نصرالله يلوح بالانضمام الى "الوطني الحر" في الشارع: لا نقبل بعزل عون او كسره ولا مفر من الشراكة

Read this story in English W460

شدد الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله على أن "الشراكة الحقيقية" وحدها التي تخرج لبنان من ازماته، معولا على دور الدولة وحدها في صون الاستقرار الا أنه جزم عدم القبول بانكسار او عزل حلفائه، ملوحا بمشاركة العونيين في تحركهم الميداني ما اذا استمرت سياسة العزل ضدهم.

وقال نصر الله مساء الجمعة في خطاب لم يخلو من التصعيد ، ألقاه بمناسبة ذكرى "الانتصار" في حرب تموز "كلنا شركاء في الخوف والغبن والكل يتحدث عن الفساد والاهمال ولم يعد هناك طائفة خائفة او محرومة واخرى لا".

وأعاد القول "كلنا متساوون للاسف بالاحساس في هذا الخوف والغبن"، مشددا على ان "هذه الدولة هي الحل لا التقسيم ولا الفدرالية".

وأضاف "هذه الدولة يجب ان تكون دولة شراكة حقيقية والا لا طمأنينة بين الناس"، لافتا الى ان "الشراكة الحقيقية مطلوبة لخروج لبنان من كل أزماته".

وهنا توقف نصرالله عند موضوع التيار "الوطني الحر" ، قائلا "هناك شريحة كبرى من المسيحيين تشعر بالغبن والاستبعاد واقصد "الوطني الحر"، آسفا من ان يتم الحديث عن "كسر هذا المكون او عزله".

وهنا اعطى الامين العام جرعات دعم كبيرة لرئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون. إذ راى أن "رهان البعض على أن التحرك العوني لن يؤدي الى نتيجة، خاطىء"، مجددا بلهجة تصعيدية حاسمة موقفه من أن عون "ممر أساسي لانتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية".

كما اعلن ان "الحكومة الفاعلة ممرها الالزامي ميشال عون"، سائلا "هل من يتجاهل ويدير ظهره لديه ضمانات ان يبقى الشارع فقط هكذا، وبأن حلفاء كثيرين لن يلتحقوا او ينضموا في مرحلة من المراحل اليه؟" ملمحا من احتمال مشاركة حزب الله مناصري التيار في ترحكهم.

عليه، اكد نصرالله ان "الحوار طريق الى الشراكة وادارة الظهر ياخذ البلد الى الخيارات".

وبعد دعوته الى الحوار توجه نصرالله بنداء "مخلص" الى القيادات المسيحية في لبنان "كي تعيد النظر في موقفها من فتح المجلس النيابي، والسماح لهذه المؤسسة ان تعمل للوصول الى حلول للازمات".

وخلص الى القول "نتحمل المسؤولية ولو تخلف من تخلف ونواصل الطريق ولو تراجع من تراجع ولا تخيفنا الاكاذيب ولا الحروب النفسية".

  • 19:13 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: نتحمل المسؤولية ولو تخلف من تخلف ونواصل الطريق ولو تراجع من تراجع ولا تخيفنا الاكاذيب ولا الحروب النفسية

  • 19:11 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: الحوار طريق الى الشراكة وادارة الظهر ياخذ البلد الى الخيارات واجد من المصلحة ان اوجه نداء مخلصا للقيادات المسيحية في لبنان ان تعيد النظر في موقفها من فتح المجلس النيابي ونسمح لهذه المؤسسة ان تعمل للوصول الى حلول للازمات

  • 19:08 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: هل من يتجاهل ويدير ظهره لديه ضمانات ان يبقى الشارع فقط هذا الشارع وبان حلفاء كثيرين لن يلتحقوا او ينضموا في مرحلة من المراحل

  • 19:08 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: لنقف الى جانب حلفائنا وكي نساعدهم خياراتنا مفتوحة فمن قال اننا نتجاهل الداخل ونغض نظر عنه

  • 19:06 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: الحكومة الفاعلة ممرها الالزامي ميشال عون

  • 19:05 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: عون ممر اساسي لانتخابات الرئاسة وملتزمون بهذا الموقف

