بري: ليتفق الموارنة والرئيس ينتخب بأقل من 36 ساعة
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري انه من الممكن انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية بأقل من يومين في حال اتفق الافرقاء الموارنه في ما بينهم على اسم معين.
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "النهار"، السبت، حمّل بري الزعماء الموارنة مسؤولية خلافاتهم وعدم اتفاقهم على اسم يرشحونه.
وقال: "ولو حصل هذا الامر لاعتصمت وصمت واعتزلت في مجلس النواب".
وأضاف "لا أكون نبيه بري اذا لم ننجح في انتخاب رئيس في اقل من 36 ساعة".
يُذكر ان فريق 14 آذار يخوض المعركة الرئاسية بمرشحه رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، في حين يدعم رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط، مرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو، واعلن الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله ان رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون هو مرشحه للرئاسة.
ودخل لبنان في الشغور الرئاسي بعد فشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد ورفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته والقى خطاب الوداع في أيار الفائت.
Somebody needs to remind the former speaker Berri that the current existing parliament is illegitimate, and therefore does not represent the will of the people.
Now the way I view the parliament in Lebanon is rather differently then some people. The truth is parliaments in Lebanon have always been controlled and manipulated by sectarian blocks representing Lebanon's 18 major sects. However, in recent years new political reality took form and shape that divided the parliament along two major power brokers the so called March 14 and March 8. The former and the latter are totally depended on regional forces meaning in this case Saudi Arabia and Iran. Moreover, another thing that is worth mentioning is the missing "Class" analysis in all of the Parliaments that came and claimed to represent the interests of the people Lebanon.
unfortunaltely maronite leaders have been so obsessed of holding on to power. The competition among them are just based on who is going to be the boss and not on a program. From Chamoun, Edde, Pierre Gemayel, Geagea, Aoun, Amine Gemayel and so on. N
sure you just want one nominee so no challenge like a brave democrat you are... elect aoun the bashar way is so much simpler....
it is not up to you to decide who M14 nominates neither to M8... it is called democracy: repeat after me: DEMOCRACY....
and as far as justice goes geagea is clean judiciary speaking... oh! you want to change justice too? LOL
but you FEAR this election as your master aoun... otherwise he wouldn't care about who confronts him LOL
I believe the blame can somewhat be shared.We are constantly failing to see the bigger picture as a result of our hostility and disgust with one another....It is also quite sad, we can't put some of our hatred to rest and yield a bit more, for Lebanon?
poor FT.... a presidential amnesty then for you is not cleaning the slate... you d better educate yourself ...
i guess then aoun also is still guilty in your idiotic logic as he also had an amnesty , ya chater anta....
I think both Geagaa and Aoun should withdraw their names... We deserve less dispute and negativity and more unity!
@ridonkulous, you're absolutely right, both these two men should not only withdraw their names but also retire completely from politics. Let them hand over to younger and better people, and let's have our new president. Mr. Berri, you are a hypocrite, and we will get our president soon.