية العسكرية الاسرائيلية، مشيرة الى انه بلغ 1032 قتيلا بدلا من اكثر من 1060 كان اعلن عنهم في وقت سابق.
وبعد ان استفاد السكان من التهدئة السبت للتمون بالمواد الغذائية فانهم باتوا يخشون استمرار الحرب هذه لفترة طويلة.
ذلك ان اي اتفاق حول تهدئة ولو كانت طويلة لن يحل المشكلة وسيكون من الضروري الدخول في محادثات لا يزال من الصعب المراهنة على نجاحها.
فاسرائيل التي اعلنت انها ضربت نحو 3600 "هدف ارهابي" منذ بدء العملية العسكرية تريد القضاء على الانفاق التي بنتها حماس مع حركة الجهاد الاسلامي.
وتؤكد اسرائيل ان الفلسطينيين في القطاع حفروا انفاقا لمهاجمة اسرائيل منها ولاقامة غرف عمليات وتخزين مختلف انواع الاسلحة.
وتقول اسرائيل ايضا انها عثرت على نحو ثلاثين نفقا ودمرت النفق الذي اتاح لمجموعة من حماس قتل سبعة جنود اسرائيليين في العشرين من تموز.
كما اكدت اسرائيل انها قتلت 320 مقاتلا من حماس خلال عشرين يوما من العمليات العسكرية.
من جهته اعلن الجيش المصري الاحد تدمير 13 نفقا بين شبه جزيرة سيناء وقطاع غزة.
واطلق الجيش المصري منذ عام عملية عسكرية واسعة في سيناء مكثفا تدمير الانفاق بين هذه المنطقة وقطاع غزة والتي تشتبه مصر واسرائيل في انها تستخدم في تهريب الاسلحة والعناصر الاسلامية المتطرفة. وجرى بالفعل تدمير اكثر من الف من هذه الانفاق في السنوات الاخيرة.
وللقبول بوقف شامل لاطلاق النار تطالب حماس برفع الحصار الذي تفرضه اسرائيل على قطاع غزة منذ العام 2006 .
وحاولت الامم المتحدة السبت مع عدد من وزراء خارجية دول كبرى بينهم وزير الخارجية الاميركي جون كيري تمديد التهدئة الانسانية 24 ساعة بعد ان تم الالتزام بها السبت لمدة 12 ساعة.
وطالب وزير الخارجية الفرنسية لوران فابيوس الاحد بضرورة التوصل "بشكل عاجل الى وقف فعلي لاطلاق النار وفتح باب التفاوض".
وافاد مسؤول اميركي رفيع المستوى ان وزير الخارجية عاد الى واشنطن وانه يواصل العمل توصلا الى وقف لاطلاق نار بين اسرائيل وحماس.
واعلنت وسائل الاعلام الاسرائيلية ان الحكومة الاسرائيلية الامنية المصغرة اجتمعت مساء الاحد في تل ابيب لمناقشة تطورات الوضع في غزة.
الا انه على اسرائيل الاخذ بعين الاعتبار الراي العام فيها حيث افاد استطلاع للراي ان 85،6% من الاسرائيليين يعارضون وقف اطلاق النار في هذه المرحلة.
وسقط للجيش الاسرائيلي حتى الان 43 جنديا وهي اعلى حصيلة منذ حرب عام 2006 في لبنان مع حزب الله.
وخلال هدنة السبت عاد الفلسطينيون الى احيائهم المدمرة، بحثا عما تبقى لهم بين الحطام.
ونصحت حركة حماس النازحين بعدم الاقتراب من المباني المدمرة جراء القصف الاسرائيلي ومن ساحات المعارك خشية من وجود اي عبوات غير منفجرة. وقال خضر سكر من حي الشجاعية الذي تعرض لقصف اسرائيلي عنيف "نخاف ان نفتح احد الابواب ونجد قنبلة".
واجبر 170 الف فلسطيني في قطاع غزة حتى الان على مغادرة منازلهم بسبب المعارك ما يمثل 10% من السكان.

Why the hell does Hamas always try to turn the world against them. Some of the West is finally starting to realize the war crimes carried out by israel and they're giving them a reason to think otherwise

no shelters for the population? with all the billions they received so far! this shows how much they really care about civilians.
this does not mean the Israelis are not worse than the Nazis!

"with all the billions they received so far".. !!?? which "billions"?

yes they got billions from iran then qatar, and they did not build shelters for the civilian population.
some poor idiot does not seem to understand the meaning of shelter and is comparing it to a un school.
a shelter can be fortified to withhold a 1000 ton bomb, provided you decide to build some to protect civilian lives.

bigjohn is an idiot. Just read our argument below. I ended up talking to myself.

you talk like israelis, trying to give the impression they are swimming in gold and deliberately neglecting civilians.
after each war they dont even enough to rebuild the houses and buildings destroyed, gaza looks more and more like a slum and lies in ruins. people get barely enough aid to survive, since israel completely destroyed their economy with the siege, they can't even farm or fish beyond extremely narrow corridors. you know how much a bunker that can withstand israeli bombs (not even talking about bunker-busters) would cost? and how many should be built for 1.8 million people who are crammed in that jail? your attempt to blame the victims for their own death is disgusting and ressembles a lot the israeli propaganda.
also, if you were following the news just a little bit, you'd know that israel prevents construction materials from entering the strip. how do you get the thousands of tons of concrete need for those bunkers? through tunnels?