  • 19:04 ,2015 آب 14

    نصر الله: لن تستطيعوا ان نعزلوا عون او تكسروه

  • 19:03 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: قلنا سابقا اذهبوا الى الحوار فتجاهلوا وذهبوا الى الاستفزاز والبعض يراهن ان هذا التحرك لن يؤدي الى نتيجة وهذا تفكير خاطىء

  • 19:03 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: اريد ان اثبت كما في السابق ان نحن في لبنان لا نقبل ان يكسر اي من حلفائنا او يعزلوا خصوصا الذين وقفوا معنا في حرب تموز

  • 19:03 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: هناك شريحة كبرى من المسيحيين تشعر بالغبن والاستبعاد واقصد التيار الوطني الحر ويتم الحديث عن كسر هذا المكون او عزله وهذا مؤسف

  • 19:00 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: الشراكة الحقيقية مطلوبة لخروج لبنان من كل ازماته

  • 19:00 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: هذه الدولة يجب ان تكون دولة شراكة حقيقية والا لا طمأنينة بين الناس

  • 19:00 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: كلنا شركاء في الخوف والغبن والكل يتحدث عن الفساد والاهمال ولم يعد هناك طائفة خائفة او محرومة واخرى لا كلنا متساوون للاسف بالاحساس في هذا الخوف والغبن وهذه الدولة هي الحل لا التقسيم ولا الفدرالية هما الحل

  • 18:58 ,2015 آب 14

    نصرالله: عقلية الطائفة القائدة او التيار والحزب القائد للدولة يجب ان ينتهي

  • 18:58 ,2015 آب 14

    نصر الله نريد دولة تخدم كل مكونات الشعب اللبناني ونحتاجها وهي الضمانة في كل شيء ويجب ان ينتهي منهجية التعاطي السياسي على قاعدة الطائفة القاعدة

التعليقات 73
Thumb beatryce 18:21 ,2015 آب 14

i can assure you on the tomb of my son hadi and on the integrity of zeynib and the conscience of imamu ali that we are here to protect lebanon and not the shias.

free Bahrain
free Yemen
free Syria
free Iraq
free Egypt
free Lebanon
free Thailand
free Argentine
free Bulgaria
free Peru
free Nigeria
free Kuwait
free Beirut

Thumb canadianpaul 19:13 ,2015 آب 14

I see that you're busy right now. Tell me when you've finished swallowing Hassouna, so we can talk.

Thumb nickjames 18:22 ,2015 آب 14

Lebanon's victory, right... first of all this "war" happened without consent of the Lebanese government, and its army wasn't even involved (insert Mystic comment "the LAF fought side by side with the resistance"). As for the war itself. Most of Lebanon's infrastructure was destroyed, while Israel just had to put out fires in non-populated areas. But of course, it was a divine victory.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:27 ,2015 آب 14

Is that all you saw from it? There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:37 ,2015 آب 14

I dont remember asking for your opinon, back to your kennel ice-ex-fpm-down

Thumb EagleDawn 18:44 ,2015 آب 14

You should be hanged alongside this terrorist.

Thumb Mystic 19:15 ,2015 آب 14

The honorable Lebanese Armed Forces also supported the country during the 2006 war, their courage saved alot of civilians during the war, and they managed to evacuate lots of people, whom would otherwise be under the rubble.

Now if people say, that the Army didn't intervene in the war, they are dearly wrong nickjames, the army supported their country against the enemy.

Thumb marcus 18:27 ,2015 آب 14

الكويت.. اعتقال خلية إرهابية مرتبطة بحزب الله
resistance eih!

Thumb marcus 18:29 ,2015 آب 14

Nasrallah: Resolution 1701 was biased in favor of the enemy.
but you kissed Saniora's hands to accept it.

Thumb ashtah 18:51 ,2015 آب 14

but does he know the 'people' don't agree the road to jerusalem goes through zabadani.

Thumb ex-fpm 19:00 ,2015 آب 14

Nasrallah: Syria and its allies, including us, are not seeking to partition Syria. We are fighting to keep Syria united.

Yes you are for sure and your sectarian cleansing of syrian towns and villages is ample proof of your statement. You are fighting to keep Syria an Iranian shia state, full stop.

