الرئيس الروسي:هناك بعض المتطرفين والإرهابيين في صفوف المعارضة السورية

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قال الرئيس الروسي ديمتري مدفيديف انه يتعين توجيه "رسالة قاسية" لكل الاطراف في سوريا بما فيها المعارضة، معتبرا ان بالامكان وصف بعض اعضائها بانهم "ارهابيون"، وذلك في مقابلة مع شبكة يورونيوز.

وقال مدفيديف في هذه المقابلة التي اجريت الخميس وستبثها الشبكة الاخبارية ومقرها فرنسا صباح الجمعة أي مساء الخميس بتوقيت لبنان "اعتقد انه اذا قررنا توجيه رسالة قاسية الى سوريا، سيتعين علينا ان نقوم بالامر نفسه حيال المعارضة. ان الذين يرددون شعارات مناهضة للحكومة هم اناس متنوعون. ان البعض منهم، هم بوضوح، متطرفون. حتى ان بالامكان وصف اخرين بانهم ارهابيون".

واكد الرئيس الروسي "صحيح، نعترف بان مشاكل تحصل في سوريا. اننا نعي الاستخدام غير المتكافىء للقوة، وندرك العدد الكبير من الضحايا، وهذا امر نشجبه".

واضاف مدفيديف "اننا على استعداد لدعم مختلف التوجهات، لكن ينبغي ان لا تكون قائمة على ادانة احادية لاعمال الحكومة والرئيس بشار الاسد. ان مصلحة روسيا من اجل مثل هذا الحل تكمن ايضا في ان سوريا بلد صديق نقيم معه علاقات اقتصادية وسياسية جمة".

وتقول الامم المتحدة ان اعمال العنف شبه اليومية في سوريا اوقعت 2200 قتيل على الاقل منذ بداية التظاهرات في منتصف اذار، وهم في غالبيتهم من المدنيين. ويقول النظام في المقابل انه يقاتل "مجموعات ارهابية مسلحة".

وتجمد روسيا الحليف القديم لسوريا ومزود الاسلحة لهذا البلد، صدور ادانة ضد النظام السوري في مجلس الامن الدولي منذ اشهر.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon 10452KM2 (ضيف) 00:18 ,2011 أيلول 09

Russia always supports the bad guys. Whether it's Syria, Iran, North Korea, or China, they always support evil against good. Anyways Russia can say bye bye because it will NEVER HAVE any influence in the Middle East so if it thinks it can control any political outcome, it should re-think its strategy.

Yea, sure they are all terrorists!! The people in Syria are bin laden supporters right? WRONG! Why didn't he say the protestors in bahrain or libya are terrorists how come only people in syria are terrorists? How come Russia supported the Egyptian, Libyan and tunisian revolution, but not the syrian one? Clearly a bunch of BS

Thumb Marc 00:58 ,2011 أيلول 09

is he upping his price/demand on the west to tag along? lol

Missing youssefhaddad 01:17 ,2011 أيلول 09

Let us assume medvedev is right why doesn't he ask his friend assad to allow independent observers to go in and report exactly what is going on.
All what we have seen so far is groups of cowards in military clothing stepping and beating their handcuffed prisoners.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 01:45 ,2011 أيلول 09

How low can one go? Is Medvedev actually saying that he has "deals" with the Syrian Assad family dictatorship and that he won't even condemn the on going Genocides not to lose these deals? Obviously the "economic" relations that he speaks of are mostly arms deals, basically selling Assad the military hardware he needs to brutally muder his own people in cold blood at any cost the Russians ask for just to stay in power. The Russians must unfortunately see they can benefit from overpriced arms deals to a desperate dictator that would pay just about anything to Russia to stay in Power and have them and their Chinese partners in crime VETO any UN chapter 7 resolution, even if that meant Assad wiping out the entire population. That's really sick!! I think with these words Medvedev may well have sealed his country's "economic ties'" fate with the new ME and the free world for a very long time to come.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 01:47 ,2011 أيلول 09

Only the worried and the regime that follows terror ways and mechanisms to force its will would deny public reporting from ground zero on terrorists or non terrorists.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 02:16 ,2011 أيلول 09

We have been hearing this song from Bashar for 6 months. Where are some pictures? His new media law should allow independent media from Russia and elsewhere to confirm this if true.

I think Marc is correct. He wants his navy base confirmed by the "transitional council", maybe gas drilling rights, and who knows what else on the world chess board.

Default-user-icon Abou SiSi (ضيف) 11:03 ,2011 أيلول 09

Russia is waiting only for the moment , Syria is just a card in her hands and they are waiting a good price to sold it , they always act
like this way , they are not and they wasn't a country of Honor i am sure that if America accept to give Georgia to Russia tomorow the russian Army will enter to Syria before Everybody and will destroy everything there !!111 l