Bigjohn, stop trying to sound like you're a bomb expert. You don't what types of bombs are being dropped or how much they weigh, and you keep changing the numbers like you're on a calculator and can punch in different numbers. Mowaten, if it wasn't for Hamas controlling Gaza, maybe materials would be allowed in. It's because Hamas controls Gaza that their people get no aid and are sealed off from the rest of the world. These people should kick out Hamas. And you're trying to shrink the size of the tunnels. They have very elaborate tunnels used for smuggling that can fit all kinds of things in there including building materials, livestock, zoo animals, and weapons. You know Egypt flooded Gaza tunnels with sewage to shut them down? That's what Hamas is: sewage.

Well at least let them bomb these shelters first, that way it'd show how evil they are. You can't say "there's no point in giving them shelter because they'll die anyway." That's the dumbest logic I've heard. Israel is dropping bombs on the buildings, not on the ground. Hamas has a huge network of tunnels, you're acting as if one Israeli bomb will make all the tunnels collapse.

in iraq and syria takfiris are killing mainly muslims, and exclusively arabs. many suspect baghdadi (the head of isis) was trained by CIA during his captivity.
in any case, they are indeed a cancer we need to eradicate, but this does not make the zionist cancer any more acceptable.
PS: it is the mossad that made jews flee from arab countries, because they needed to populate the colonies in palestine.
the book was banned in israel, but you can read it online

bigjohn, what is it with your obsession of Zionism? It's like your favourite cuss word. Yeah, if Jews were in a concentration camp, (they were in many concentration camps during WWII, and 6 million were killed, remember?) of course the US would come save them, given they liberated these camps at the end of WWII. So why don't they care about the Palestinians? That's a great question John. And the answer is simple: because nobody cares. Not Egypt, not Syria (which is slaughtering Palestinians in Yarmouk as I type), and not Jordan. They realise that the Palestinian cause is a lost cause especially with the terrorist organisation Hamas sheltering rockets instead of people, while it's leader lives in a five-star hotel in Qatar.

bigjohn, like you said, Arab citizens are denouncing their "Arab puppet leaders." But guess what, these leaders aren't doing anything about it. You know why? Because like I said a million times, the Arab leaders don't care about the Palestinians. They can "denounce" all they want, but that means nothing if they don't take action. They don't want to defend Gaza. There's an article today talking about Egypt destroying Gaza tunnels. Face it big john, none of the Arabs want Hamas anymore.

The question about you being an Arab was asked because you said remember the Shah. What does this has to do with Arabs. Iran is Persian not Arab. So stop crying about how all the Arabs are voicing solidarity over the Gaza crisis, and at the same time worship Khomeini the radical sociopath who founded an Islamic "republic" that doesn't even allow people to go on Facebook (or is that Syria? Whatever same thing).

Hating Israel does not mean you have to support the Palestinians. The Palestinians destroyed Lebanon. They were the ones who caused civil war, then in 1978 brought Israel into Lebanon because of its Coastal Road Massacre in northern Israel, remember that? If you're a true Lebanese, you would see that both the Palestinians and Israelis have destroyed Lebanon and you shouldn't sympathise with either of them.

Let these people fight and kill each other, they will always hate each other. They will never make peace. You people just let your hatred of Israel cloud your judgment when you don't consider that Syria and Palestine were enemies just as much as Israel. Israel bombs Lebanon, Palestinians put Lebanon in civil war, and Syria occupied Lebanon for 30 years. And for you to defend one of these enemies is stupidity. Screw all of them.

If you even respond, big john, you're denying that all these people are/were enemies to Lebanon. Let Israel eliminate Hamas, let the Palestinian Authority take over Gaza, and let them try to make peace. Hamas is the only legitimate excuse Israel has right now. But after, Israel needs to step up to the table regarding the settlements in the West Bank. Time will tell, but for now quit your whining and quit sympathising with people who ruined Lebanon.

Peace between the two is almost impossible, just talking about the settlements in West Bank. But peace IS impossible with Hamas controlling the Gaza Strip. Israel has made it very clear that it will not accept Hamas to be a factor in any peace negotiation/two-state solution. If Hamas is gone, then the pressure will be back on Israel. Isn't that what you anti-Zionists want, for Israel to have no excuses to ignore peace?? That's what I want. Because I hate both of them, they need to make peace so retarded people stop taking sides on this forum.

I'm not with LF, nor am I a "fascist" whatever it is you're referring to. And of course the LF didn't fire a shot at "Israeli enemy" because Israel helped LF fight the Palestinians. And again, why are you defending the Palestinians over Lebanese?

And what does this article have to do with Geagea? I never mentioned him in any of my comments on this article. I don't care what you think about Geagea anyway, it's irrelevant to this article. But if you're not attacking him and calling him an Israeli, then why are you attacking me, who just wants a Lebanon free of Palestinians, free of Syrians, free of Israelis, free of takfiri, and free of the "resistance."

bigjohn, you're always trying to change the subject. Why can't you stay in a real debate? You have ADD? Or you just can't refute anything I'm saying, so you just switch the subject. I'm not not a Zionist, I'm a Lebanese American who wants Lebanon to be left alone. I want a Lebanon where people stop thinking like we're in the Stone Age. I want a Lebanon where people don't sympathise with others who destroyed our country. I want a Lebanon where people keep its country out of foreign conflicts. What do you want Johnny? It doesn't seem like you want anything I just said, simply because you're defending these Palestinians.

bigjohn, stop trying to run away. Geagea is not defending the Palestinians. Did you hear his speech, or see the article? He doesn't mention anything of the Palestinians. Sleep on this

Thanks in support of sharing such a nice thinking, post is fastidious, thats why i have read it completely