Thumb Mystic 19:03 ,2015 آب 14

We will all remember this glorious day, when the Resistance of Lebanon stood up against the might of the zionists, how their sacrifices safeguards us.
The ones that remember those days, are indeed emotionally moved by the beloved Sayeds speech today.
We shall never forget the true patriotic Lebanese that stood behind their Resistance and their country against the enemy "Israel."
Without the divine victory in August 14. 2006 then Lebanon would've been part of Greater Israel today, I know that the March 14 alliance wished the Resistance to be destroyed at that given time, but their wishes failed to succeed, just like they failed to succeed when the takfiris wanted to take over.
The Resistance today are also making glorious & sacrifices and battles to safeguard Lebanon and the region from becoming part of the Al Qaeda Emirates and ISIS state.

May Almighty God protect & guide our Resistance.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:03 ,2015 آب 14

marcus: Thanks for clarifying that, your answer is typical of someone who is unable to back his claims.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:06 ,2015 آب 14

When you say he lives in an underground bunker you're making an assumption that you're unable to verify. As always everything you say is based on random assumptions.

Thumb barrymore 19:32 ,2015 آب 14

this guy is a troll and has no argument. So what does he do: he questions every single thing you say in order to draw you into a futile debate. No Nassralah lives at the Phoenicia hotel and this troll knows his room number too.
Watch by tomorrow morning or the end of this evening how many votes he will get, how many posts will remain on this article, and how many screen names will appear. At the end of the day he and his likes are here to make sure that all reasonable comments are deleted and /or voted down to give the impression that he and his terror party have support even on a M14 site.

Default-user-icon rami abu nasr (ضيف) 19:57 ,2015 آب 14

mowaten how do you manage all these votes. Your comments are lousy to say the least, yet your 'fans' still vote you up.

Thumb canadianpaul 19:13 ,2015 آب 14


Missing humble 19:17 ,2015 آب 14

So, now Ebola is coming to rescue the failed Caporal....wow, what an evidence and a recognition that the Caporal is terminated.

Thumb galaxy 19:17 ,2015 آب 14

Nasrallah: We must find solutions to all our problems. But a major problem is that a significant segment of Christians in Lebanon is sensing marginalization and elimination.

When you marginalized the sunnis and installed a puppet PM named Miqati you did not show the same concern you are showing now.
disgusting sectarian creature!

Missing humble 19:18 ,2015 آب 14

National Unity...living together....coexistence...such words are beautiful, but sorry I do not believe your words when your actions are destroying the Institutions...

Thumb shab 19:21 ,2015 آب 14

Filthy murdering militia

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:44 ,2015 آب 14

stop insulting the LF habboob

Thumb -phoenix1 19:22 ,2015 آب 14

(1). Mystic, you said, "We will all remember this glorious day, when the Resistance of Lebanon stood up against the might of the zionists, how their sacrifices safeguards us", unquote. Sure man we will all remember that day when your Sayed provoked an implacable enemy and how 1000s and 1000s of the people of the South and beyond fled the war created by your genius. We remember how our schools and homes and depots were opened for you people, we remember how we stood by you. Yes, we also remember your martyrs, they are also ours, but that was in 2006, even though Sayed Hassan is the one who started the war, still, we Lebanese did not question, we stood as one. But that ya Mystic was in 2006, we were still literally all behind the Resistance of yesterday, today is 2015, we've seen thereafter what your Sayed did, how he invaded West Beirut and unsuccessfully attempted to do the same with other parts of Lebanon.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:23 ,2015 آب 14

(2). Mystic. Only God knows what Hezbollah did to assassinate its Lebanese political opponents. Sayed Hassan went to war for Syria later on, then to Yemen bringing the specter of Islamist fundamentalism to our country. You may call this speech as whatever you want, people like me will reply that it's another chance for Sayed Hassan to rant and distort history once more. On the 15 August 2006, after the efforts of several world leaders, starting with the efforts of the then PM Siniora, whose boss you assassinated one year before, had it not been for him, Hezbollah might well have disappeared for good. On August 15, 2006, the day of our Virgin Lady, Shiites all over Lebanon kneeled and thanked all those who helped and also helped end the war. But one day after, they were yelling, "Labayka ya Sayed".

Thumb -phoenix1 19:26 ,2015 آب 14

(3). Throwing stones into the well that satiates you is certainly not a wise thing to do, you may celebrate today another fake victory as usual, but you know that just a bird's flight from Lebanon, you are bleeding like hell. Now feel free to rant again about my being whatever that takes your fancy, create as many trolls as you wish, give them new names, you and your forum friends, insult as much as you want, it won't change a thing, your Sayed has a TV station, talking rubbish is literally free, but these days a lot fewer people even bother to tune into Al Manar anymore.

Missing humble 19:26 ,2015 آب 14

So beautiful speech...really, I mean "music to the ears"...but you need to prove what you say:
1- Get out if Syria
2- Give your weapons to the LAF
3- Become a true LEBANESE party independant from Iran
4- Change your Chart where it is mentioned several times your objective of creating an Islamic Republic
5- Start acting for a true and National Unity while respecting the Constitution and the National Pact.

Missing humble 20:04 ,2015 آب 14

You are not answering the questions...running away as usual...

Missing humble 20:05 ,2015 آب 14

I have the Chart in Arabic, English and French...may be you have it in another language...

Thumb Mystic 19:31 ,2015 آب 14

We shall also not forget the corrupted cowards such as phoenix, whom claimed to be patriots, but stabbed their fellow Lebanese in the back and sided with the Zionist enemy.

Whilst Lebanon were being bombed to pieces, the cowards of March 14 alliance told the patriots of Lebanon to drop their arms and surrender to the enemy!

Thumb joebustani 19:38 ,2015 آب 14

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts extreme pain and unbearable suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:43 ,2015 آب 14

Mystic, again you said, "We shall also not forget the corrupted cowards such as phoenix..." end of quote. Mystic, you've gone mad, I predicted it. You can leave this forum and stay away for 10 years then come back, you won't change, you're so predictable, obviously you cannot accept criticism, yet you claim to protect minorities, duh. OK, now let's see what new troll names you'll invent, and how low you will get with your insults, the field is all yours, the one talking is your Sayed anyway and you his children make fine examples and specimen for all to see. Show the world your intolerance, show the world your sewer levels, yalla, insult, label people, this is naturally associated with your thug side, Sayed Hassan should be proud of you ya Mystic.

Thumb barrymore 19:44 ,2015 آب 14

i agree phoenix, it is repulsive.

Default-user-icon Zouhair (ضيف) 19:44 ,2015 آب 14

Hasan ! Another annual speech ?? T3ibna ya zalami arent you sweting in your hole down there ? Tla3 already and invade the Galil ,come on were all waiting for you including the zionist ,but as it says dog bark doesent bite yalla khallisna bla bla bla....see you next year

Thumb -phoenix1 19:51 ,2015 آب 14

Nassrallah says - we won't allow any of our allies be DEFEATED. In Syria, they are defeated, in Lebanon, Aoun is over, but Hassan Nasrallah must speak today, it's the 15th no?

Thumb barrymore 19:52 ,2015 آب 14

don't forget yemen and bahrain too.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:01 ,2015 آب 14

@barrymore, I agree.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:54 ,2015 آب 14

@barrymore, the Hezbollah partisans that are posting here, then creating a wide variety of trolls, coupled with the trademark insults, they are only harming themselves because they are proving to everyone that they are not what they claim to be, that they are not national partners, that in truth, this is what they are, rigid intolerant people. Now everyone can see why people who once stood by them are gradually leaving them, even their one time allies in the FPM, a big number are now disillusioned by Hezbollah, HA's partisans here are the very microcosm of what is inside their hearts, especially when they are sliding down, like nowadays.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:58 ,2015 آب 14

Southern, I did not see anyone in truth who denies that Sayed Hassan and Hezbollah helped liberate the South, in fact almost everyone agrees and appreciates the sacrifices of HA's martyrs, I said it before, they are our martyrs too. But you must not ignore that Sayed Hassan has thereafter screwed by all the gains he and us all made as a nation, to the point where May 2000 is now a very distant recollection. Please do not mix issues or historical landmarks from historical catastrophes.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 19:59 ,2015 آب 14

is that a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar?

Missing humble 20:01 ,2015 آب 14

Ebola wants to rescue the Caporal, but precisely we are against the Caporal because he is a dog to Ebola...

Missing humble 20:09 ,2015 آب 14

The biggest shame falls on the Caporal when all his followers who came from all over Lebanon were less than 2000 people.
The Christians do not want to listen anymore to a mareedman, who is an agent, a corrupt, a traitor and a liar.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:03 ,2015 آب 14

@.Southern_., I guess PB could also ask you this question, if you are half an Iranian or a full one? Nothing is a one-way street.

Thumb janoubi 20:04 ,2015 آب 14

nasrallah did not liberate the South. Even if he did, he did it to create his own mini state of wilayat al faqih. Have you seen how the south has become since 2000. Sure the hezbullah mafia built many palaces etc, but the actual on the ground administration is for hezbollah and the Lebanese state is nothing in the South.

Missing humble 20:21 ,2015 آب 14

Ebola: remember that the Caporal is a LOSER. Since the day you allied with him, YOU have been losing.

Thumb warrior 20:32 ,2015 آب 14

to nassrallah, 'had I known' back in 2006 what you would say today about this divine (defeat) victory, I would have spat in your face.

Missing imagine_1979 20:46 ,2015 آب 14

And u southern, u sound like a follower of a sectarian millicia that has imposed by force its will on south lebanon and bekaa by destroing any viable secular alternative and assassinating leftist oponents..
And now ur islamist turband guy is trying to impose its will on the rest of lebanon...
Man really go hv some chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 21:09 ,2015 آب 14

Are u really a southern?
How old are u?
Can u recall how south was handeled since 2000?
Do u have an idea of how we passed from a lebanese national resistance front to islamic resistance of this sectarian millicia?
I'm not judging, just try to understand what makes u support this sectarian millicia after all this and praise it as our savior???

Thumb popeye 21:11 ,2015 آب 14

the master of deceit
the chief terrorist
the confirmed criminal
the ultimate sectarian
the devil incarnate

Thumb popeye 21:13 ,2015 آب 14

that's nothing! mowaten and flamethrower work posting propaganda on this forum and they both own villas on the French Riviera.

Thumb popeye 21:24 ,2015 آب 14

Turning to the presidential vacuum and governmental crisis, Nasrallah described Aoun as a “mandatory pathway.”

A clear indication that Aoun is no longer nassrallah's candidate for president but a "pathway"....poor Aoun;)

Thumb popeye 21:30 ,2015 آب 14

don't worry irena, mowaten will ensure that both of your posts will be deleted.

Missing imagine_1979 22:12 ,2015 آب 14

No souther it is ISLAMIC resistance as their own flag says, the patritic national resistance front was put down by this sectarian milicia the same milicia that assassinated mehdi amel, the same milicia that assassinated comunist, leftists and lebanese patriots to rule south lebanon....
Stop ur nonesence, yes they did take part in resistance to israel and that's a duty to every patriot but that doesnot mean that they can do what they want, be above the law, have their own milicias, prisons, tribunals, comunication network...engage in wars in syria irak maybe yemen and god knows where...

Missing coolmec 22:15 ,2015 آب 14

I have been reading your comments for a while now and I used to laugh at these comments consisting of insults back and forth. On a serious note it is sad and actually quite demeaning to see Lebanese insulting each other playing the mutual blame be it M8 or M14. I wish you guys start discussing each other point of view in a nice and civilized manner.
Can I hope to see a light at the end of this dark tunnel PLEASE??

Missing imagine_1979 22:15 ,2015 آب 14

And by the way under the banner of ya hussein in syria and irak to show us how secular and progresist they are...
Really southern?...

Missing coolmec 22:17 ,2015 آب 14

I mean Mowaten, Mystic, Phoenix, Ex Fpm Humble. pajama boy and others
I wish you try to presents each of your view in a nice and civilized manner. Perhaps it can lead to all Lebanese to finally reach a true and genuine consensus

Thumb -phoenix1 03:10 ,2015 آب 15

Coolmec, as far as I am concerned, I am doing my very best to present my arguments in a civilized way, and I am sure that I also speak on behalf of Humble, PB, Ex FPM, but in as far as Mowaten and Mystic are concerned, you can see with your own eyes. Then Coolmec, who do you think is trolling us here but them M8ers. And what about the thumbing activity by them? I believe dear Coolmec you got it a bit wrong here.

Thumb liberty 22:40 ,2015 آب 14

Aoun: There will be a tsunami if they don't heed my demands.

I guess sophia_angle was right!

Thumb -phoenix1 03:29 ,2015 آب 15

Liberty, the only tsunami we have is that smelly mountain of trash, that's all sadly.

Thumb liberty 22:44 ,2015 آب 14

flamethrower aka hala...
It was the security council and the U.N that insisted on the deployment of the Lebanese army in the south as part of the 1701 resolution which your terrorist just said was biased. The LAF were not allowed to enter the south before the defeat of your hizb at the hands of Israel.

Missing coolmec 22:47 ,2015 آب 14

the tsunami has been hitting Lebanon already but in a different way. Not via the ocean but via local garbage...lol

Default-user-icon guest (ضيف) 22:56 ,2015 آب 14

"Only dialogue can lead to partnership."
"General Aoun is a mandatory pathway for an active government."
"General Aoun is a mandatory pathway in the presidential elections"

Missing imagine_1979 22:58 ,2015 آب 14

People who were asking to deploy the army in south lebanon after 2000 were treated of "traitors" by hezbos and co...
Are u a complete retard hala...

Missing humble 01:42 ,2015 آب 15

Caporal has made of the Christians DHIMMIS (protected by Ebola)....the demonstration proved by the small number of less than 2000 that he and his party do not count any more. We hope to have quick elections for the deputies to show that even the Caporal will not be elected.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:06 ,2015 آب 15

Irena, the admins usually sleep during work, and they sleep even longer during weekends, haven't you noticed the M8 trolling here?

Thumb -phoenix1 03:13 ,2015 آب 15

Irena, that admin.gemayel is another M8 troll, don't mind him, you are most welcome, please feel free to express your views as frankly as you wish, we all appreciate different opinions, at the end of the day, we're here to learn from one another. Cheers.

Thumb -phoenix1 03:18 ,2015 آب 15

Yaaa Sayed Hassan, now about that Divine Victory of yours, do as the Jews do, wrap it in a paper and stuff it into the wall of lamentations in Jerusalem and whilst you are at it, don't forget to make a wish. Then about you friend Aoun, I am truly afraid that he is over and done with, you ya Sayed Hassan have screwed up what was left of his brains, now just look at what you've done. Then stop threatening, take to the streets if you wish, who gives a sh*t anyway, but just don't forget, the majority of the Lebanese are sick and tired of your rubbish, and you are no longer welcome in most parts of Lebanon, you just try your luck again and see what you could get this time. Lame Duck sheikh.

Thumb liberty 03:47 ,2015 آب 15

It is my opinion that Iran has given Nassrallah his marching orders: Aoun will not be president but a maker of the president.

We are also heading for a constituent assembly. Aoun is a tool of hezbollah and Iran. Nassrallah has pitted him against the Sunnis of Lebanon and Future movement but he has failed so far to draw Hariri in. He has been trying to get PM Salam to resign in order to paralyze the last functioning institution. When that happens and in the absence of any functioning institution,
Aoun and Nassrallah will call for a constituent assembly to change the constitution.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:45 ,2015 آب 15

@irina.dobrevece, one of the latest M8 trolls, cowards like are sewer rats. Hmmm... who could it be doing all this rubbish, hmmmm.....why bother, a sewer rat is a sewer rat....yalla, try another troll name ya habileh

Thumb -phoenix1 03:24 ,2015 آب 15

Southern, when I said that Sayed Hassan has the tendency to screw up things after he does good is to base it on hard evidence. In May 2000 after Israel withdrew from South Lebanon, Hezbollah could have returned back to the fold, handed over entirely matters to the state and the army, thence Israel would have no reason to try anything else in Lebanon. On our Eastern flank, again, HA did another wantonly monumental mistake, it got into a war that is not ours at any stage, thus it brought the monster to us, but thankfully our beloved army has shown its mettle beyond the slightest doubt.

Thumb Machia 11:08 ,2015 آب 15

Aoun the Hun and Hassan "genghis" Khanallah...barbarians and the end of what is left of Lebanese civilization. They are disgusting filth that should be exported to an Iranian landfill.

Default-user-icon Mahdi (ضيف) 12:38 ,2015 آب 15

“But a major problem is that a significant segment of Christians in Lebanon is sensing marginalization and elimination,” Nasrallah lamented, referring to Aoun's FPM.
Of course they should feel "marginalized". All kids with learning disabilities feel that.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:26 ,2015 آب 15

nata2 zakariah...

Thumb beiruti 04:50 ,2015 آب 16

Aoun, the great Christian leader and he only finds an ally among Iranian Shia. He is such a fraud, as is his ally. They make demands for action, but in reality. They want no action. They want everything to stay stagnant and paralyzed so that Hezbollah's grip on the country can take deeper roots.